
Showing posts from October, 2017


Silver car

Assalamualaikum, I actually donno what i'm gonna to do with my own car. Then, why i bought it? It because my older sisters said... You must have a car. I just, oh ok. ... Keluarkan my money, give it to my ayah. I said, beli myvi satu. I want the silver color. And when it's ready... I dapat one day mc off, go back to Johor dalam demam-demam. Signed those papers. And i asked them to sent the car to my parents house. And that evening balik semula ke KL. So, there you go. I give you my car. What's next? Not in my life, i think nak beli a car. Because i have my motorcycle. Senang dan mudah. Which I'm happy with it. So, i just put it at my parents house. Under care of my parents, i just paid monthly. And any services needed. Which they can used it to visit grandchildren or to mall, hospital appointment. Etc. Etc. Like a bad mother am i,sebab tinggalkan my baby under atok nenek dia. Dan bayar bulan-bulan tanpa ada rasa nak menjenggah or wha...

Tiada balas

Assalamualaikum. (Feeling-feeling jap pagi nih) Aku pandang langit. Awan melihatku kecil. Burung melarikan diri, Aku tarik nafas panjang. Aku hembus ke udara. Bukan mudah untuk hidup. Berdiam aku mengguis tanah. Sampai bila aku akan begini? Suram tiada balas. Ku letak tangan di dada kiri. Ia masih bernyawa. Bukan mudah untuk hidup. Membilang aku akan kebaikan yang ditabur. Dan keikhlasan ditapis jernih. Hanya tinggal apa? Cukup kah bekalan akhirku? Bukan mudah untuk hidup. Aku bukan malaikat. Mulia setiap saat. Aku hanya manusia. Penuh dosa tercatat. Kerana sesungguhnya, bukan mudah untuk hidup. Dan terus hidup. And I'm still alive! Allahuakhbar!

Seriously ganas

Assalamualaikum. Yesterday i broke a tissue compartment at my department. Yeah, well... My fault. I admit it duh. Then, that's one my sort of keganasan. I donno. I tried to be like a normal girl. With nothing dramatic in the end. But yeah, tidak semuanya berjalan dengan lancar ya. I will sometimes punch there. Hit there. And langgar semua benda. That's why esoknya bruised sana sini. Fuhhh... Clumsy. Can called so. But is it? When my friends invite to join takewando... spelling dia betul ke? Or boxing or silat ke apa. I just say no. And a big no. Because if I joined it. I will be more ganas. More unpredictable than what you expect. Tak mau lah. Jadik ayu-ayu. Alim-alim. Tapi sikit ganas cukup lah. Hikhikhik. Kan?

TRAVEL: Aquaria KLCC, Malaysia

Hai, Weather today is so nice and it's time to do some adventure walks. And I also want to share about my story when I go to Aquaria KLCC. After stay quiet a long time at Kuala Lumpur, that is my first time visited Aquaria KLCC. Before, I just heard some rumors about how beautiful and lovely to be there. And now, it's my time to feel that. So excited and so ready! I get there by public transport because it's inside the KLCC tower building. So why need to worry about parking your car or taxi when you can get a better way. Get your LRT train Gombak to Putra Height or either way and stop at KLCC station.  From there, you just follow lead toward inside KLCC mall, and can ask the counter there. Or, you just walk near Maybank center-and beside it you'll find a colorful tunnel with small signboard of Ɓquaria'. Go straight there. Then, can see some restaurant and last stop you can see blue and white wall wrote 'Aquaria'. But just some walk to their main entrance at ...

LIFE: How to tell the kids a real answer

Hi, Few days ago, my sister shared about their kids life. Which they start to ask about their late father - Al Fatihah to him. If I'm in her shoes, I also dunno how to response. But, they should be exposes about it and face it. That's the reality. When the he kids attend the school, and see how lovely everyone had own father...the question start to raise. And abut how many times you repeated it, they still does not understand. And you just have to make it in simple answer and not so complicated one. Keep strong sister or any mother out there the same situation.  And as a good teacher, please be aware every question you gonna asked your student. Person private life may looks simple as kids at very young age but did you know how they feel inside. Do you always be there for them, no. So please be caution in every words. A sharp tongue can cut a whole heart... This maybe looks so cruel or too rush. But until when? Keep a secret towrads their entire life. You must be so ...

Phone baru?

Assalamualaikum. Dalam banyak-banyak benda, ramai orang suka tegur pasal my phone. Nazak dah benor mereka cakap. Oh my baby asus. Zenfon apa tak ingat... My super tough communication technology. My one and only. Even ianya tertinggal mana-mana pon tak akan adanya orang nak curik. Sebab hodoh benar dah ghupanya. Dengan kecai barai retak beribu. Hang sikit. Quota sim pon penuh. Hahahaaa... Tapi i still setia dengannya. Forever and tak tahu sampai bila. Ada yang sanggup nak sponsor tukar screen. Tukar nih, tukar tuh. Tapi tolak cara baik. Tak apa... One day i will tukar it. Don't worry hokey. How about next year. Yeah? I only can change it next year. Sebab apa? Kenapa mesti next year? Secrettto. Sibuk lak aih nak tahu. Hhehhe... Tak pon tunggu la ada orang belikan. Co chuweeet... Lempang nak? Ok. So please don't tanya-tanya lagi pasal my new phone. Lagi-lagi depan this old baby asus. Dia sensitip tahu. Nanti dia majuk. Hang pastu. ...


