
Showing posts with the label until i heard a word sorry


Until i heard a word, sorry.

Assalamualaikum. Beberapa hari lepas, I'm berperang with one of my colleagues. And 'till now, we're still tak bertegur. And i want to see how long it will lasted. Really want to see. And i will not up any white flag. Not until he said, a word sorry! If i bring up our case, I sure you all akan kata i'm at the right part. Because he denial his duty and responsibility. Which i heard itu bukanlah kali pertama dia pernah buat. Such a nice role model yang dia nak tunjuk. Even tough he's not admit apa yang dia buat, I'm still ok. Manusia. And when he tried blame others atas apa yang terjadi. Tarik kesalahan orang lain dalam kesalahan sendirik. I surrender.  I said, tak payah panjangkan cerita. I will found out everything in the system on behalf of him. Full stop. And as i'm the one in-charge. I want pass over about it in perfect figure. So i will settle down everything that night. Bersengkang mata tak apalah. Janji bal...