

My video from Videoshow

Assalamualaikum, As i like to see nice video at YouTube. I wish to make and record my own video. So i started recorded some short video. Then how i can make it more interesting? Then after searching and googling. I found this apps and I thinks I much addicted to it. It's called Video Show apps. And it's android. Can be downloaded at play store and type videoshow. Donno about selfish Iphone apps, sorry! And as that, i done three video already. So... i think i like it very much. I hope in future they make it more HD and more theme. And no fees behind it. Hehheheh.... So enjoy! *Sorry, i can't show you my video because my line not strong enough to download it : ) The picture apps look like this.

Perak: Gopeng Part 1

Assalamualaikum. Hai. Last weekend my friend (Emy) and I we're heading to Perak with some mission. But, before that on Friday morning we're go to Kedah first to collect her taekwando suit. And show me her hometown, flashback childhood memories in one day. And that late evening, We start come down to Perak state. We exit toll, 135. Gopeng. And after toll..turn to right side and searching a hotel. And we pick Hotel Gopeng Inn. RM 88/night. Beside KFC store. So, you know what dinner gonna be. About the hotel, what can you aspect if you only just want to sleep per night, as long the hotel clean and safety no. 1... i think i'm good with it. : ) That Saturday morning, after Subuh and showering. I start to make a plan. Much visit before 2pm? So, the first place is Kellies castle. RM 5.00 for adult per head. Even though history is not my favorite subject... but looking at this fantastic building is amaze me. How can they built such a wonderful building or cast...

Tips memasak nasi goreng.

Assalamualaikum, Hari sabtu yang lepas,  aku in good mood untuk masak nasi goreng in my own style di tempat kerja. Hehehhe... Masa untuk tujukkan skill memasak, der. 'Cause rasa macam dah lama tak buat benda nih sebab kes melimpah-ruah di ladang gandum. Even hari tuh aku terikat kes pada kol 7.30 pagi. Disebabkan itu,  Awal pagi after subuh aku kemas my own kerja apa yang patut and start 06.30 aku start potong sayur and ayam. Rasa macam role emak aku dulu-dulu kena siapkan breakfast sebelum ayah aku gi kerja and anak-anak dia gi sekolah. Touching! So, i did it. On time, before kes start. Aku dah siap hidang. Hahhaha... Good job. And Alhamdulillah. Nothing wasted. Dan komen balas sangat memberangsangkan. Nasi goreng nih ada macam-macam. Nasi goreng kampung. Nasi goreng cina. Nasi goreng special. Nasi goreng seafood...bla...bla...bla.. Tapi sebenarnya asalnya adalah... Sebenarnya korang boleh pikir sendirik. Ianya simple...