
Showing posts from 2014



Assalamualaikum, I love my family. and i missed them so badly. And it's kill me. But, I can't go back and see them.. Life is so cruel. They separated us. Huhuhuuu... ...Morning drama. But, I hope in next February to meet them. end of February too more specific.  And I'm done applying annual leave 5 days a row.  Hopefully they approved it. Aamin. The perfect time I choose to deal with my sister delivery date. Gonna see a baby, Welcome on board. Shahrudin's generation. Subhanallah. Babies..  they are too cute as ribbon! : ) So, two month to go... Get ready and be prepared.  Excited. Overdose! And it's true... Feel it, cause you can. Cause you have them. Your parents. Your siblings. You love them. And they love you too.

My family @ malacca, yo!

Assalamualaikum... Last week, my friend (I called her, Emy) and I met my family at malacca. Mereka gerak pepagi daripada johor. And arrived around 2pm. I pulak baru gerak daripada kerja kol 2 pm, and sampai there about 5pm. But I'm faster than my older brother yang stuck kat highway lagi... Even we're from same place...kl. And as I know ... Malacca trip nih special treat tok both of my parent..  bagi diorang hepi hula-hula setelah asyik dok umah jer. And they spent time there until monday... Me? not sure. Orait, next... Memandangkan kami out of plans, we're just flow the heart... and I called it, makan time!!!! Tempat makan yang femes op kos la umbai/umai??? Donno how to spell it. Memandangkan lagi kami just terjah and not do any reservations... Kenalah, tunggu.. tungguu.. tunggu la weihhh... And it's freaking Saturday evening plus school holiday...some more. Oh my stomach!!! Alhamdulillah, After fifteen minutes (tepat) ... we get a place and c...

Amazing Al-Quran

Assalamualaikum,  Yesterday, semasa aku hendak balik kerja around 3pm...Hurm, a lot of case lately.  Jalan menuju ke rumah kena tutup sebab pekerja majlis pembandaran tengah potong pokok.  So, macam okaaaaaay. Patah balik and menuju ke LRT berdekatan. Here we go! Mana nak pergi? So, aku just decide gi KL Central. Lapooo... Memula, aku ingat just nak grab Burger King.  Tapi big escalator menuju ke one of the shopping mall kat situ lagi me-ne-ru-ja-kan. And yes, i go there. Top of it... aku makan KFC.  Alone. Really bad huh? And after that, time nak turun... I seen MPH bookstore! I love reading. And tinjau-tinjau... beautiful place. Smart and teratur. I like! One hour later, aku mula boring, Try usha Islamic site.  Niceee.... And i find this: And i bought it.  Yessss... Finally, i get what i want. And, ada hikmahnya. I came here and met this special book/Kitab. Love it x200.... ...

Surah al Baqarah: 23-24

Assalamualaikum semua. We met again in this 3rd of Muharram 1436H... Alhamdulillah, Panjang umur. Murah rezeki. Sweettt... So basically, I like to share something amazing and beautiful about the ayah (ayat) in Quran. That I read yesterday morning. Really, Sunday morning? Yeah.... What to say. Flashback: As tahun sebelum-sebelumya, aku baca Quran macam biasa, But, this year of hijrah... I still baca but, but.... better in understanding it's meaning! Great ya know. Even sometime rasa ralat 'cause only dapat one page per day... Semata-mata betul-betul nak memahami every single words. But... And i love how is it flow. : ) And go back to the main part, Let's refer to ayah 23-24: Nah, i give double translation...bahasa and English. Peace! I don't want to know what you faham from this ayah, But to me... i can see how greatest Allah is, charming Quran is... Cause the truth/fact is, until now... non other powerful human now or even fr...

Salam maal hijrah 1436H

Assalamualaikum, : ) Alhamdulillah, Masih diberi nafas baru, Masih kesempatan untuk melayari nikmat hidup. Masih diberi peluang membuka 'new book'  bagi menggubah diri ini menjadi muslim/muslimah yang lebih baik. Alhamdulillah sekali lagi. And... I had some words to say in memorizing 1435H. That i already posted in my FB : We're smiling but we're close to tears, even after these years. (yeah, for every single sin that kadangkala kita sedar ataupun tidak) And the whisper in your ear saying 'set it free'. (setiap keinsafan ialah melalui... melepaskan apa yang kita punya) And a word on your mind today, is forgiveness. (dan satu ayat untuk hari ini dan untuk selamanya ialah sebuah kemaafan...ikhlas) Salam maal hijrah kepada semua.

