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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Korea atau tidak?


My friend ada invite me gih join rombongan Cik Kiah ke Korea.
Next year, 2018 bulan August.
I said, on jela. But after beberapa days kebelakangan ini, which I'm not sure it's a good decision or not.
As my big project is early next year too.
Hurm. Walaupun jarak dia jauh, but still... still kena pertimbangkannya.
What should i do?

Korea is not in my bucket list to travel. Even diorang cakap best la ke apa.
Sebab I'm not fan of any Korean things.
Running man jelah i tahu.
Makanan diorang?
Lagilah out. 
Fikir-fikir, daripada Korea baik pergi Jepun. Islam kat sana lagi banyak.
Easy sikit nak dapat makanan.
And orangnya more courtesy gitu.

Pastu sambung fikir. Daripada gih Japan, why not travel to other Islamic region.
Middle east ke contohnya.
...  Iran is one yang most wanted place nak gih. Hah yang ni baru lah excited nak pack barang.Sebab sana Islam is major and just different in the Syiah things.
Mostly i think they are loveable.
And they're not what international news talked about.
Beza sangat. 
Palestine, Syria, Kuwait, Dubai, Turkey, Morocco and so on. Pon cam best.

Selain middle east, ada gak dream tempat mahal sikit macam Norway. Layan Faroe Island, or tour Europe ker kan.
Banyak sangat berangan nih.
Siapa nak sponsored?
BTW, Korea or not?
Not sure deh.
But i think it's a no.
How nak cakap kat dia ek?

And bila dah cacelled yang tu. 
Who's gonna be my travel partner in future? Nak travel solo, not in million years sebab pompuan kan. Mau kena culik? 
Of course if one day i do that, my emak and ayah will halang kat airport.
Nak buat drama leleh air mata ker kat sana?
Sebab diorang tahu i nih jenis gila sometime. Walau sempoi mana pon.
Suka ikut rasa hati sendiri. Sometimes degil banyak. They worried much about me.

And mostly i will not travel to the city and be in crowded place. Not ok.
But i will treasure their culture and art. Countryside yang boleh bring me closere to them.
And phenomena yang indah that will be capture in my new camera, one day duh.
One fine day.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Nenek tak sihat


Baru-baru nih my aunty post in Whatsapp family that our nenek tak sihat.
And my family decided nak melawat.
One day before puasa, sebab nanti Raya kami tak akan balik kampung sana.
Only after a week barulah Raya sana, sebab nak mixed dengan some wedding there.
My cousin punya.

I can't joined them sebab I'm oncall masa diorang on the way tu.
So just boleh pass some money untuk duit minyak and bit makan.
Salam and phone call je gak.
There go there dengan two cars.
And bawak bebudak sekali.
Meriah la tu.
Missed them so much.

And diorang pon snap gak some pictures. Sebab i paksa. Well, why not kan?
Looks she quiet well dah. Jumpa cucu, cicit.
Muka ada happy.
Orang tua. Biasalah.
Kena cared, treat them baik-baik.
Kenang jasa mereka.
One day, we in their shoes.
So ajarlah anak masing-masing the best dalam menghormati jasa orang tua.
Benefit pada diri sendirik jugak.

I paray my nenek the best.
And dapat puasa and terawih.
She is a good nenek and most lovely one.
Kept strong nenek!

Three kiddos in three ragam nya tersendirik

Missed lorh.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Bon appetite


Ada sekali my doctor kat department tanya after i makan nasi dagang free masa awal May tuh.
She said, you ada gain any weight tak since kerja sini?
Sebab i look you macam makin kurus.
Huh. Terkedu jap. Apa masalah pulaknya kan.
Then my friend yang beria-ia jawab.
Memang dia suka on behalf of me.
He is whatever la kan.
Terus gih keluar pantry, gih solat Zohor lagi baguih.

Baru-baru nih gak, my colleague said that my face look pale.
Dia dah banyak kali tegur, but i just ignore. Yelah muka orang tak suka make up. Serabut messy gitu.
But that day, dia face to face dengan me. Dia cakap dia serious.
Pucat gila.
Like anemic.
And i replied, i'm okay don't worried to much. 

I admit i'm too careful in my diet. Paranoid you can said. 
I donno, some food banyak ajinamoto kot sebab lepas makan mesti pening. Nausea. And plus I think I'm too tired. Dengan penat kerja. That's why i don't makan sangat.
Kalau dulu, penat mana pon. Breakfast wajib. Lunch is lunch. Dinner tetap ada.
Tapi sekarang, breakfast of course. Tapi lunch selalu jadik dinner.
So jadinya... makan dua kali tu jela satu hari.
And in between kalau lapar sangat. Selalu ngap biskut jer. Or chocolate bar.

And, not like I gila kurang makan. But if i'm in mood. And sangat lapar, you can see I boleh telan satu dulang punya orang.Tu maksudnya sungguh-sungguh lapar. 
And don't kacau me.
Tapi mostly, i prefer just makan half pinggan nasi. 
And if the foods so good macam mana pon. Gitu jelah kuantiti nya.

Ni puasa, my sahur. I prefer lots of water and dua, tiga biji kurma je.
Sebab malas nak heat up apa-apa.
And i tell you what. I ate a bowl of cococruch and milk for my first buka puasa baru-baru nih.
Sebab tu je i can accept.
If my emak tahu nih, mesti dia sedih. Sorry, ma. I tried. I promised.

And after terawih berjemaah and tahlil malam tuh, ada some moreh. No appetite at all. Tak makan lah.
Terus balik.
And second puasa, i tried treasure Bazar Ramadhan. Carik something yang kena dengan selera.
But i will tried soemthing light.
Because i hope the owner tak letak ajinamoto or any suspicious flavor.
Bon appaetite to me.

This kuih raya i can recomended for you. Sebab semua kiuh diorang fresh from oven. And they all so friendly.
Silalah jenguk-jenguk.

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....