
Showing posts from February, 2021


Tafseer Quran Surrah Al Falaq, 113

''My Tafsser al Quran Project'' Surrah al Falaq (The Daybreak) Assalamualaikum wbt. Hello? Bismillah. Today I'm going to do tafseer Quran for surrah Al Falaq. The surrah with five ayyah and it's Madaniyyah. I can't explain more and about behind the stories for this surrah -but Abu Saíd al Khudri said; ''Allah Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) used to seek refuge with Allh from the jinn and from the evil eye until the Mu'wadhatain (Surrah Al Falaq and An Nas) were revealed.  There are lots comparison  between these two surrah; al Falaq is you seek protection of Allah from uncontrolled physical harm especially in ''dhunya'', while An Nas is you ask Allah protection from inner and outside harm toward ourselves especially in ''deen''.  MasyaAllah, Quran always related with one to another. That's why this kitab is too perfect for who's explore more about it and bring unexpected learning sense in every aspect. Alhamdu...

My experience about braces, part 1

Hai brace-ish, Are you want to apply braces? Or are you already in these club already? Anyhow, whatever reason you come here to my blog, I hope you find the answer and can go on with your life. So let me told you about my experience with this wire things, u-huh. Look scar, but don't worry. It's nothing, at first the past two days need took a painkiller and the rest is you and bland food. Hahah, just think how wonderful you are going to change one day after all of this story line of your teeth come to the end. The fun fact is you may lost weight around three to five kilogram. Don't be surprises.   Braces in Islam? Islam prohibited if you change your normal physical in the reason to look more beautiful. In my cases, I don't do it for beauty or what. There are many reasons to it; I figure out my teeth in one sided are not in straight line. Then, it is effect the way I chew my foods. Also the way I smiled and speak, I then slowly lost in confidence to speak in public. Then,...

World National Day

1 January Cuba Revolution Day 26 January Australia Australia Day 26 January India Republic Day 4 February Sri Lanka Independence Day 11 February Iran Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution 15 February Serbia National Day 16 February Lithuania Independence Day 24 February Estonia Independence Day 3 March Bulgaria Liberation Day 6 March Ghana Independence Day 17 March Ireland Saint Patrick's Day 25 March Greece Independence Day 16 April Denmark Birthday of H.M. Queen Margrethe II 17 April Syria Independence Day 27 April South Africa Freedom Day 27 April Netherlands Koningsdag / King's Day 3 May Poland Constitution Day 9 May European Union Europe Day 17 May Norway Constitution Day 25 May Argentina Revolution Day 25 May Jordan Independence Day 26 May Georgia Independence Day 28 May Ethiopia Derg Downfall Day 2 June Italy Republic Day / Festa della Repubblica 6 June Sweden Flag Day 10 June Portugal Portugal Day 12 June Philippines Independence Day 12 June Russia Russia Day 16 June Un...