
Family: An argument


Today is the day when I have an argument with my elderly sister. She is really something that everyone will love or hate her. In the end, I learned that its really easy to end up your relationship chain. By leaving family WhatsApp group. She do it without wariness and not even thinking deeply how it affects everyone. But, she did it. Really easy, one finger tap, and you're done. Simple. 

Astagfirullah al azim. Nauzubillah. Really, she doesn't know how it stab me through my chest or hit me to the end of a cliff. I'm a family person, no doubt. I appreciate my families members more than anyone. I care about them that's why I give my two, three words. I don't know people ego highest than everything. Looks like her freedom just for her, only her. Her happiness in running away is the only option-When you can't take one argument you run from the problem. No, I don't like it. 

After few minutes she left, I'm apologise to her and give few words in private. I text what I should have saud and thats it. Not everyone have a time for a simple mistake, but for my family I do it. I don't know how sensitive a person is, but when anger arise - do fight back your self control. This is me, its feelings and my perception. May Allah bless you and your family, sister.

A simple action showing our inner soul. Be aware on own ego traps. 


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