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Monday, October 24, 2016



Sekarang kat Malaysia, semua rata-rata dah open minded about Jubah.
And online marketing about jubah pon not bad.
Banyak pilihan dah.
And i like this kind of style.
Simple, longgar,
So islamic and reasonable to any event.
Nak gi kenduri ker formal ker tak formal, nak gi jenjalan pon okeh...

Good idea actually, that masukkanin list, a must bring thing bila travel.
Mane tau time tu la crush or admire lalu.
Or mak mertua tetiba soh bertandang ke rumah,

I wore this jubah thing like everyday.
But now, i have to ride my motorbike... and seems impossible to continue this good habit.
Sedih gak la.
Tak pernah try lagi so far...jubah and motorbike?
Kang ado kain lekat kat rantai kang.
Dah melukut aku tepi jalan nanti.
One fine day maybe.

And baru-baru nih with influences from my friend, i bought new jubah.
Lara dress, ash color and from benang hijau brand.
I admire how the simple and cute it is.
Rare nude color of course.
Dan because it's jubah la kan... nak komen apa lagi.
Will go for it when Deepawali this coming weekend.
Raya la, kena pakai baju baru.
Even kena kerja sebenarnya, tak la dapat teman adik aku balik india...
Mesti dia jiwa kacau if baca statement aku nih.

Anyway, newbies yang baru nak jinak-jinak dengan jubah. Dipersilakan.
Nothing bad with it.
If you can tegakkan apa agama kamu ajar, fight for it.
Macam aku, dah biasa pakai jubah.
Bila pakai jeans sometimes nih rasa tak selesa sebab dah biasa pakai baju longgar-longgar.
Good ar kan.
So... selamat berjubah la yer.
Ok, tak mau taip panjang berjela.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Recipe : Jeruk Epal Hijau

Me and jeruk/orange? I like it. But, I don't like "jeruk" that sell out in the market or small shop because they likes to put a vinegar. The taste is so strong and yarkss. Yes, I know it's to make the snack long lasting but I still don't like it. Also, I'm not a fan for a sour things but to me, this is green apple recipe slightly good! Less sweet, less sour and normal crunchiness. Come on, even a 5 years old kid can do this kind of recipe. Let's be healthy and try it now.

This is how it look like, I learn from my sister when we go to the Cameron Highland for Chinese New Year holiday. I really can accept this kind of orange/ jeruk. So easy and I even can served it as picnic meals or for the guest. It's combination of Standard Six chemistry and foods experiments I missed my awesome teacher that teach me this. 

1- Green apple-cut in big chunky then peel the skin/not, this up to everyone taste.
2- Salt.
3- Sugar
4- Water
5- A jar.

First- Make a salt solution. Then, put the big chunky green apple in here. This is to maintain the fruit maintain in color and not oxygenated.
Then- Take a jar, put about 1ts salt. And 1 or maybe 2 spoon of sugar. And put the big chunky green apple that you cut without the water in here. 
Next- Close the jar and shake it wisely. And put it in the fridge.

Just take it out once you're ready to serve, you will notify that there is some water in there. Just keep it, that's because of good condensation. Really easy right, and hope you enjoy till the last. Bye!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Cerita rantai aku


Hah, nampak tak tuh?
That's my rantai.
The only rantai i have.
Benda ni memang sentimental value to me.
Aku tak boleh nak share, nak cerita nih bit personal sebenarnya.
Hanya few yang tahu the true story behind it.
Even some of my sibling pon tak tahu.

Aku baru siap repair rantai nih minggu lepas,
Yang patah kat connection dia.
Repair kat Wah Chan Ampang Point.
After deducted new one dengan old one punya connector.
Kena charge semua dalam Rm 67.00...
Campur upah semua la.
Quiet ok, sebab the one yang dia ganti bit tebal.
And good service.
Ok lah.
Lagi pon emas memang mahal kan...

Benda tu patah sebab tertarik kat baju sekali.
Nasib tak hilang.
Kalau hilang boleh gila kot.
Dah la aku dah masuk nih... dua kali hilangkan loket dia.
Sampai sekarang aku tak letak loket.
Sebab nak carik loket yang sama... tak jumpa.
Dia old school punya loket.
Pray, one day aku akan jumpa.

And, mekasihlah bebanyak kat driver yang tolong teman tuh.
Patut Sabtu after wedding kami dah betulkan.
Tapi aku pon percayalah dia cakap tak bukak. Gi esok.
Rupa-rupanya diorang kedai emas bukak sampai kol 10 malam, kawan aku cakap.
Memang rasa time tuh nak ketuk-ketuk jer empunya badan.
Rejam sekali. Baru puas.

Sebabnya hari Ahad aku malas nak keluar.
Pikirkan rasa responsibilities yang tinggi kat rantai tuh.
Aku gagahkan lah diri ni gak.
And settle.
Lega hati.

I will take care of this things the best i can do.
I will kept it close to my beating heart.
That's like magical thing that make me strong inside out.
Because it from the favorite person in my life!
= )
And i love it so much.

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....