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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Exclusive Hari Raya festive story: Raya & Bergaya.

Hai. Say what?? Update, update please....

Last month, i bought some accessories yang i thought MUST BUY! (but actually it's not too urgent pun-except glasses). You know, may be because psycho concupiscence mind concur at that time-that what i said-Power is nothing without control (sesuaiiii la sangat).

So, lets me shows you apa bendanya itu:

1- Glasses.
Reason: Broken seribu because i'm too genius sampai terpijak and for one week i had survive with it (pakai glu cap gajah tu, because no time too make new one-Sunday night the incident happens).
Opinion: So after at all, i'm plans to buy something that tahan lasak dan really same like old one-because ianya sangat sesuaiii ngan my face shape.
Brand: Giordano. Others are too and too expensive to me. One year jek maa-because yearly must do eyes check up.
Prices: Rm300.00.

Reason: Sun rays are not too good for skin (cancer) and also my beautiful eyes (heheheh). Thats why i tell you all, every one must and must have sunglasses each. Got the picture??
Opinion: Because i'm wearing glasses, so i had too chosen who can attach with it (a 'lil bit difficult because some shop they do not sell it). Try survey first.
Brand: Ideal. Glasses+Sunglasses mantap!.
Prices: RM60.00.

Reason: Time is money, No watch, No time?? Haahhah.. tagline underwater world. To me those yang wearing watch, they looks like pro and perfect. Other than as accessories.
Opinion: No option because time i bought this thing, punyalah berlagak rich-women-ever. Go into the watch shop and sit. Then, one lady serve you and in ten minute directly decide to buy it !!!???... 'Lil bargain and too much am i (kuasa tanpa had dah merasuk).
Brand: Casio.
Prices: RM165.00

From these three stories, my budget is run away and one thing i want to tell you all is---raya tahun nih, just only me and my baju kurung. No new tudung, no new shoes, and no nothing at all. Huhuhu..

Advise: Next time, please spend wisely dear.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Matluthfi90 : A young man with the kesempoi-an melampau.

Hai. Pose tak arini? Orait.. Another story tentang link kesempoi-an melampau yang aku nak share. Link superb lawak versi penuh makna mendalam di balik mee ini dah lama dah wujud (pengasas-Matluthfi90). Aku dah follow gak daripada blajo kat kolej dulu-dulu sampai sekarang (kawan aku yang perkenalkan). Kawan aku cakap dia ni blajo kat obersi- Australia. Okey la tu kan. Rezeki masing-masing. Aja-aja fighting !! 

First time aku tengok video ini-versi hari ibu. Best amat la. Dalam dok senyum sampai ke telinga. Tetiba, budak lelaki sesat maner kat kerusi sebelah maser tu pun join sekali. Nyebok jek, kan. Yelah, public services-aku pn bagi la. Ti dia cakap aku gila kuasa tahap dewa pulak kan (aku kan baik hatinya). 

Yek la, ramai dah buat video-video nih-(vlogging). Tapi pengertian+++isi pengajaran tu...tak pasti la. Bagi aku, try la tengok benda yang de hasil. Baru berbaloi-baloi-baloi (triple). Ye dak? Hehehheh... 

Ok lah... nak tahu lebih lanjut?? tengok sendiri la kiddo.

t1enacious-gila best!


Korang pernah liked tak group band nih? t1enacious--(dengar pun tak, rasanya). Tapi-diorang nih walaupun tak sehandsome Orlando Bloom maner kan, tapi superb best gila bab main alat musikal. Keterujaan melampau sesangat!.

First time i falling in love with this group is when i listen to the Train song-marry me versi piano... Gila ah. Melankonik yang melampau-lampau. Diaorang punya video pun da watching lebih 150,+++. 


Dan kebetulan carik punya carik-jumpa lah FB diorang nih.  See??

Nilah diorang yang mampu membunuh deria rasa korang sampai ke penghujung nyawa. Ahaks! metafora yang melampau amat, ya. But seriously, best!

So, cekikdaud kalau nak tau lebih lanjut. Okeh.

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....