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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Jangan timbulkan masalah

And selamat tengahri.

This week, i'm not in mood.
Pretty sad.
'Cause I really don't understand people nowadays.
Much hate.

To me,
Why not all of you love a peace?
At least, just nikmati hidup and make sense in yours decision.
Try to be in someone else shoes.
Think further, duh.

A force is a mistake.
That's it.
And well truth, nobody like it.

And the person who make this become a problem.
Called them a coward.
Messing around and leave it without help?
What kind of person are you.
Act like you care, giving hope and then... cannot even a penny help in achieve it.


Kinda hurt when i can't either help nor try to change it.
And the same person terpaksa beralah.
It's a crime!
: (

Frighten me when it's doesn't has a sincerely in any works we do.
May Allah always bless our future.

My quote:
Jangan timbulkan masalah bila kita sedar, kita tak mampu untuk selesaikan masalah itu sendiri.
When you give a hope, turning away is such a big lie.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Taman permainan/playground

when you realize your childhood is over 😂


I get this picture from we heart it page
And like always.
Every picture i seen and i posted here has a story behind it.
Kalo post sesajer, and no moments of it.

I think aku pernah buat cam picure atas nih.
But cut down the broken tiang over there.
Masa aku main semua benda kat playground time tuh all items still looks good.
Before and after.

It happaened about two years ago.
Time we all take a stop at R&R...kat mana? Sorry, tak hingat.
And you know how a feeling after duduk lama dalam kereta.
And you need a fresh feeling before continue journey.

And kebetulan at that time, sampai jek... cik Ziqa terkedek-kedek mahu main playground.
Aku pon tak tahu kat R&R ada playground.
And aku jugaklah mangsa peneman. 
Sebab semua orang serbu toilet.

After a while jadik pak guard tak bergaji. 
Aku join sekali.
Sebab semua nampak menarik.
And orang pon nak kata tak ada. Tipu lah kan.
Tapi who cares?
Daripada dok bosan meneman jek. Baik try sekali.
And  i did.

Cik Ziqa lagilah suka. 
Sampai satu tahap, emak aku sampai.
Sambil menggeleng-gelengkan kepalanya.

Udah-udah ler tu, marilah makan.

Ayat kiasan agar aku berhenti main.
Aku pon memang lapar gak. 
Makan tu penting.
So, kami stop and order makan.

Aku makan cepat-cepat.
Sebab aku ingat nak main untuk second time kat playground tuh.
Agaknya emak aku punya sixth sense lagi kuat.
Time balik, dia ikut jalan lain.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Skateboard punya jalan cerita


Nampak thrill tapi memang thriller pon.
Hahhah...if pandai balance badan.

Then my jalan cerita mengenai menatang ini adalah berkaitan dengan childhood moments.
Like, i'm just too cool untuk buat benda baik.
: )
Well, you know me.

So, the picture is my sister stand and me sits on that board.
Our plan is to ride along turun bukit depan rumah.
Macam best bunyik nyer.
Yelah, orang lain zaman tuh gi tarik daun nipah/kelapa turun bukit.
More adventure, guna skateboard.
Maju tahap tak sedar diri.

And masa first turun... smooth, then at the landing part... not that cool.
My sister sempat selamatkan diri.
And poor me!
My forehead tergilis atas jalan tar tuh.
Injured lain included tapak tangan and kaki.
Calar balar badanku jadinya.

What a six years old girl did after that?
I cried.
And when my emak heard about our incident.
She quickly dapatkan kami and tarik my sister dan mine punya telinga!
Dipaksanya balik rumah, and dijirusnya dengan air.

Sambil dijirusnya kami, sambil emak aku membebel.
Tengok apa dah jadik.
Detention, duduk rumah.
Blah, blah, blah...

Sambil bleed, sambil aku menangis.
Menangis sedu-sedu jek la, kalo meraung mesti emak aku tarik telinga lagi.
Kakak aku rasanya lagi serba salah.
Nak buat camner, benda dah jadik.

And pastu my emak sapu ubat. No painkiller given.
She ask me to eat dinner and sleep.
And malam tu, i slept with tears.
Not a happy ending.

But after overall, i'm not trauma to skateboard.
And my sister still love me.
And i love her too.
My emak, i love her more!
Tahnks ma.

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....