
Part of journey


Yesterday I'm done with all journaling session for two weeks, laundry, iron clothes, financial revision and etc. Today I'm still off from my hectic work. Then, it makes me free of nothing and sit feel great. So, I wake up late at 9 am and took heavy breakfast from leftover chicken, with a cup of hot tea. Few hours later I'm finished my bank transfer and pretty happy with all the progression. And now, I'm sat in front of my laptop to update my blog.

Hey, what I will do next? I don't know. In same time, I light on lavender purifiers with my aesthetic music cafe from YouTube because I like how slow down and relaxed it sound to me. This giving me a great vibe. Then, I know what I will do... Do something that I like! I will sort out my clothes with color coding, vacuum my room. Cleanliness brings something positive aura to the fullest right.

Do I need to cook something today? I'm not sure, I think my friend got their recipes for today. So, I will let it go. Anyway, cooking is not my things. But I don't have my lunch meal... I will be hungry till then. I saw three ripe bananas on the top of shelf, I think about ''cucur''! I will try it later as side dishes. Not a bad idea, good job. I will not make cake for it because I don't have the necessary ingredients. Furthermore, I already have a piece of cake yesterday too. Balancing your sugar intake guys!

I also will start my class next week, and hopefully it is going well as plan. My first semester, I skipped class because they forget my name and I don't mind it because I'm on my vacation time. It's better that way, ahhahahaaaa... Consequence, I have to took four midterm exam paper in one night. Two hours each topic. I go on from five in the afternoon till midnight. It makes me dizzy for whole day. Thus, this semester two I will follow the system. Fighting!

So, this is my schedule for this month. If I'm free, I will try to update more about my life. But, if not... you know I'm busy catch up with my time and those classes and surely assignment. Lovely, when I'm typing here. I feel that I'm talking to some old friend and in same time acknowledge what should I do next. My blog vs my diary-quite a good match. Ehem, I will stop here. See you again in the post. Be happy and be a better person from your own perspectives. 



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