Assalamualaikum. I got one ODO from my hospital for Orchid Run Medical Volunteer masa tuh. So, kena gunakan bulan nih gak. Pastu i just soh diorang arrange kan bila cutinya sebab tak boleh decide. Ramai cuti duh. Sambung menyambung gitu. And my ODO jatuh pada this Wednesday. Which i donno where i wanna to go. Rest at home or may some fun place? Perhaps. Yeah after penat kerja. My plan, i wanna go to Aquaria KLCC! Dekat dan i got free ticket for it masa Matta Fair. Why not gunakan masa ni kan. Memandangkan expirednya hujung tahun nih. Good idea. I donno if I'm nih anti-social ke apa. Sebab usually orang akan hang out with their friends untuk spent time. Huha-huha ke apa. But me, Just why not hang out with those animals? I love them more than all of my friends. Because they have less drama nya. Hahhahha... Alright, nampak macam that morning i have lots to prepare. Pakai beg belakang jelah. So, My bread dengan peanut butter. My chocolate bar. Water b...

Kerja. Kerja. And sambung kerja.

Assalamualaikum, Curhat jap ar. Sebab kerja. Kerja. Kerja. And sambung kerja. Three days berturut-turut memang kerah tenaga sehabis baik. Rasa memang macam kuli betul. Sangat kulinya. Sangat. Serious okey. Tak lah cakap berkira bab-bab kerja ini. But i think it's a bit too much? Please. Don't you think so? Let's start my day dengan five hours surgery non stop.  Boleh tahan lagi. Pastu solat jap before makan tengahri. Habis sebungkus nasi goreng kawan beli. Memang lapar tahap dinosaurus! Nih tak bayar lagi, kena tulis dalam buku kira-kira nih. Then, sambung four and half hours surgery... Tengok-tengok hari pon dah gelap. Suruh pulak kena checked bill. Nak kejar shuttle lagi... Huh. Redha jela. Esoknya, sambung penat lagi. Kes orthopedic banyak nak kena settle, Solat Zohor, makan nasi goreng half. Scrub in dengan back to back case. Fuh, sampai malam. Solat jangan cakap, dah dua skip. Maaf ya Allah. Ten...

Friday up

Assalamualaikum. It's friday. And, I'm oncall. But, tak borther sangat jika my lunch today adalah terbaik. The awesome sangat. Yang membuatkan i missed my emak punya masakan. So, so and so much punya banyak rindunya. Hamik ayat pon dah menggambarkan perasaan ini. Huhuuu. Ikan masak sambal. Sayur lemak labu. And my lovely nasik. Heaven. Tengah makan, my friend cakap. Orang Johor kalau makan mesti nak berkuah kan? I can deny it. Yeah. Sort of true facts! My family memang camni. If nothing yang berkuah. Just standby with simple soup. Jadiklah. Kalau masakan tu tak nak kena complaint with my emaklah. Hhahhah... Oh, missed them so much. FYI. This week memang not in mood nak makan. Sebab bila makan, rasa macam telan tak kunyah. Yeah. Sila sambung ke next entry untuk tahu the real story... = )

Ziqa and her birthday cake

Assalamualaikum. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Nurul Haziqah. Happy birthday to you! I love you so much dear. Please don't grow up so fast.

Stadium bukit jalil

Assalamualaikum. Stadium Bukit Jalil. Not gonna share a history tentang nih. Even kengkadang ada lah selalu biasa lalu-lalu sini.  Tapi kali ini adalah tentang my first time pergi masuk dalam stadium bukit jalil. But not so jakun lah. Please. But sikit jakun why not eh. Pergi serbu sana untuk close ceremony of Para asean games 2017. And, Why ada alasan untuk tidak pergi bila you got yourself a free ticket! Thanks my friend. Love you lebih lah. We go there from Klcc Lrt. Then, turun kat Masjid Jamek Lrt. Drop jap kat News shop sana sebab nak tapau energy bar. And some jajan-jajan buat kunyah. Pastu naik lrt ke Bukit Jalil. Lalu lah Bandar Tasik Selatan punya Lrt. Wow, i donno that! Okey. Sampai sana, get a ticket from my kawan. Grab some foods untuk anak dia.  And carik seat, enjoy the moments jap before Maghrib. Anyway, untuk kejar maghrib. Better bawak telekung sendirik. Like me! Hehhehe... And sejadah kecik. Nih tak b...

Perangai mereka

Assalamualaikum. I donno apa masalah yang melanda in my department right now.  Something not right, duh. Me yang memang try the best, tak suka buat problema pun kena sound dua tiga kali sehari. My colleague datang, ada tanya soalan.  Are you happy working here? ... soalan membunuh apakah ini...  Adakah ini masanya untuk move on with your work? Is it? So, membuatkan nak pergi kerja pon rasa cam tak excited dah cam dulu. Macam myself, my family jauh kat Johor. Then, this place yang i called so colleagues or friends adalah i treat as a family member. Sebab boleh dikatakan everyday kena ngadap muka diorang. Take care each others lah. Bila perangai sorang-sorang pon cam cipan. Nak built a family feeling pon fikir dua tiga kali. As kerja teamwork kita memang lah kena ada tolak ansur. Sometimes kawan kita punya kerja tak perfect mana, untuk kita yg memang super perfect. Apa salahnya buat untuk dia. On behalf. Or kalau malas, tegur lah car...