Wedding talk: Two-piece wedding dress
Hai. Any brides that counting days will sort of crazily excited when talking about wedding dress. Whop-op. Even me too. That not counting days but have plans towards this. So give me a space, please. : ) For me, my goals... I want later that my catwalk piece will inspiration for any bride. Not i'm gonna wear a bikini! If i did, i'm sure my ayah will run after me and no wedding ceremony will happened on that day. Fuh. What my kind of idea is i'm not choose those a long one piece safe dress. Mine is, better than this. I know this is most freaking of 50:50, whenever come to decision maker. The hardest part,duh. 'Cause me and you deserve a perfect outfit for our big day. I like the idea of two-piece wedding dress! 'Cause hello, after all there's no wedding rule-book that says you have to wear a one-piece wedding dress o the big day. As i like how people prefer 'baju kurung'. But a truly baju kurung? Not so me. I will style...