Exclusive Hari Raya festive story: Raya & Bergaya.

Assalamualaikum. Hai. Say what?? Update, update please.... Last month, i bought some accessories yang i thought MUST BUY! (but actually it's not too urgent pun-except glasses). You know, may be because psycho concupiscence mind concur at that time-that what i said-Power is nothing without control (sesuaiiii la sangat). So, lets me shows you apa bendanya itu: 1- Glasses . Reason: Broken seribu because i'm too genius sampai terpijak and for one week i had survive with it (pakai glu cap gajah tu, because no time too make new one-Sunday night the incident happens). Opinion: So after at all, i'm plans to buy something that tahan lasak dan really same like old one-because ianya sangat sesuaiii ngan my face shape. Brand: Giordano. Others are too and too expensive to me. One year jek maa-because yearly must do eyes check up. Prices: Rm300.00. 2- Sunglasses . Reason: Sun rays are not too good for skin (cancer) and also my beautiful eyes (heheheh). Thats why i tel...