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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Roses Cadbury chocolate

Oh yeah?

If korang nak tahu, aku ni bukanlah die hard fan for spesis coklat. And aku tak akan beli if aku kena kuar wet sendiri. So how can I able to eat this thing by my own way? 

Bila balik kampung, benda yang more interesting than eva is the fridge! And i will kiss you.
Then, biasanya ada coklat dalam tuh. (poyo- if korang lucky la baru der). FYI, any goodies from kenduri kahwin akan di---collect/  campak masuk dalam sini. Maksudnya, mak ayah kan dah tua.... Dak baik la kan makan manis-manis.

So anak-anak dia balik tolong 'bedal'! Candy party in da house... : )
See how good daughter/son we're....

And cara lain adalah by present from others. Contohnya cam pagi tadi ada talk and some exam. FYI, I got high mark! Aha-aha...
(Shuffle sikit) hurm, and imbuhannya- roses Cadbury chocolate.

BTW, aku jenis baik hati-aku distribute choc yang dapat tuh and lastly one for myself (seriously aku not jenis yang simpan and makan sendiri). Signature truffle... Rasa dia?
No expression to be impress. 

Sebab tu aku cakap aku bukanlah die hard fan for this coklat-coklat things. So please, don't talk about choc to me if you don't want to die young! 


Nak story choc kat aku?
Can, but talk to my feet.

Kurang di ajar tak?

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Subjek sejarah?


Pagi tadi aku ada session Q & A, in the same time discussion about related relevant cases. So, dalam banyak- banyak soalan. Soalan no. 7, paling mencabar. And jawapan dia pon mesti buzz...

So, dia tanyer bila masa (teeettt) bermula. So ada a, b,c,d... World war 1, Crimean war, Korean War ( budak yang tick yes untuk ni mesti kaki Kpop), and Spanish- American war. Then, walaupun aku hentam-hentam. Nasib baik jawapan aku betul !!!! Tak sangka I, sambil mendabik dada. 

Then, dia tanya:
Kenapa timbul world war 1? 
siapa perang siapa?
and how about world war 2?
when and beside who?
Okay. Fuh, tergagap-gagap jawab. History yang absolutely membuatkan otak aku begitu historical. Then dia tanyer maser SPM dulu dapat apa? A? B? C?

One of my friend admit dia dapat A1, and you know what she( my lect) said: your sejarah inside here. (show the tong sampah). Mine cikgu dulu Cambridge made and your is local made. Pastu membebel... Inilah masalah orang muda sekarang. Tak tahu sejarah. And the rest, dia test on sejarah Malaysia pulak. 

And after that, dia asked; you all read newspaper tak? And others like... Aaaa?
Luckily no one replied;
Huh. What is the freaking bloody newspaper is?


Sunday, April 06, 2014

My neighbour


Even town and us are like an hour plus far away,
My family and i,
We're so bless with lots of very cool neighbor around us.
: )

Our closest neighbor is at sebelah kiri dan kanan rumah.
So close... jarak antara rumah kami semua.
May in future can be...
like Sarawakian long house.
'Cause we only separated by selangkah kaki jauhnya.

We respect each other,
Because all anak-anak disini not around...
limit by working time and some stay away from parents.
Like me.
So, if anything happened,
Neighbor is our first yang boleh diminta tolong.
And that's why relationship/silaturrahim dengan jiran perlu awesome.

Most precious is our childhood memories.
Teng-teng, panjat pokok...tangkap ikan,
rondes, guli...
With our halaman rumah jadi base untuk play.
How i missed all those.

And now,
We're just stay cool among us.
May be because all married and had own family.

Last but not least.
Million thanks for being our neighbor and help when needed.
Thanks you all.

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....