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Monday, September 26, 2016

Black is my happy color


In mood cleaning my room.
I have to use it wisely.
Because rarely i'm in this kind of situation.
And after take out every clothes, to fold it nicely...
And you know what?
I just find out...
Which my collection actually lots in black color.
Than other colors.

Not that i hate it.
But wondering... hitam, eh.
Oh keh.

I have three set of black jubah.
Three types of black skirt.
The long one of course.
And blouse... two only.
Shirt, two also.
Scarf, i have three plain of it.

Included also my black color telekung...
And not to forget, my black Nike sweater!

Black to me is a safer color.
Always kept me secured.
That's why i think why they have a lot in my collection.
To me,
You can easily mix and match with anything, with this color.
In making it's simple... it's also make you look elegant.
And slim too!


Sunday, September 25, 2016

Women #QuranHour


Today, aku akan pergi this special program.
Yang previous event aku tak sempat nak join, because of job calling and perempuan issues.
I'm ready to it.
Make my adrenaline rush oh dear organizer sekalian.

Benda ini di adakan dekat PWTC.
Main event dialah, if nak buat kat rumah or dekat kedai mamak or tepi jalan pon boleh actually.
Just spent our an hour precious moment.
Ramai-ramai we recite the Quran.
Sebab main objective untuk bagi kita peringatan untuk jangan lupa baca Quran.
Bukan buat perhiasan dan biarkan ianya berhabuk dalam almari.
Hah, kan dah kena sebijik.

Memandangkan aku super duper free today.
Maybe gak because dah lama tak pergi event agama macam nih sebab sibuk kerja.
To me,
I want to join them all.
Together we dekatkan diri pada Allah.

I'm not sure to invite others.
Because i donno their heart if they like something like this or not.
Ada tuh, yang mula-mula mention tentang program ni plak ialah a men.
Takkan aku nak ajak dia plak kan.
So, i decide, i will move alone.
No friends, no hal.
Better like this.
I will use public transport maybe.
Because of yesterday incident...

Paling aku excited terkinja-kinja nak pergi, sebab ianya khas untuk women only!
Tak adalah awkward sangat.
If aku pergi sengsorang kan.
Tak adalah kena jaga aurat lebih-lebih jugak.
Feel free, yo.

I pray this event will berjalan lancar.
And i will be there menjadi sebahagian daripadanya
Earn more hidayah and keberkatan because the beautiful of Quran, kalam Allah.
Make me want to recite Quran every-time.
Every second.
And study lots about it.

See you there, girls!
= )

Hasil carian imej untuk women #quranhour

Saturday, September 24, 2016



Hari ini aku balik pukul 11 pagi.
After bayar parking tiket, aku pergi naik my motor and nak balik rumah.
Aku lalu jalan yang sama aku lalu hari-hari.
Jalan Tun Razak.
But today that road give me a different chills.
After all.
Aku menghampiri kemalangan.

Serious, aku bawak motor memang in slow speed tengahri tadi.
Mungkin sebab aku tak rush pergi mana-mana.
Aku follow belakang kereta.
Datang satu motor besar in my back.
Dia pon tunggang slow.
So, kami sebelah menyebelah.
Mungkin sebab tak boleh cilok kot.
Aku cool jela.

And after kereta depan buat turn, belok kanan.
That guy toleh kat aku. Mungkin pelik sebab aku cool jer.
And terus dia pecut.
And then, in slow motion i seen everything clearly.

How he langgar lampu merah,
Which aku fikir gila hebat.
But, in a second line... he met with a car.
I'm speechless.

Aku nampak bagaimana motornya berkecai dua, tiga, empat, lima.
And dia tercampak to other side.

Lokasi. tengah-tengah simpang empat dekat LRT Ampang Park.

Aku yang bawak motor memang tak pandang jalan, pandang tempat kejadian jer.
Then, i realize aku terlebih line pejalan kaki yang belang-belang.
If aku tak sedar, aku pon ikut crush sama.
Sebab cross the traffic.
Aku ingat aku nak tolong dia.
Aku ingat aku nak pergi sana.
Block with my motor at least.
I'm scared anyone will tak perasan and langgar dia.
Hurt him.

After my emergency break.
Aku syukur,
Allah masih sayangkan aku.
Then, aku realize... ramai orang stop and tolong that guy.

After tempat tu havoc with all the horn and cars...
I make my move.
And sempat pandang that guy  yang terbaring atas jalan.
And aku istigfar dalam hati.
I don't mind with my menggigil hand.
Those adrenaline rush.
Aku try calm down my mind.
The fastest i can.

After i reaching home.
Aku diselaputi rasa bersalah.
How can i'm do that!
Aku tak tolong anything.
I'm the last person he see.
Am i that bad?
Kenapalah aku no feeling of humanity.
May Allah forgive me.

Bukak pagar, aku terus take a seat and my imagination torture me.
About apa yang aku nampak,
Rewind every second, like a movie in  my mind.
Aku terus message kawan aku.
Because sometime aku blame diri sendirik sebab tak gih tolong anything.
I need luahkan kat someone.
Aku tak nak telefon my emak or ayah, or adik beradik lain... mau diorang banned aku bawak motor.
I take an hour to settle down.

To that guy.
Kenapalah kau nih benggong sangat gih langgar lampu merah.
Even agak-gak nak looks macho dengan motor beso hang tuh it's not the way.
And if,
Agak-agak nak bunuh diri tu janganlah depan aku.
BTW, I pray you're okay.
Meskipun aku rasa confirm patah dua tiga tulang.
Sorry aku tak tolong.
Aku takut, terkedu.
Again, i pray kau fast recover!

Buat penunggang motorsikal lain, jaganlah tiru aksi gini.
Kesian mak ayah korang.
Nak risau pasal korang plak.
Hurm. Hurm.
Sayangi tulang-tulang anda.
Sakit kot kalau patah.

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....