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Thursday, August 03, 2017

Wish someone told me when i was your age


Excuse me, this post adalah berdasarkan my pengalaman hidup for 27 years that i want to share with you all.
That I wish someone told me this when i was your age.
What should i do and achieved and dream of.
Ini banyak menyentuh more pada keagamaan, dan kehidupan pada masa hadapan.
Yang baik ambil as teladan and yang buruk sebagai pengajaran.

I wish someone told me this when i was your age.
That i should study smart, not hard.
In sekolah agama especially.
Ambil serius in what ustaz and ustazah said. Take note yang berguna, asked lots of question. Until you fully understand about it. Not just a surface of it. Dig in every part of it.
Hafal surah dan terus menghafal. Practice strictly.
Kan bagus...

Even dah habis sampai Darjah Khas, and get a certificate for it. I still rasa tak layak untuk itu.
And mostly adalah even ambil subjek Bahasa Arab but 'till now not fluent langsung in it.
Why la kan.,, Dulu main-main.
And no one angry at me, told me that ini adalah untuk kesenangan dan simpanan in futue dan untuk akhirat juga.
Rasa regret sangat.
InsyaAllah rasa belum terlambat untuk belajar akannya balik. Fighting!
InsyaAllah... pray for me.

I wish someone told me this when i was your age.
That i should manage my financial wisely.
Told me that to save every penny or cent yang ada since belajar untuk pergi Mecca. Achieved that goals with full of spirit.
Even that time I still belajar lagi di sekolah menengah or what.
Barulah my fully sponsorship yang i get from High School under goverment, College from Felda. Digunakan sebaiknya.
.... Anyone have to remind me about it. That i only can wish...

Not when I started to gain my own money. Barulah terhegeh-hegeh nak collect.
Yang sebetulnya that big bucketlist i can achieved in young age.
And kejar other big bucketlist lain pulak.
Tapi tak pe. Alhamdulillah. I tersedar awal, not waktu i dah retired ke. Lagilah rugi, kan.
So untuk cikgu and parents semua. Please didik anak murid, anak sendiri untuk tanamkan niat as what i mention above.
Biar diorang tak menyesal di kemudian hari.

I wish someone told me this when i was your age.
That i should be a better person from day to day.
Even diorang cakap you dah cukup baik dah ni. Nak baik apa lagi?
They don't understand me, I think i'm not enough baik about it. About everything.
In my own determination especially.
You don't get me.

Some part of us fikir dengan kebajikan yang dilakukan, dah banyak collect pahala. Alhamdulillah for it.
Tapi bagaimana pula hari ini kita baik. Tapi in between, tak sedar kita juga kumpul dosa.
Dosa kecil-kecil mungkin yang lama-lama jadik dosa besar.
Yang mana mungkinnya ada membawa kesan terbesar dalam diri orang lain.
We don't know.
I hope you get me this time.

And I wish someone told me this when i was your age.
Do what I can't.
(Continue in next entry, see you. Again. InsyaAllah)

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Better than being a superhero


One of my friends akan berkahwin pada hujung minggu ini.
So happy for her.
And akad serta resepinya akan diadakan di Melaka.
Sebab malacca is the best place and full of tempat menarik.

So some of us, plan nak pergi sana after worked half day on this Saturday.
Nak kejar akad yang lepas Asar tuh.
Which i thought better we redha jer.
Sebab on that day kalau busy and kena stayback... berhuhu ramai-ramai je la.
Buat la kes yer.
After that barulah boleh gerak.
Lagipun KL ke Melaka pon quite ok.
Tak dapat pergi akad, pergi lah masa malamnya.

Hopefully tak busy mana and semua berjalan dengan lancar.

And plan nak tidur sana and balik on Sunday.
My wish, i hope i can cilok someone.
Because i want go any of pantai yang ada kat sana. 
Really, really nak sangat!
Which i hope dekat jer la.
Tanjung balak? Or Pangkalan Balak? 
Sound some place there.
Which pernah lalu jer, tak tak sempat singgah.

If tak sempat pergi pantai sana.
End of this month, I hope i can go pantai area my place.
Tunda banyak sangat dah nih.
Jiwa kacau dah tak tengok ombak.
And bau laut.
And kaki sentuh pasir. Oh, duh.

Sometimes being a friend is better than being a superhero.
Will update later with some of my friends wedding photo and our activities.
Hopefully pantai and me too!

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Sebotol air mineral


This post ada related sikit with my conference kat Shangri La Hotel baru-baru nih.
Biasalah bila conference kat hotel, diorang akan provided lots of water bottle and pencil or pen.
And my kerja ialah. 
I always took banyak dua benda tuh.
Tak do nya siapa nak marah ke apa, kan.
Yelah. It's free ok.

Air tuh. I will simpan buat stock. 
So in case ada event jauh-jauh, boleh grab nih jer. And throw.
Or ada some friends datang rumah. And tak pandai buat air yang jenis kaler-kaler.
Hidang ni jer. Air putih tu sihat ok. 
Tu maksudnya i cares for you.

About the pencil or pen, I usually bagi kat my department as souvenir.
And mostlly i likes untuk bagi kat anak buah.
Diorang excited terlebih.
So diorang happy, you also happy.
And, jimat gak kan?
Tak payah keluar modal juta-juta nak buat kebaikan.

Another kebajikan yang i will shared here are, masa dalam perjalanan balik daripada conference.
Jalan punya jalan, nak ke public transport terdekat.
Jumpalah one lelaki, around 40 plus dengan mangkuk keciknya.
I hate it when i see someone like him.
Which is meminta simpati orang ramai.
Which i hopes dia boleh cuci tandas untuk mendapatkan rezeki hasil titik peluhnya.
But i can't say much because I donno what his disabalities.
Which looks normal. Cukup sifat.
But not jugde him, kita tak tahu akan kisah hidupnya.

Dulu if jumpa orang macam nih, selalunya akan bagi la duit. 
Or cekau duit kawan, and bagi depa semua nih.
Biar my friends nih tahu sikit aktiviti menderma-derma nih.
My friend called me Robin Hood for that kind of action.
Whatever la.

But now, i think I prefer something than money semata-mata.
Mana tau diorang ada ejen ke kan.
Lagilah kesian.
At least what i give adalah untuk diorang isi sikit perut sendiri.

So as diri pon tak prepared nak beli apa-apa that evening. I just bagi that man one of my water bottle.
Lagi pon panas time tuh.
Ok what...
Alhamdulillah rezeki bagi-bagi.
See, simple kan nak buat kebaikan.
I told you!

And esoknya, my last conference day. I siap-siap prepared ambil dua bottle extra untuk that guy.
Also the lunch pack yang dapat. I reserved for him.
Don't worry about me guys.
Still kenyang lagi sebab breakfast diorang served lambat sangat. Pukul 1100 pagi. 
So i called that a brunch!
Or if lapar sangat ke nanti. I can drop at any kedai makan later on the way balik rumah.

Unfortunately, when i walked at the same place i seen him yesterday.
Dia tak ada. And langsung tak ada.
Bayangpon tak ado.
Not my luck anyway.

I pray he find his strength, to work and kumpul duit from his own hands.
And find his own happiness.

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....