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Showing posts with label retire when young. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retire when young. Show all posts

Friday, April 02, 2021

My FIRE tips: At age 30's

What is FIRE? It's short form for Financial Independence, Retire Early. In the nice word, you want to get out from normal 8-5 job as early as you can. Not anyone can think about it or even achieve  this, because you really have to get out from own comfort zone. Lots of sacrifice need to be done before you really keep the fire in your hand. Can you imagine how beautiful it is to wake up in the morning without think about any kind of job demand but to do what you like? You passion about.

Erm, to answer the question, yes, I'm absolutely targeting a FIRE in my future. I surely enjoy my nursing field but but I more love my own space. Instead of retire from my job at age 55 or 60 with long hours standing and do hard flexible posture, apparently I want to fully retire before age 40 maximum. Based on my plan, I will pre-test my option at age 35 to see how the process and continue to do my best for next five years. Let's say my finish line at age 70 or 80, so I have like half of my life participate in world activities!

Right now, I'm in phase four of my life which is age 30 to 35. Another five years to prove something to myself that I will do better than before. Interesting story in these two months without any job or rushing 8-5 life, I can imaging how's my scenario look like. How I will spend my life with, the activities, visit my friends, environment to look at, and future expenses. In the same time, I took a time to slowly re-adjust my own details and set a new main goal: The contentment life. Sound right, but you know what it is? It's mean life with happiness and satisfaction. Beautiful right? 

It's really crazy actually to think about, but I can said that I'm an extraordinary person with striking mindset. Since when I think about this? Since I'm age 25, when world introduce me what difference between money and currency and bad inflation. Then, I start to plot my own story with identifies and listed out all valuable things I got. I know my financial level, and put on details how can I improve it. Since last five years, I realized my goals always be change and to be better. Not I ashamed but with new me from now on, I would hold this in very long time. 

Most important tip here is invest in yourself or keep update your financial intelligence. Luckily I likes reading, so this is not a hard work. I go from romantic useless story or TV drama to financial or any self development books in a second. Sometime it is quite boring but if you look closely it is very good motivational ideas. In achieving FIRE, I need to do something about passive or leverage income. With this, they truly pump my adrenaline to be hunger for successful and appreciate our precious of time. Simply word I can said is prepare own weapon before you go to the war field, honey.

Next tip is kind of hard but surely worth it, is remove a toxic people in your life. This unhealthy relationship can be from your own family, best friends or people you like so this time just stay yourself away from them. For me, I resign from my current job and move to another country. Shock? Nope, this is the best. I don't like people unsupported me, think I'm a bad competitor, or other ugly millions reason. I also got a soft heart to say that I don't like them and don't want to be with them, so I keep my distance. Win-win situation, and I'm happy with it.

This FIRE situation is not until age you're stop working and you aspect it run smoothly but it is throughout your life. For me, I want to stress about our dependent in future lifestyle option. Why? This is because if you want a luxurious house, new sport car every year, or shopping non stop...then, your household expenses need a super strong background. You have to be careful in making a decision, discuss with your partner for a better comparison. In my target, I choose to be in minimalist and simple house with small garden. Then, I will be a happiest person ever. Yup!

Okay, so this is it. Bye.

End of 2023

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