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Showing posts with label buku-buku piliihan untuk dibaca. Show all posts

Thursday, July 01, 2021

My Booklist: June 2021


How are you guys right now? I hope you're doing well. I know Malaysia still lockdown in certain places and the cases still in between 5,000 to 6,000 per day. The government wants 4,000 cases and below to lift up the movement control.  Keep strong all people in there, you all can do it. Everyone will have a mental distress because of this but please maintains free mental health. Pray to your Creator and cried your heart out. Or, built close relationship with trusted people around you and let all the feeling go. Don't burden yourself with unnecessary things and influenced by mental judgmental. You have own right to be happy!

1. The richest man in Babylon, George Samuel

2. The secret of Millionaire mind, T Harv Eker

3. Capitalism and freedom, Milton Friedman

4. Das Kapital, Karl Max. 

5. The general theory of employment, interest and money, John Maynard Keyness. 

6. The 48 laws of power, Robert Greene

7. The champion's mind, Jim Afremov

8. Man's search for meaning, Victor E Frankl

9. Zero to one, Peter Theil

10. Crushing it, Gary Vaynerchuk

11. The tiny small changes habit that change everything, BJ Fogg. 

12. Resisting happiness, Matthew Kelly

13.The secret, Rhonda Byrne

In my previous post, May's Booklist, I target for 20 books but I think I didn't make it because here I can only show the 13 booklist for June 2021. I felt little bit bad because that month my two or three books choices quite heavy and need more than a week to settle down. I also get on with  my other project and that subject pretty need lots research. So, for July booklist I target about 15 books to review and summarizes. I should try harder in achieve it. Then see you in next post! 


End of 2023

 Hai, Apa khabar semua? Lama benar rasanya tidak menjengah blog ini, datang sini pun sebab rindu. Tidak langsung peduli untuk menaip dan ber...