Second Pillar of Islam (Rukun Islam 2)

Assalamualaikum, Today we're going to deeply talk about second Pillar of Islam; called as pray or salah or muslim ritual . It must be performed everyday for all believer of Muslims. And it has been mentioned in Quran for 99 times , The last dialogue post, 12 times in verb Salah-83 times in nouns Salawat-1 time in noun Musolah, 3 times in participle Musallin. Here some of it; ''O you who believe, seek help through patient and prayer. Surely Allah is with those who is patient.'' (2:153). ''Surely the hypocrites try to deceive Allah while He is the One who leave them in deception. And when they stand for Salah, only to show people, and do not remember Allah but a a little.'' (4:142). There are nine requirements criteria for whom must do the prayer : 1- Islam, only for Muslims. 2-Sanity/al-Aql, conscious and alert. 3-Puberty/ al-Tamyeez, know the responsibility. 4-In ablution/ wudu, state of purity. 5-Clear from dirt/uncleanliness. 6-Cover aurah, f...