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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Strong enough?


Let me make it clear. Everyone.
The quote above is really close to me.
Close enough like a phone with his internet.
And this is my truly express what i feeling through from the past.
Actual one.

I know,
People may seen me as a tough and strong person.
To any of my friends.
Even my own family members too.
But the real...
I just act strong, be strong. ..but inside i'm broken.
And dying.

When they know i'm strong. No one will ask if i'm okay or what.
That the worst of it.
But i'm quiet okay with it.
To me, as long as i can independence with my inside soul.
So far, i'm okay.

But, did i strong enough every time?
The answer is i didn't!
The always solution are prying and cried.
That what make me today.
Allah and Islam.

For those who heart broken, think you alone in this world.
Said others don't know what you feel.
I understood.
But logically, we really don't know your condition because we are not in your shoes.
But may try to be in your shoes.
Are you clear?

What ever religions you are.
Pray and believe to the Creator.
He know the better faith of you and me.
And us.
In. Future.


P/S: I think this character i get from my emak/mother. Who i seen as a strong women. And i admire how strong she is. She inspired me!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Ziqa, Apiz dan Anas


Tiga orang budak daripada anak Kakak aku.
Yang si kecik boleh aku maintain cak ba-cak ba.
Acah acah sikit, bagi minum susu...tidor la bila penat.
Tapi yang lagi dua tuh.
Tersangatlah degil and susah nak paham.
Aku nak menyampaikan pon tak tahu camne.

Yang si kakak... kalau kau layan dari pagi petang, siang malam pon memang tak abis lah.
Dengan statement dia yang, okayyyy.
Logic nya pon ada.
Contoh la kan.
Masa tu si adik, Apiz ni demam and muntah-muntah.
Aku tak tahulah dia mkan apa.
Si kakak ni pon cakaplah.
"Apiz tahu tak, apiz sakit kenapa?"
Adik dia pon geleng-gelang innocent.
"Sebab Apiz tak sembahyang! Apiz pergi ambil wuduk, kakak ajar Apiz sembanyang."
Maka, si kakak pon ajorlah si adik sembahyang ikut style dia even kiblat pon salah.
Hah... logik gak kan.

Si Apiz ni plak. Dia categori active terlebih.
Semua benda dia nak karate.
Aku rasa ni kalau masok takewando. Boleh terus dapat black belt for kids.
Memang sumpah ganasnya.
Adik dia si Anas berapa kali dah kena.

Sebab tu si kakak bila tahu dapat baby boy, Si Anas, dia tak nak.
Nak tukar... nak baby girl.
Sebab tak ada orang main dengan barbie dia.
Kalo ajak Apiz, sure kaki dan tangan entah kemana... and tak nak adik lagi yang ganas macam Apiz.
Tapi Apiz and Anas just like whatever sist.
We're sibling.
No one can change that.

And baru-baru nih, 
Si kakak reminds adik lelakinya, bahawasanya:
Anas bila dah besar duduk rumah nenek dengan Apiz.
Anas pon terkekeh ketawa bila kakak dia cakap.
Macam lagaknya paham lah.
Maka si kakak pon menarik nafas lega.
Ziqa, ziqa.

Tapi whatever it is...
Even aku boleh naik gila jaga mereka nih.
They still taming my heart in their own way.
So cute.

Si Anas and polka-dot

Tetiba datang si kakak nak interframe!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Beauty me


One thing about me you need to know is i don't like wearing any make up.
Believed or not,
I'm may just stick with my one and only natural collagen lipstick and that's all.
No those compact powder..
No eyeliner or, 
Freaking colorful eye-shadow! 

My combination skin not have so much probs.
May as my hormone in good level.
So i can survive with simple cleanser, and mask.
Or i can said the cheapest.
To keep it in best condition.

I don't like feeling of double layer to my face
I don't like making any 'stupid' art to my face.
I like it go with what it goes.
Me and my natural beauty.
I don't care what people say...
No glowing or whatever it is,
Because I'm not gonna wasting my time to clean up everything after end of the day or for praying time.
I can save that for my sleeping time.

In addition,
Even i'm the glasses type.
But i'm not wearing any contact lenses.
Not dare to try and act like wanna poke my own eyes.
Scary enough!
May on my big day i will think about it.
Or maybe not in millions years.

Nail polish?
No, no...
Not fans of it.

For those muslimah who like wore those make up.
I'm not against all of you.
I'm not say it wrong.
Because i know some may wore this as their confident booster.
That can cover any panda eye, scars, pimples.
And luckily it works!
Happy for them.

Just my advises keep it medium or don't over.
People may don't said anything but maturity tells.
And be watch out if you want to pray.
Make sure your face and body are clear.
You know what i mean right.
Water can freely flow...
To make sure that anyone will not judge you.
: )

Yeah! Indeed.

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....