
Baju Raya


Excuse me.
Aura Raya yang coming soon, membutkan aku ingin update about it.

Just my simple baju kurung.
This abstract colourful cloth i bought at kedai tepi jalan jek.
Jangan tak percaya.
Baru you know how humble i'm.
No boutique or special designer needed.
As long as i'm feel comfortable, just go with it.
: )

The price so affordable.
RM50.00 only.
And nah... i take it.

Usually, baju raya aku suka if my emak yang jahitkan. 
She know my size and what i want.
This year... my emak bit busy with my sister in pantang.
Cucu ke-7.
With other dua cucu lagi untuk di jaga-Cik Ziqa and Apiz Ultraman.
So, i don't wanna kacau.
Beli je lah kan.

I like the fabric. 
And the mustard colour scarf is special gift from my younger sister.
Magically, quiet match with this baju kurung.
Gunakan lah.
Thanks sis.

My next baju raya...i choose black.
This one has no picture. 
Not baju kurung.
It's like a fishtail blouse with black long skirt.

Matching with Neelofa printed scarf, i bought last month.
Small colourful flower.
Rasa diri cute-cute gitulah.

Ok bye!

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