Perbelanjaan kewangan mengikut Quran

Assalamualaikum, I like to share a very nice video with you'll. It's about bagaimana kita perlu belanjakan wang mengikut Quran. Spending your money in Islamic ways. Good, huh. And FYI, it's from Youtube-NAKcollection, (subscribed it if you like) ....cause all his video are so amazing. It's simple but a lot of meaning. ; ) Check it out: Spend Wisely | Quran Gems


Assalamualaikum, Hai. Today i want to talk about my laptop Dell. This laptop is my fav gadget forever. And he's my everything. My darling. : ) From my history life, this is my second laptop. First is from HP... My college buddies. But on final semester... I just know that the screen is blank. It cannot be repair, Even few times i sent it to workshop. and i said RIP to him. I bought this Dell about two and half years ago. From my brother in law friends. So far so good. Hhahaha...even after two times it fall down from my table. Oh my God! Super strong. But now, nothing major... Just this stupid notification always pop up on my screen. And i felt so annoying! Low disk space? Full? Who cares? I realized this since past few month, and i still "okaaayyy" with it. But then, can you just stop it! The part is, I actually had a lot of video that i uploaded from you-tube (obviously) and kept inside. Fine! Too precious to delete. This is my v...

The game

Assalamualaikum. I think i'm gonna go emo in this post. For no reason. And i think i need this. Just let me. I'm so pity with that girl. Gosh, She should not be that innocent. 100% Please, at least... She should fight for her right. To me... if i'm that girl. I will play along and proudly said these quote i found to that playboy. Make him top-block. And walk away like a champion. "Don't play games with a girl who can play better." "If you're going to make me a piece in your game, don't be surprised if i decide to play." "Don't play dumb with me... it's a game you can't win." "Don't play games with me unless you want me to show how this game is played." "I don't play them." ... "Because God does not play dice with the universe." Hahhahah... Duh, Cannot tahan. I hate that actor! 'Cause he destroy my happy ending as what i dream of these past year....

Pandangan Nabi Musa terhadap orang yang meninggalkan solat

Assalamualaikum, SubhanaAllah, My friends, i like to share an article that i got from whats app few days ago.  And yang bagi aku sangat mendalam pengajarannya.  p/s: Share if you like it. FOC. Maybe that the reason Emak's food is so amazing!  And now i knew it. Her magic touch.

Motor dan hujan

Assalamualaikum, Sejak dua tiga minggu ni, setiap awal pagi and petang mesti hujan. No, aku tak merenggut... coz i know, hujan itu rahmat! Okay. And aku tahu gak if time raining or after rain... maka perlu bawa motor dengan slow motion. Ignore any horn and berlagaknya orang disekeliling kita. Just because we want stay fix and safe. Yeah! Like i care, huh. So, one day (two days ago) ... that time, is after rain and aku ikut rule. s.l.o.w. time nih baru nak gi kerja. But in persimpangan, this uncle (depan aku) look tak stable and tayar dia cam lari, aku pon tak tahu the reason tetiba unbalance. And tup-dia jatuh. Uncle nih, dia punyer box untuk isi makanan i think tak terabur la. Just pecah kotak merah dia tu sikit-sikit. Isi semua, okay i think. And bila begitu, aku makin slow la bawak... Unfortunately, lelaki muda belakang aku...dia ingat aku slow and steady, tanpa ada maksud apa-apa. But, he doesn't know in front of me. Tengah dia motong aku, and bila tahu ada uncl...

Angan-Angan/ Bucket list Sang Ultraman

Assalamualaikum. Don't judge me by my hero name, if sang Repunzel ada jer angan-angan terhadap putera rajanya. Aku pun der gak. Really, Ultraman? Yeah, 'cause he's cool! Apiz (my anak sedara) fan kipas susah mati Ultraman. We're same. And i can called this is my other simple bucket list... It's related to Utraman. Who helping Japan in peace. Melawan raksasa gemok. Hehheheh... In me, I want help orang yang memerlukan. Tak kiralah... homeless, orphanage... included depression, who needed a listener. May included money, or advice. Surely, i will love this job. Everyone of us has a problem. How people take this probs is a different story. And, How they deal with it is another story. Sometimes a small problem, look so big to them. They may can pretend like nothing happened. But, until when? A good listener may help. Insyaallah. I already do it with some of friends since high school. And college. Hopefully, soon i will tick done if wi...

FRIENDS: Hadiah kahwin!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Hai, semua. Aku tak nak comment for any question yang nak tanya why aku dah lama tak update... just leave it and go on with this post, okay. : ) So, one day aku dapat whats-app mesej from my friends at previous hospital. Ingatkan aku tentang my promise untuk belanja kasut kahwin dia. Aku cam 0_0, ups! Lupa la pulak tentang my promise tu... And FYI, she will get married next month  (October). End of that month if i not mistaken... Congratulations dear. I'm so happy for you. And as not disappointing her, aku terus goggling untuk haunting a 'wedding shoes'. And its take about two weeks for me to choose the perfect shoes! Like... what the freaking susah sangat la nak pilih. But if your in my situation, you will cakap ianya memang gila hard. Nah, maybe sebab semuanya me-lampau cantiknya and too gorgeous... My focus of course- high heel types. And aku adalah jugak try mintak dia punya pendapat. Is it she had a own dreaming shoes ('cause she d...

