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Friday, November 09, 2012

Did you smell aura Perlis here?


Tomorrow morning, cik Jima (IPG Perlis student) will come back to Johor as school holiday start next week. Yahoo!! I got a friend to hura-hura until this Tuesday (coz I off ‘til Deepavali day-even I’m not celebrated it) and December coming soon. Yeah man, I feel good. Nanannana… so, good, so good. I got you! But, don’t forget our ‘lil cutest kid-cik Ziqa. Mushy, mushy… Hurmm, budak nih.

So, here we are:

-Huh, a lot of things to do next December and as Ibu Yam (21 November), Ayyub (27 November), cik Maya and cik Jima (06 December) birthday soon. What kind of present should I gift? Hurmm.. I will think about it later (smart budget please).

-Swimming? Don’t you ever think about it? First time-really out. Second time-more better. Third time-become worse. So, are you dare for forth time? Huhuhu… Out cast. I should borrow ikan duyung’s tail-should I?

… no comment … 

UTHM convocation day: November 5, 2012

On November 5, 2012
Last week-we attended Maya’s convocation at UTHM (Degree holder in M.E.).
Again, congratulations to her!!

Pepagi dah kena bangun, around 4.30 am aku dah wake up and make it more interesting is I slept only 4 hours.
Heaven kot.
Its ok, dalam keta ti aku revenge balik.
Op kos bukan aku yang drive- I just sitting nicely at the back and nikmati pagi ahad yang indah lagi permai sambil…

So, kitaorang gerak dalam pukul 5.30 am (cik Ziqa pun dah bangun ok time tuh) and sampai dalam pukul 7.15 am
Seb bek I got Polo candy as pembangkit semangat.
Then, anta kasut kat cik Maya and carik parking.
Jauh gak kena menapak-parking lot not too much.
After all, gi beli bunga-sponsored by Ibu Yam (panggilan cik Ziqa untuk Ibu dia).

Perut pun dah lapor bangat-bangat- so kitaorang gi Library (opposite dewan baru yang cantik tuh) and ada kantin-maka, it’s breakfast time!
Nasi lemak + plain water + karipap + chocolate mousse.
Hahhaha…that the signal showing yang aku memang lapar amat-teramat-amat.

So, mak and ayah pun kena masuk Dewan belajar @ tempat convocation berlaku.
Hhehehe… until 12.00 pm as cik Maya said.
Then, cik Tila and I- automatically become a gembala jalanan.
So, dek kerana kemalasan melanda –kitaorang lepak jap kat tiang bendera and sharing a lot of stories about our country, PM, Iife, politics, dunia dan akhirat, etc…

Muka pun dah boring, and kitaorang tekad-lepak kat parking keta di Fakulti Perniagaan.
Menapak dalm kepanasan.
Can you feel that summer that burning my brain?
Bila sampai sana-rasa boring lagi sekali bila duk jek dalam keta.
So, let’s take some picture!!.

12.10 pm-benda yang di nanti-nantikan pun habis jua. So, kami lepak lagi sekali di kantin Library sementara cik Maya uruskan halnya and minum, makan pau and try lakasa Johor.
It taste?
Just look like laksa, but the flavor around 2.
Anyway, Alahmdulillah.

When everything fine- we’all go to Beriani Power restaurant (hottest restaurant di Batu Pahat katanya).
I think it’s absolutely hottest, because we’all has to wait for nasinya untuk masak coz ianya sudah habis.
Tinggal kerak la tuh. About 20 minute to go.
Tick-tock-tick-tock-its lunch time!
Nasi beriani ayam- Rm 9.00 per person (sponsored by Ibu Yam-mekasih bebanyak) ready untuk di telan...

From my sense and hungry stomach opinion:
Nasi Beriani Power, sangat sedop!. Tak muak dan nasinya sungguh lembut dan ayamnya cukup ramuan lah.  4/5 bintang. You all should try it.
Tempat? Hahahah.. kitaorang pun sesat jalan nak carik. Tanya la orang Batu Pahat okeh.

Then, hantar cik Maya ke tempat mek gambar dan ayah pun memandu pulang (ayat skema badak).
In same time-hujan pun mencurah curah ke ladang gandum @ jalan raya… coz tak nampak dan sangat bahaya,
kami berhenti sekejap bersama pisang goreng  di R&R.
Then, direct hantar aku balik Jb-esok keja la weh…

And the rest is my own privacy okeh.
Here some moments that I capture at Business Faculty @ Convo’s.
Happy scrolling.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Aku dan Pemeriksaan gigi


What the shame, because already five years I didn’t go for any dental check up. So, next December blessing-I should go for it. Yeah, I can do and I knew it! I want to clean my teeth @ cuci gigi- So far, I’m not satisfied at all. Too many plaque even I using Listerine cool mint as antiseptic mouth to kills germs that cause it, bad breath and gum problem. Butter-better way is going and see a specialist on it.

Some more, obviously I want to ask about wearing braces. May be for knowledge or I want to apply it later. Can? Even I started it too late. So, I should advise parents and younger student outside there to take time and think about wearing braces for become beautiful and handsome looking in future. Whose know? My teeth are fine but ‘lil not queuing in line-left above side. Just wonder, if can.

Next, if the doctors don’t bother I want to investigate about a gland/what at my left lower jaw. When I palpate, it’s something like rounded 10 cent! Actually, it’s already there since I Form three-may be-cannot remember. No effort toward it until end of this year. No pain, no harm. But too scary to think. Better find out and cure faster.

So, I hope cik Jima will come along either as accompanied me or together we do dental check up.


Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....