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Showing posts with label pillar of islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pillar of islam. Show all posts

Saturday, July 03, 2021

Third Pillar of Islam (Rukun Islam 3)


InsyaAllah today is all about our Third Pillar of Islam; Zakat. This is individual consideration of obligatory respond on own slave duty to the Creator each year of Islamic Calendar. This self-purification type where when He give you basic things in life then He also provides more than you expected likes income, wealth or commodities. Then with sincerity, you give it back to community because there always have someone poor or need it more than you expected. 

I'm not saying you should give all you have, in zakat terms there are percentage for it. In Malaysia, there are differences types zakat you can find. Or you can go to Malaysian Zakat Web for more information. Another country, I don't know but I'm sure they also have the right way to do it. Randomly, if the government can taxes you for their benefit of return to public infrastructure or economy, thus zakat is like your charity for Muslims population. 

Besides, there are many others benefit of giving zakat; obedience to Allah rules where the slave shows the respect to the Creator. In balancing money and life where at starter we enter with nothing and then we leave this world with nothing too. This also good in built sharing manners, keep humanity alive in Muslims world. Another one is to avoid greed and misleading status power, it teach us to be remaining humble and kind. 

-The common minimum amout for those who qualify is 2.5% or 1/40 of individual Muslim total savings or wealth.
-Before do the zakat; you must be conscious, not a slave to someone, you have own right in own things, the ''nisab'' nd ''haul'' are perfect, and if you give it you don't be bankruptcy.

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

First Pillar of Islam (Rukun Islam 1)


Answer these questions:
Do you familiar with Five Pillar of Islam? 
Do you know why we need to know it?
Can you tell me the first Pillar of Islam?

Alhamdulillah if you can answer all the questions. You will see some thread in this blog about Five Pillar of Islam, which is basic acts in Islam that considered necessary on every Muslim. Say shahadah is the first part between Five Pillar of Islam, and in here InsyaAllah some explanation to it. Then, what is shahadah? Shahadah is like a vow that you make during a wedding day, you put a belief understand and whole heart to it. In Islam, ''The Shahadah'' is word said-“Ashadu an la ilaha illa illa-ilah, wa ashadu anna muhammadan rasul ullah.” 

Every Muslim give above a two vow to Allah, first one ''I stated there is no God but Allah''. In deeper, the person belief there is only one Creator, Allah, and has no right to be worshiped other than that. He also belief Allah has neither has a partner nor son. The second vow, ''I witnesses that beloved Prophet Muhammad is messenger of Allah''. This make that a person accepting Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet and messenger that sent by Allah Swt. 

Where can we find this shahadah? For everyone who converted to Muslim as their religion, the first word or like vow he need to say is ''The Shahadah''. In every Athan (call prayer), shahadah be mention two times. Not only that, it has been said in our five times prayers, also twice each. The newborn, it's sunnah recited Athan (for baby boy) or Iqamah (for baby girl) in the right ears of them from a father/male figure, otherwise, the mother also can. Lastly, Muslim strive for the shahadah to be their last words upon their death

In the Quran (kalam Allah), there is no direct show about this shahadah but more to interpretation here and there to it. Those are some of it. ''Say, He is Allah, The one.'' 112;1. Surah As-Saf;1 ''Whatever in the heavens and whatever is on the earth glorifies Allah. For He alone is the Almighty All Wise''. Also, in hadith Shahih Muslim 22 for example, It has been narrated on Abdullah b. 'Umar that the Prophet Muhammad said: ''I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer, and pay Zakat and....''

MasyaAllah. The reality from above scenario shows that shahadah start early from a life of the person until his last breath. Uniquely said, from start of the book until last page, full of shahadah been highlighted. Again, ''The Shahadah'' can you see that this vow be mention and renew mostly in everyday of our life. Allah remind us every second to minute to hour, from wake up morning (Fajr prayer) until before we sleep at night (Isya' prayer). MasyaAllah.


End of 2023

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