

Winter Trip Turkey and Dubai Jan 2025

 Hai,  Again I met with snow this starter of new year of 2025, not in South Korea like before but here I am in Turkey. No snowfall this time, but most excited are I experienced skiing and hot air balloon. And, I also enjoyed 24 hour in Dubai and visit tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa. As Malaysian, I don't need visa for both countries only for exit and enter Saudi Arabia. Feeling bless for it, guys. Anyhow, I went with my two friends here in Saudi.  I want to talk more about this trip but I really not get enough sleep for about 24 hours already. Plus, today face three paper exam after works. So, here are my itinerary. By the way, you may think it is a bit expensive but regards of it I travel for two countries... how about you adjust by save in foods, activity part and more cheaper flight. Anything can be manage with DIY. As it suite your comfort:  Cappadocia.šŸŒ”ļø( 3,-6 celcius) 13-15hb Jan 25 Istanbul šŸŒ”ļø (9,-3 celcius) 15-17hb Jan 25 DubaišŸŒ”ļø (24, 20celciu...

Only the flavor make 'em delicious

Hai,  Now it's already in end of November, how fast time flies. One one month I will reach 35 years old oh great. I'm ready for hot marriage questions, again! Life in 2024 is still great with some achievement and some delayed project that I need to carry forward for 2025. This is because my own neglection and less discipline at that time. Surely, I regret about it because I wonder how come I do not follow the schedule, and everything will be alright. But it happens because changes in energy and time limit. So, I hope 2025 will bring be better life and opportunity.  I already make some arrangement for 2025 calendar. And most excitingly are about travel plan for January winter session with my Saudi friends, and Malaysia vacation day in between April to May. Always full up and down with flight up and down-so please bless me with fortune, health and energy. Financially, I target to make my mortgage loan to half in 2025. Still, I prefer to finish it between next five years as I pos...

Part of journey

 Hai. Yesterday I'm done with all journaling session for two weeks, laundry, iron clothes, financial revision and etc. Today I'm still off from my hectic work. Then, it makes me free of nothing and sit feel great. So, I wake up late at 9 am and took heavy breakfast from leftover chicken, with a cup of hot tea. Few hours later I'm finished my bank transfer and pretty happy with all the progression. And now, I'm sat in front of my laptop to update my blog. Hey, what I will do next? I don't know. In same time, I light on lavender purifiers with my aesthetic music cafe from YouTube because I like how slow down and relaxed it sound to me. This giving me a great vibe. Then, I know what I will do... Do something that I like! I will sort out my clothes with color coding, vacuum my room. Cleanliness brings something positive aura to the fullest right. Do I need to cook something today? I'm not sure, I think my friend got their recipes for today. So, I will let it go. Any...

Kamus hidup. Apa itu keperluan asas

Hai. Ini adalah post dedikasikan kepada kamus aku, yang sudah 11 tahun bersama, loyal and royal in terms. Aku still simpan sebab ia adalah memories, dan pengalaman yang mengajar banyak English semua ini. Aku beli dengan duit arwah ayah aku, macam biasa. Dan aku sangat menjaganya, sebab mahal. Dan walaupun sedikit sudah lari alingment dia, tetapi masih berguna. Sekarang budak sekolah sudah in digital world. Semua hujung jari. Dulu, semua hujung jari kaki, sebab sendiri kena menapak pergi library. Hahahhah... Kamus since 2015. Sekarang digital-tak sama! Baiklah, antara asas keperluan hidu ada tiga. Ini yang big things yang masuk dalam expenses aku per bulanan. Ia adalah: rumah + transport / kereta + makan minum. Makan minum boleh dikurangkan up and down ikut perancangan bulan itu. Kalau ada banyak activity luar, kena dine in selalu. Sedikit tinggi daripada yang biasa. Dan kalau busy dengan works in house. Boleh kurangkan dengan masak makanan sendiri, boleh bawa bekal. Dan boleh berpu...

Rumah. Kunci punca hutang terbesar.

Hai. Aku suka cerita mengenai rumah alias property sekarang ini. Hendak tahu rentetan cerita, boleh pergi ke G3 yang dekat atas sekali itu. Aku bukan daripada agensi jual beli rumah, atau hendak menjatuhkan meremehkan jual beli rumah or etc. Tetapi, aku bercerita tentang realiti hidup siapa-siapa yang beli rumah. Terutamanya pada sesiapa hendak beli rumah pertama mereka. Dia biasanya blur sana sini, lepas itu bila kena bayar nampak yang bertimpal-timpal-budget mula lari. sedikit rasa menyesal, tetapi sudah buat bayaran deposit semua.  Reason biasa orang beli rumah adalah selepas kahwin, ada pasangan hendak duduk berdua dengan tujuan untuk kalian berdikari. Atau bila ada anak, perlu ruang lebih besar kadang-kadang. Bagus tetapi bila sebut kelayakan, semua orang boleh beli rumah. Tetapi bila sebut mengenai kemampuan, boleh main tarik tali. Aku punya tajuk tentang mampu atau layak dekat link sini . Bukan setakat si pembeli atau suami kena fikir semua ini, kalau ada partner yang join ...

Masak lagi ke?

Hai. Masak?  Teringat balik zaman sekolah, kami adik beradik memang setiap hujung minggu akan asing-asing kerja rumah. Ada bahagian kemas dalam rumah, basuh baju, lipat baju, sidai baju, memasak, basuh pinggan dan lain-lain. Aku? Aku ambil bahagian sapu sampah luar rumah, tanam pokok. Apa-apa aktiviti yang sedikit kerempempuanannya-hah, hamik confirm tidak ada dalam Kamus Dewan dan Pustaka. Memang diakui aku jenis agak kelakian sedikit masa zaman sekolah.  Sambung cerita zaman dulu, ada satu hari, abang aku suruh masak, resepi dia adalah ketam masak lemak. Masa ini semua da aktiviti masing-masing. Hadui, dulu tidak ada easy internet access macam sekarang. Aku cari buku resepi yang emak aku beli selalu. Puas aku telek, teliti... realitinya, aku masak hampir tiga jam ya! Sampai pecah lemak, sampai boleh jadi santan balik lah. Rasa dia aku tidak tahu, nasib sampai sekarang aku memang allergic spesis seafood ketam semua ini. Jadi ada alasan bila orang suruh masak benda-benda begin...

Good life and good time

Hai. 2024, I'm 34 years old. Sometimes I wonder what someone should be act in personality, behavior in my age? What about if they are single person? Am I too far behind them or am I too mature from it? In my 20-an I always think about others and become easily emotional trap about society scam. I stay in freedom without a real goal. I'm floating around and searching what the best for my life. I stay out until one or three in the morning and eat more junk foods. Do I regret about my 20's? No, because these experiences teach me everything. I'm happy about that, big circle and more laugh. After I reach 28-29 years old, I face the reality of life that this is not me. Then, I continue study and upgrade my skills. From here, I isolated my life for a year and reduced to a small circle friend. I know who's back stabbed me and who are the sincerely one. I make drastically change over 360 degrees when I also apply for oversea job. I know I'm still 50: 50 about that but I r...