How expensive are Korean fruits?

Hai, Let's talk about fruit prices in Korea, why they are so expensive?! Before you enter, the airport will make big announcement that prohibited you to bring any vegetables or fruits to their country. If that happened, you need to make some declaration and questions back and forth for it. So better be save, don't bring any. Why come to other country if you want to stay same like your country? Explores and be real. That's the point for travelling, right. To me, they do that because want to keep the quality control for their goods and be safe. And they make it right, dude. I really enjoy fruits when travel here because when in winter you drink small amount of water. Like yaeah, who's want to drink cold water in winter season? More freezing! Then, to keep digestive system well, stay up with your high fiber. Get that? I also really enjoy my taste bud and they are nicely sweet too. I know they are so expensive, so if you want to try it too... bought fruits like the green ...