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Monday, December 27, 2021

Mall of Arabia Jeddah Female Prayer Room

Assalamualaikum sr, 

Anyone who's looking for the female prayer room in this mall, me too. So it's located at 2nd floor with near virgin mega store then next to h&m and you will straight and see the signboard. Insyaallah, we don't missed our salah. 

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Dream home: What my house will look like in future?


I really like to talk about the future, which it excites me than ever. From there I know what to aspect and maybe prepare for it. FYI, I only had a house that my dad give me this year. A resident for public affordable area near the city of Johor. I honoured he give it to me, and paid total for it. But I still not stay there, my brother used it with her wife. Yeah, from it empty while I worked aboard so never mind. It's useful enough.

About the house, in future...I will rent it for good because it will make a good profit. In the same time, I actually plan to buy a new house. A small house that contain two room with spacious backyard. I love gardening and I look forward for minimalist theme. To make it real, until now-I really detailing about my purchases because I don't want unnecessary things follow me blindly. It's surely felt like a burden that you're not realized. So, buy a quality one and long term use.

Additional points, I plans to quiet from healthcare field and go for businesswomen in the making. I want a freedom in time, financial and favoritism lifestyle. So, what will I do in my free time? I will go for natural and healthy living line. I want to be a independent strong lady who's happy with her own life. I'm happily make own soap, own foods or even own adventurous story. Hey, I can keep up with my next household expenses. Nice!

The minimalist that I'm said earlier seems hard but if you truly love what you're doing and self appreciation then you know what to do. I sometimes allergic to dust and also likes thing organize and cleanliness, but still not obsess. Then I think it's better less item than fight with my mind system. The cabinet and drawer must be took part in it. The technologies? I'm very glad if I can applied to make a smart house. But, I will related it with the affects to monthly bill. Need to be careful.

There, I give you what I want in my life. A simple life living with free-stress and healthy mind. I like to plan my life. I like surprises but I love the organization of my life better! I know it's look bored but it is my life and I don't care. I can said people always be mean to each other, the weakest will fall from the attack but the stronger will ignore it. Don't fight with idiotism and to them-go away you unwanted stranger. I don't know you and make your own life.


Friday, November 19, 2021

My Booklist: October 2021

Hai, i know its late already but these are my books review for October. Quite a challenging to search for a good book, but once you get what you interest... Its make me so happy. So keep on searching and learn new things, guys. Nothing impossible if you want it. Make a time and train your brain hard.

Speak about brain, lately I think this subject need to be open especially for mental health field. Guys, if I have a time... I will do keep on track what i get and share here for everyone acknowledged and beneficial. Happy day and forever. 

My booklist here:

1. Noise, Daniel Kahneman. 

2. The alchemist, Paulo Coelho

3. Zero sugar diet, David Zinczenko

4. The art of war, Sun Tzu

Obviously not reach five books per month target, oh no. What I'm busy at? Maybe because last month I got a big exam, so I just focus on that. Hahahhaha, true and forgivable answer. But, but... This month I will make it top five! Gambate! 

Japan trip 2

Hai, Hari kedua Di Jepun, bangun pagi plan asal aku mahu tengok sunrise dekat Gion District. Tapi Emak aku jetlag sikit jadi aku...