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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Mee kari Rizalman 2021

Baru tadi tengok pereka fashion terkenal, Dato Rizalman buat rancangan Ramadhan Pung Pang Musim Ke 2 dekat Astro. Rasa dia campak-campak tapi cantik kejadiannya. Lauk dia tadi adalah Mee kari. Nampak menarik gila, jadi kita simpan tepi resipi ini. Untuk makluman resepi ini tidak ada sukatan, jadi pandai-pandai sendirilah ya. 

Mee kari Rizalman
(Halalkan ya resepi dato) 

1. Letak minyak dalam periuk, tunggu hingga panas. 
2. Masukkan ayam yang dipotong kecil-kecil. 
3. Masukkan rempah tiga iaitu kayu manis, bunga lawang dan bunga cengkih. 
4. Letak daun kari sikit. 
5. Lepas itu, masuk bahan basah iaitu bawang yang dikisar dan dicampur dengan serbuk kari. Masak sampai masak, pecah minyak. 
6. Masuk lada kisar, ikut kepedasan sendiri.
7. Letak garam. 
8. Masukkan santan, dan sedikit air. 
9. Sudah mendidih, masukkan air lagi ikut larutan yang disukai. 
10. Masukkan fishball kotak yang dipotong sederhana dan bulat-bulat itu potong dua. 
11. Akhir, masuk isi kerang. 
12. Penyediaan, mee besar dicelur. Ada limau potong dua, ada telur rebus. Rajin sikit, ada sambal asing. 
12. Siap. Insyaallah menjadi. 

Monday, April 05, 2021

Resepi: Muffin Coklat Pisang

Resepi Muffin Pisang Coklat (Bakar) diinspirasikan dari Chef Hanieliza


Bahan kering:
- 1 cawan tepung gandum
- 2 sudu besar serbuk kokok
- 1/2 sudu teh soda bikarbonat
- 1 sudu teh serbuk penaik
- sedikit garam

Bahan basah:
- 3/4 cawan pisang yang sudah dilenyek
- 1/2 cawan minyak jagung ( boleh diganti dengan minyak masak )
- 1/2 cawan gula perang
- 1 biji telur yang dipukul sedikit
- coklat chip secukupnya


1. Panaskan oven suhu 160°C selama 15minit.

2. Ayakkan semua bahan kering ke dalam mangkuk. Ketepikan.

3. Campurkan semua bahan basah ke dalam mangkuk lain dan kacau rata.

4. Masukkan bahan kering yang sudah diayak ke dalam campuran bahan basah. Kacau dengan whisk sekejap sahaja. Jangan terlebih kacau nanti muffin akan keras.

5. Letakkan kertas muffin ke dalam dulang  muffin. Cedokkan adunan tadi sehingga 3/4 penuh. Taburkan coklat chip di atas adunan muffin tadi.

6. Bakar selama 20-25minit ke oven atau sehingga masak. Cucuk dengan lidi untuk pastikan muffin sudah masak atau tidak. Siap.

Sunday, April 04, 2021

Malaysia without coins?

Back in primary school around 1995, I still remember my mother would give a pocket money of 30 sen for primary school and my sister in high school 50 sen. "Young people, give small amounts of money ah". Seems a small amount, but that was the power of the buyer in the old days. Now, buyer power is getting less with a mixture of world inflation and money politics. Do we remember the 1 sen copper brown coin? And it has been abolished, no more sellers putting Rm 0.99 on each of its items. Wink. 

Again, Malaysia without coins? You said it's impossible for this to happen, but I can say ... Yes, it will in one day. Am I a good friend of the government? No, I speak as a Malaysian. In my opinion, with the determination of the government and the world to use a cashless society on all its people, it will happen that no coins will be used. No coins, or even no real paper money! It is because of digital transactions, where the magic in your hands. 

Let's see which countries no longer use coins, in 2012 Canada stopped making one-cent coins. Australia, stopped producing new one- and two-cent coins in 1992. Saudi Arabia have less than US $ 3 in coins but all are almost worthless. Bahamas in January 2020, South Korea going coinless in 2020/2021? What about Malaysia? Come on, we can do it. 

This coins could soon become a thing of the past, and within elimination of lower value coins... Who's going to bring a heavy wallet with even full of coins when you can just scan everything with your smart phone? The cashier also will give you a death glare if we dump it on their counter. Right? So, why keep a coins when world changing very fast in everything. And with no coins, the coin collectors guy will give a smiley full of joy. 

A homeless without a coins? Something good, right? Digital homeless? Cries in the corner. Talking about about this, a government should do something about them. They still a people with a heart. They still a part of Malaysian, and please make them feel useful and independent. Open the board meeting, make a great plan, or use all university students ideas. They sure got something in their mind, like a fresh solutions.

So, see you all in future! 

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....