
Showing posts with the label i am minimalist


ME: I am minimalist

Hai. Did you ever heard about minimalism? What is minimalist? In my point of view, minimalist is an advocates or practices or action towards minimalism. Something like, living with less situation as possible. Yeah. Minimalist and islam?  In response to this question, i once seen a statement that... In the day of judgement, Allah will ask me what action I use on the things I have own for the reward or pahala. Then, I did some research on form of zuhd words (detachment). Specifically it tells about, opposite anger or less concerned about dhunya. According to Al Junayd,  "Zuhd is to free the heart from wanting" And Imaam Ahmad stated, "Zuhd is not to have many expectations ." Minimalist and my life?  To be honest, I started practicing about this around two years ago, four five months before going to Umrah. Because of being tied to a tight financial plan, I began to spend less and started to minimize everything. Includes foods spent, window shopping, travelling her...