
Showing posts with the label zakat islam


Third Pillar of Islam (Rukun Islam 3)

Assalamualaikum, InsyaAllah today is all about our Third Pillar of Islam; Zakat. This is individual consideration of obligatory respond on own slave duty to the Creator each year of Islamic Calendar. This self-purification type where when He give you basic things in life then He also provides more than you expected likes income, wealth or commodities. Then with sincerity, you give it back to community because there always have someone poor or need it more than you expected.  I'm not saying you should give all you have, in zakat terms there are percentage for it. In Malaysia, there are differences types zakat you can find. Or you can go to Malaysian Zakat Web   for more information. Another country, I don't know but I'm sure they also have the right way to do it. Randomly, if the government can taxes you for their benefit of return to public infrastructure or economy, thus zakat is like your charity for Muslims population.  Besides, there are many others benefit of giving za