
Showing posts with the label peristiwa masa petir


Jangan tutup telinga

Assalamualaikum, Aku teringat masa dulu-dulu, Bila petir atau guruh...aku akan cepat-cepat tutup telinga dan pejam mata. It's scary you know. Imagination like a flash that will attack you in sekelip mata. And my emak will melarang that. Tak baik katanya. And then i not do that. Be brave. And 'till now, i'm good. Not behave like years before. : ) And after i see this ayah (ayat), surah al baqarah: 19. I see the real reason behind it. And perhaps one day you/I can tell the our child about it. The fact. And let's see:  SuibahanaAllah. Don't close your eyes and being afraid of the flash, Be afraid jika Allah tarik balik nikmat dia. And what if only the dark will you see. After a moment you open the eyes.... You die! SubahanaAllah. Nothing impossible.