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Showing posts with label baru nak belajar sembahyang. Show all posts

Monday, April 02, 2018

Fajr Prayer is hard?


According to Prof Dr Abdul Malik Karim Amarullah, Hamka; 
If you want to see Muslims, come to the mosque on Eid and Hajj prayer. But if you want to see a true believer in Islam, come to the mosque at dawn (Fajr prayer). That is different between them. Indeed, that Fajr prayer is the reflection of himself.  How? 

1-If the Fajr prayer is always maintained. That's a sign of safety from hell. (Jika Subuhnya senantiasa dipelihara. Itu tanda akan Selamat dari neraka).
2- If Fajr prayer is not there no missed. God protect him from all illusions. (Jika Subuhnya tiada dia tinggal. Allah melindunginya dari segala aral).
3-If the Fajr prayer is preceded by Sunnah prayer. Surely he got the whole world and its content. (Jika Subuhnya didahului dengan Sunat. Pasti seluruh dunia beserta isinya, dia dapatkan). 
4-If the Fajr prayer is in dark towards to mosque. In the darkness of the hereafter he finds the light. (Jika Subuhnya bergelap-gelap menuju Musholla. Di kegelapan akhirat ia dapatkan cahaya).
5. If from Fajr prayer to early Dhuha prayer, do some dhikir as well. Get the reward of Umrah and Hajj. (Jika dari Subuh hingga awal Dhuha, berwirid pula. Mendapat pahala Umrah dan Haji sempurna).

However, please avoid this practices;

1-If the Fajr prayer is not taken care of. Then there was no light on his face. (Jika Subuhnya tiada dijaga. Maka pada wajahnya tiada cahaya).
2- If the Fajr prayer is deliberately forgotten. The mark of his deen is lifeless. (Jika Subuhnya sengaja terlupa. Tanda Imannya tiada bernyawa).
3- If the Fajr prayer feels heavy. The sign of the hypocrites is near. (Jika Subuhnya terasa berat. Tanda munafiq sudah mendekat).
4-If the Fajr prayer already doesn't care of. The sign of deen is approaching to death. (Jika Subuh tiada peduli. Tanda Iman menghampiri mati).
5-If the Fajr prayer is not in congregation. The sign of his life will be lose in His blessings. (Jika Subuhnya tiada berjama’ah. Tanda hidupnya akan kehilangan barakah).
6-If the Fajr prayer doesn't go to the mosque from before. The sign of his deen is infected by a disease. (Jika Subuhnya tiada ke Masjid. Tanda imannya ada penyakit).
7-If the Fajr prayer always delayed. The sign of his deen are getting flawed. (Jika Subuhnya selalu terlewatkan. Tanda imannya semakin cacat).
8- If the Fajr prayer is at the end of time. The sign of his deen are getting blurred or gray. (Jika Subuhnya diakhir waktu. Tanda iman semakin kelabu).
9-If the Fajr prayer is already noon. The sign of good benefit is gone. (Jika Subuhnya hari sudah siang. Tanda rezekinya sudah hilang).
10- If the Fajr prayer still snoring. Sign of the devil embracing him while in his sleep. (Jika di waktu subuh masih mendengkur. Tanda syaitan memeluknya dalam tidur).

والله اعلم

Hasil carian imej untuk subuh

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