Colour splash

Assalamualaikum, I change my headboard. ...With this colour splash! And I love it so much. Look fresh.... and beautiful, and cool.

Alergik: Debu/Habuk

Okay, sini ada sesiapa alergik pada dust? Atau nama lainnya habuk/debu.  ****This-topic maybe lil bit cam sarcasm, Up to you all nak sambung baca or not. Tiada jaminan untuk bagi ter--- sakit hati/ kecil hati.  First thing bila aku seen any papers yang mention diorang allergic to dust...  Aku macam, really bro? Where are you living now? Pluto? Or depan aku ini hanya lah your soul?  : ) Sorry! FYI, Did you know what dust mean is???? Tell me the the specific one...  So kalau tak tahu, jangan berlagak pandai. And meh kita googling it. Wiki said this,  So, if tak nak nampak cam stupid or memalukan... If korang ada allergic something call dust, please specific it. So tak adalah nanti bila in one bad day jumpa orang cam aku ni. Dah kena gelak guling-guling. Tak macho lah, bro!  Dah jatuh standard! Haish, always make my day. Small thing but bikin lawak.  Peace no war. Bye. Sorry for cursing word.

Okay, this is too much

Hi, Nah. someone not in mood. Better watch out. Aku nak habak satu cerita, tiga hari lepas. ....this is about a men yang perasan bagus dan poyo gila. Gila sangat-sangat lah yer kepoyoannya itu. The best words i can described about him. I'm sorry. So, in my working department. Aku kena tanyalah, If diorang ada wearing something 'fake'... Like-piercing, dentures, jewelries, and whatever.   So bila bab Gigi.  In my normal tone, aku ask... "Sir, do u have any loosen teeth?" So, dia cam blur. Ohkeyyyy... And nurse sebelah pon cakap, Gigi goyang. *mana tau dia tak faham, kannnn... And guess what, Dia cakap ayat aku tak specific... "Gigi dia semua goyang, tapi goyang macam mana?" What the.... salah aku ke? Cheit! So, aku just senyum tak kata apa, tapi dalam hati...  Gigi kau semua goyang? Biar betul oi, ko ni osteoporosis awal benor... Hormone pon poyo cam orang yer gak.  End case.  And petangnya ada or...

Dalam dok kira-kira

Assalamualaikum,  Aku tengah dok kira-kira... Conteng-conteng bagi dapat real joy. Sejak petang lek keja tadi, kol 4 sampai la ni. Tak cukup dengan itu, aku bukak lagu McFly motion in the oceon. Motif?! aku pon tak sure. Hahahhaah... Then, surprisingly aku dapat find out yang, "I'm saving double from my spending!" Yeah, real story. Cayalah. Yahoo ya bedabedooo... Gila best aku ni rupanya. And with no commitment of any stupid PTPN, loan, relationship, or so whatever... Inilah yang aku capai. : ) Senyum lah, senyum lah... oh, se-senyum lah.... So, my saving divided into five catagories: 1. Retirement asset (PRS + KWSP) 2.Cash asset (Montly in + emergency fund) 3. Invest asset (Gold, in plans) 4. Insurance asset (Healthy type + motor) 5. Akhirat asset (Umrah, master plan, sedekah) Okay... Aku tak plan nak beli car tok ganti my precious moto. Coz aku tak ada hati pon nak gaya ngan benda alah tu. So, whatever you said big guy...I setia with my baby (moto yang den bayo cash tuh...

Mr. Beau

                                    This is... Mr. Beau! And he's so small, or smallest I think. I think.... And oh my, you should see how his 'lil hair and chubby feet is... Cute but, Just look so fragile for me to touch (feeling sad and nervous).                Unfortunately, its no make sense to me coz i will hold it night and day coz he's so cute and irresistible. Can't blame it on me!  (Beau-good looking)

Kasut merah jambu

I guess the moment when everything changed was when I realized I re-look this pink shoes And Smile like an idiot! I really do miss what we almost had.

