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Friday, December 16, 2016

Pray for humanity, Aleppo


Last week, after finished my book of Mencari Iman yang Hilang by Mohd Rizal Azman Riffin.
I borrowed an interesting book from my friend.
Thanks, buddy.
It's called Lelaki terakhir menangis di bumi by Musa Nuwayri.
Looks like i'm busy for another few hours.
Maybe days, two days actually.
And 'lil cried towards this book. Who cutting onion during operation?
I must admit that this a very good way to killing the time.

Hasil carian imej untuk mencari iman yang hilang buku
Haunted his other collection, Menjejaki jalan takwa, thanks google... because i like his writing idea.
So fantastic! So light but deep,
And so inspiring.
If you want to borrow it, my pleasure.

Hasil carian imej untuk lelaki terakhir menangis buku
My respect to you, bro! You're so young but have a very big heart.
May Allah bless you, your plans and your every moves.

And after i finished this book, Aleppo being attack uncontrolled.
When i heard about this, i just want to be alone.
Curling up in one side,
With my leg bend to my chest.
And cried.
This world become more and more scariest duh.
No humanity alive.

When they are being bomb, tried to survive, i only can cried.
I'm looks stupid duh
I actually handicap in real life.
Because i can't helping them.
I don't do anything, accept my small dua.

I donno which one is the right side. And who're starting first.
But, my first priority is can they stop all this!
Why can't they think that this all includes someone life.
Someone family.
Please have a feeling. A sense.
Even a bit, micro.
You're evil than the devil.

My heart belong to all of them , especially Muslim and Muslimah among them.
They ran away from own land.
How sad.
Pretty bad.
I felt you.

More tragic when their begging, become refugees to another country. Which not even cares about them.
No humanity, again?
And i still here cried with my small dua.

Stay strong, all of you.
May Allah bless your steps and every tears drop.
Sorry i can't help.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Pulangkan atau tidak


In my previous post... ada talked about telekung siti khadijah. Korang carik la sendiri link dia.
That one of my generous friend bagi.
And I'm already used it.
Best and comfortable, duh.
Thanks again.

But, i think I should return back to the owner.
Should i or shouldn't?
Tak kisahlah orang nak cakap the word buruk suku or what if dia accept balik.
Or you think i'm crazy enough to let go telekung mahai nih.
Not gonna care about it...
Why la kan i can't think properly and still accept it after our little drama kat parking masa tu.

Bukan sebab apa, after my first time used this. I have the feeling that I should use it frequently.
Bagilah dia continues pahala at least.
I still cool.
Few times i used, in few months. Makin lama makin pelik.
Like every after my prayer... a word dua for him is like a 'must'.
Just because i used this telekung.
I used others property, what i mean.
The weirdest feeling i have.
Pretty scary right.

When he is nothing to you...
But you pray for him to your Creator.
The man you pray that not link to your bloodline.
You bring him to talk to, the one you trust.
To the one where your final destination is.
That he is in the same level with your fav people, your family.
But he still nothing to you.
Not far from only a friend.

Not like i said i tak pernah doakan orang lain.
Always i pray the best for all muslimah in this world yang still alive and yang tujuh kaki bawah.
If you want to know, the time when i make a dua.
I make a special one for each yang i remember...
I truly pray for that person life, together with their family and kesejahteraan luar dan dalam.
And for my relationship with them too.
Then, that person includes in this part of special secara tak langsung.
Don't you think... the thought of all of this is too personal?
Just because of this telekung.

Memula... i just. Ok never mind. Biasalah, just dua jela. No big deal.
Normal what to dua untuk someone.
Lama kelamaan tak kisah biasalah. Normal routine. Dapat pahala gak doakan untuk orang lain.
Tapi actually, it's...
Rasa awkward.

Or, i thought...  why not after i wash nicely... When i return back, he can give it to someone else.
Or derma to any masjid.
Where his pahala will berterusan.
Pada setiap penggunaannya.
Or i will just keep it?
... urgh! No comment. I have talk to him lah.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Cerita air kopi


Jikalau korang nak tahu, antara air putih yang clear tak de rasa tu compare dengan air-air lain yang macam-macam kaler.
I better choose air putih.
Bukanlah categories maintain sihat. Bajet cool or what are kan,
Tapi, I'm the one yang tak pandai buat semua jenis air tu.
Not a coffee, bit for tea maybe.
Skill zero for all of this.
That's why, buat per penat-penat kan... minum jela air sedia ada. Tak payah bancuh segala.
= )

Gila tak gila lah.
I will make sure my partner tak a fan pada benda-benda camni semua.
Pada mertuaku in future, jgn nyesal tak reject awal-awal dulu.

So, baru-baru ni... sempat la terjah gi umah atok kat Segamat.
Tapi dia sebenarnya nenek.
Kitaorang panggil dia atok.
Dan dia perempuan.
Nasib malam tu sampai, atoknya tak terkezut dengan kemunculan cucu dia yang entah dia ingat ke tak.

Anyway, disebabkan dah dok kawasan kampong.
So, malam tu gak wasap memainkan peranan untuk cilok resepi cara buat air kopi obviously.
I need all that ASAP.
Before that, Google gak sekali. Sempat menyempat lah kan.
Mekasih pada yang sudi share tips and step by step...
Korang memang ohsem.
Campur aduk resepi korang bagi. Peneng lah.
Paling best ada di sohnya ikut bajet sendirik.
Kalo dah i'm not the one yang minum itu semua.
And bab rasa pon tak tahu.
Nak bajet apanya?
Kang jadik air laici, my fav tu.
Boleh gitu....

I still can smell it.
But not gonna drink it.
Not even a sip duh.
Termasuklah nescafe and the gang.
Tea, still boleh consider sikit-sikit.

P/s: Nasib tanya diorang sebab masa time google tu, dia ada state pasal ada rasa masin-masin. Then consider nak letak garam secubit. Diorang replied, merapu. Wtf!

Atok yang kerjanya suka dok tepi pintu dan tengok moto kereta lalu lalang.
I feel you, atok.
When where growing up, we often forget that they are also growing old... Dah,dah. Gih la korang balik jenguk mak ayah. Tepon ke jika tak dapat balik. Yer...

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....