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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Trust issue


When i'm dealing with a very complicated relationship.
(as my previous post)
I can summarize all of it... related to a trust issue.
All of it.

Along with our life,
Trust issue are like phone and internet.
You know what i mean?
Too hard to avoid but has to comply it.
Because always, it's so routine.

You can live alone as you wish.
In the jungle.
Acting like Tarzan.
in the same have to socialize,
May be not human to human.
How about others animal you haunting, plant you ete, natural surrounding.
It all about you trust...
Then, you survive.

Let's we reply this cycle of trust issue in our life.
If you still denying what i'm thinking.
First, Allah.

When i became fetus,
Allah put on soul because He in trust me, for being an excellent muslimah on this earth.
And 'till now i trying keep that to an awesome level.
Day by day,
Nothing change in Allah's trust.
But me, up and down.
O, Shame on you!

When you born,
You trust to your parents to take care of you.
And they trust you too...
Be a good son/daughter, built an Islamic family.
Together we helping each other.

Growing up, you socialize.
Make friends, high school, work, and married.
Involving the communities.
Did you realize, how risky the trust issue now?
Each pace you face...
Came with a lie, stab-back, and until the maximum limit.

You happy as everything going well,
You cry or felt down when it's crushing up.
That's a cycle of life.
Only the cool person know where and when to put trust to.
Life goals.

when you're walking but your shoes are on point.
: )

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

When you get dumped


I don't have many friends, you see.
And i'm okay with that.
Because i know, i may not their perfect friend but i'm trying to make sure i always been there by their side when needed.
At least as a good listener.
Or giving my shoulder.
Quality more important than quantity!

Around this few weeks.
I'm dealing with a complicated relationship.
When .... My friends get dumped.
And she don't like it.
I even more hate it.

The first incident, when she get dumped.
She was crying like hell.
Because she love that man so much.
Denial what i advice to her, she just want that man.
Who seem 'coward' to give any explanation.

In her grieving, I just hope she not did something stupid,... suicide i mean.
Yeah, take precaution before something bad happen.
And after days by days she can accept everything.
And she transform herself.
Wearing hijab, prying. and read alQuran.

But, not even a week, she being dumped again.
By a same man.
And this time, more worsen... she admitted.
How hurt she was!
She wasn't crying because she was sad, or because of heartbroken she was. She cried, because she felt like an idiot.

And i'm sorry for not being beside her when this second incident.
I'm out of town.
But on the next day, i'm back.
The first word when she see me, "Why are you late?"
And i'm feel so bad.
Sorry again, dear.
I promised this not gonna happen again.

To me,
real men never stop trying to show a girl how much she means to him, even after he's got her.
Most importantly, he will never make you cry.
And cry and cry again.
For other than good reason.
Allah for sure.

To that.... man-So you think you can walk into a hurt girls' life, sweep her off her feet and keep her dumped.
You're wrong.
She's not even your toy.
I give you a words....don't you dare-not even for a second-think that you can hurt her again.
At this starting line.
I may not too brave to sue, beat severely, or paid any series killer doing a revenge.
But she have Allah, her family, brothers, friends and me.
Who will stand at her back.

To my friends,
To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better,
But i do have the arms to give you a hug,
Ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about,
And i have a heart...
The heart that's arching to see you smile again.

Lastly, please my frinds...
Stop being the right women for the wrong man.
You can get better than him.
You're not victim of your own mind.
Continue pray...Allah will help you.
Trust Him.

Forgiving someone is easy,
As you plan before... but I know being able to trust him again is a totally different story.
Keep remember, you're strong than you think!
May Allah bless us.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Shoes & Sweater


So my annual leave for a week dah finish.
Tomorrow gonna start keja macam biasa.
Dalam bulan pose.
Hope everything gonna be alright.
Ayat pasrah.

I donno others but i think you will thought that how weird i am.
Yelah, bulan pose...
Orang semua excited nak beli berpasang-pasang baju raya,
High heel kelip-kelip..
Then look at me.
My eyes more focus and my heart much interesting about something different.

Sweater and shoes.
What you say?

Meh, mungkin sebab aku dah beli dah pon baju raya awal-awal.
Sepasang, good enough.
Tu yang cam tak kisah dah semua tu.

So, who cares about others?
I pun picked two pairs at Bata shop, north star brand.
One red and grey shoes.
May because the price, RM29.90 per pair.
So, tu yang aku grab dua sekali.
: )

Other than simple T-shirt, plain blouse...
I also known as sweater collector.
Baju sejuk/baju panas or
Sweatshirt-baju panas daripada cotton.
Whatever it is,
I just like it so much.

And i choose a sweater from Sam.
One only... tak boleh lebih.
I love the colour, grey at the sleeve and blue for body cover.

I start addicted at this thing since last year.
I love how simple, not curvy and not attracted it is.
Just imagine... a girl wear red shoes, long black skirt, and oversize sweater.
Nothing interesting right.
Life goals.

Now, i have six sweater.
Black Puma, Peach Scarlet, Two from Sam (included this one), and two more unknown.
Unknown, beli time kat times Square.
Types, ada V neck cardigan style, Hoodie and zip hoodie.

This sweater, again i more pada non hoodie.
So, your tudung not look messy around.
If ada hoodie, malas-malas i masukkan dalam jek tudung tuh.


Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....