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Showing posts with label perbuatan mengeluh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label perbuatan mengeluh. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Don't sigh my friend


Are you sighing person? If yes, please stop it my friend. I personally feel the person who always sigh in everything is a rude person! Sigh equally a deep audible expressing of negative aura likes sadness, annoyed, or tiredness because of something or even about someone. Yeah. If you always sigh, you will do that in any places and surrounding. It is already become the automatic responds of bad little habits without you realized it. Then I hope after you have done read this article, please change it.

In Islam, when you expressed a sigh is like a reflect of you're not happy with what Allah give you. MayaAllah. It figures a model that issues you're facing is not what you expect to be. Actually, he or she obviously really don't want it, or really hate it? Why would you do like that? Allah's encourage all Muslims to be patient and grateful, not to be impatience or unacceptance for any barrier and challenges happens. Rather than a sigh, say Alhamdulillah instead. It's easy and give positive aura!

I give this advice is not only to care about myself only. What I like or don't like, but I just think what I feel may be same affects to your own families, friends, co-worker or strangers. If you think you're right to express. then you're wrong. You only have that right if you sigh without a sound or do it if you're alone. Okay! So please aware of your surrounding, may your behavior is become better from day to day. InsyaAllah. 

End of 2023

 Hai, Apa khabar semua? Lama benar rasanya tidak menjengah blog ini, datang sini pun sebab rindu. Tidak langsung peduli untuk menaip dan ber...