
Showing posts with the label touching moments


Duplicated of her

Assalamualaikum I baked a butter cake yesterday. And today i terima satu bekas rainbow cake di awal pagi Wow. This is the life. Duh. Eat. More. Cake. Eat. More. Cake. Hheheheh... Alhamdulillah. She is a good friend of me. She is from another department. But we are close enough. And because of this, how i wish she is my neighbor one fine day. Mesti bahagia lah.  Ada orang hantar makan. Kan? Yelah, if im a man, dah lama i purposed. Nauzubillah nak jadi lesbian. Haish. Lempang nak? Sebab kenapa i praised her? Sebab she always akan bekalkan me something. Kek. Or any cookies and ada gak dengan lauk pauk bagai. Where can i find a duplicated of her? She is so amazing. Our tukar-tukar makanan started from i give her my chocolate cake. And her family love it so much. Segan gak bila tahu dia bawak balik dengan kek yang tak seberapa itu. Then, dia pon balas lah. And kami terus balas membalas. One friend of her department pon sama. Dia pon ada join...