Lagu berhenti kerja...aku

Assalamualaikum, Di sini bermulanya pertemuan yang terakhir Kehilangan amat terasa di hati Mungkinkah ini yang tertulis di tangan takdir Ku terima perpisahan ini Dulu kita satu jiwa satu impian Susah dan senang kita bersama Namun itu hanya sementara (1st edition feat Aizat-Perpisahan ini) Hurm , nampaknya hanya ada tinggal sem bilan hari sahaja lagi aku akan bekerja di sini. Sob-sob-sob... :( Rasa macam baru semalam, moment aku takut-takut nak hantar surat resign pada manager. Coz manager aku tu baik sangat, bersalah gila time tu. Tapi nak buat camner... atas sebab-sebab yang tak dapat dipertimbang baik... aku menggundurkan diri. And FYI, I perlukan two months notice. Aku hantar Mid May sampai la ni, Mid July... 18.07.2014 (my last day)... Nanti untuk the next month (1st August 2014) and seterusnya aku dah start di tempat kerja baru pulak. So fast! *aku takkan post apa-apa pada blog hingga that day, bagi menghormati perpisahan ini* Berkabung. Waaaahaaaa... ...

Cik Ziqa and saya!

Assalamualaikum, Petang puasa nih, tengah-tengah tak ada benda nak buat...tengok enset. Eh-eh... cik Ziqa in da picture folder la. Rindu la pulak kat budak sorang nih. Tengah buat apa la agaknya dia kan. Mungkin makan sama-sama Apiz! Tapi (If korang perasan) apsal muka aku cam-not in mood?-like. Whatever la kan...  Asal aku bersama cik Ziqa yang comel dan banyak mulut tuh. Cam bertih jagung dalam microwave!  She kissed me!

Jangan tutup telinga

Assalamualaikum, Aku teringat masa dulu-dulu, Bila petir atau guruh...aku akan cepat-cepat tutup telinga dan pejam mata. It's scary you know. Imagination like a flash that will attack you in sekelip mata. And my emak will melarang that. Tak baik katanya. And then i not do that. Be brave. And 'till now, i'm good. Not behave like years before. : ) And after i see this ayah (ayat), surah al baqarah: 19. I see the real reason behind it. And perhaps one day you/I can tell the our child about it. The fact. And let's see:  SuibahanaAllah. Don't close your eyes and being afraid of the flash, Be afraid jika Allah tarik balik nikmat dia. And what if only the dark will you see. After a moment you open the eyes.... You die! SubahanaAllah. Nothing impossible.

Meh ghoyak... Hijab style

Assalamualaikum, So, as next step untuk menggurangkan kapasiti pada Mr. Dell-meh kita ngoyak pasal hijab style! Alhamdulillah, ramai dah open minded in cara muslimah in fashion. Kalau dulu time 90-an, korang layan striking colour dan belit-belit tudung gi bandar... mesti akan ada cakap korang baru kuar tanjung rambutan! but sekarang, orang dah tak kesah dah... Asal tak shirtless! Mau sebijik penumbuk terlayang. So, ini adalah antara style berhijab yang aku suka (mohon permission if ada owner yang tersenarai)... Korang memang awesome!

Ramadhan 1435

Assalamualaikum, Ramadhan datang lagi... Yes! and i love it. Cause... Right... kita perlu mengalu-alukan Ramadhan sebab banyak pahala kita boleh grab on this month!  Narrated by Abu Huraira: I heard Allahā€™s Apostle saying regarding Ramadan, ā€œWhoever prayed at night in it (the month of Ramadan) out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven.ā€ [Volume 3, Book 32, Number 226] "Selamat berposer semua!"-pesanan ikhlas seikhlasnya daripada penaja.

Cerita orang Johor

Assalamualaikum, Hah! Felt so kembang hidung when first time i seen this picture. Kahkahkah, pix cartoon dengan muka yang sungguh tak boleh blah. Seriously? Saper orang yang cipta idea bernas tahap cipan tenuk nih?!  If benda yang related dengan Johor adalah makanannya, Jawa, Singapore, and pasukan football team "JDT" . Sothern Tiger in da house, dude... Ala, kan sekarang tengah hot and spicy tentang kejuaraannya. So aku tabik lapan juta kali to our TMJ and the team coz' i'm very proud all of you... Okay.. Keep it up boys! Nanti aku belanja sorang satu pisang goreng.  Story pasal Johor lagi, iaitu aku akan balik kampung... Bila? 19 July nih. Aku cuti awal (celebrate Ramadhan) Dan cuti lama sampai raya ke-4... Walawey, best day in my life. I knew u all mesti sangat jeles. But why not korang try kat boss korang, mana tau dia time tu nak buat sedekah pahala and bagi korang cuti awal cam aku. Who know? Tak salah if try... Then, disebabkan ini ak...

Mr Dell...

Assalamualaikum, Perkenalkan....jeng-jeng-jeng Taraaaaa, One and only, Mr Dell yang aku sayang sangat!!! Pheeewit, Smart move. Luv ya!