
Showing posts with the label my silent treatment



Assalamualaikum. Dalam satu dua kawan yang korang kenal pasti akan ada yang mudah sentap. Sentap? If korang nak tahu, Ayat sentap nih aku belajar daripada tempat kerja aku sekarang ni lah. Sentap merujuk more kepada orang yang senang merajuk and suka simpan dalam. Cliche sangat. At my department, there all know whose that dude. Pelik tak pelik la kan. Lelaki sekarang hilang dah macho diorang. And, so far aku actually good pada tempias tu semua. Maybe sebab aku lebih suka buat hal sendirik. And last week, i donno how i can terjebak dalam drama sentap menyentap nih. But i did. And a small war happens. Dude, kau period ke apa oi. Bagi aku if dia nak sentap to me... for what i did... You're super wrong. I already said, what's gonna happen to that box. And everyone will aspect the same thing. And just because of it nak sentap. No,no,no... You're dealing with wrong person. Then, when i treat you like a team. You not listening pada apa a