
Showing posts from May, 2015



Inna lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiā€™un (Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return) I like to think of grieving as feeling sorry for yourself. A dead person does not suffer - but those left behind will miss them. Some part of grieving is feeling sorry for others who will miss the deceased.  I might be tough, but I don't see a thing wrong with crying 'cause it an individual thing.

Friends-Imran and Mira wedding.

Assalamualaikum. Last week, me and my friends from previous hospital attended a wonderful wedding ceremony... di Pokok Sena, Kedah! Yup. Not mistaken, last time kenangan antara aku and negeri Kedah adalah bila practical di Hospital Kulim. About 4 years ago... How fast time passing by. Kami bermalam di Perak, rumah cik Ain that Friday night... Thanks to you and your lovely family. Midnight sampai. So just gosok baju for tomorrow and take a nap. Esok Sabtu pagi after Subuh kami gerak ke Kedah. Took three hour untuk sampai Pokok Sena. And on the way, sempat singgah jejalan di Pasar pagi di sana.... : ) What i like the most from the wedding there are diorang separated between male and female tempat makan. Thumbs up! The foods so good. And i also terpesona how beautiful the bride dresses are. The pelamin, as usual... amazing. Door gift sangat berbaloi. I used that small towel right away for lap my peluh. Sorry guys, but i love it.   And i can met my...

FINANCE: Melayu perlu bijak mengatur kewangan

Assalamualaikum. Last two days, kawan aku ada mengadu/luah perasaan about dia punya financial problem. And if aku tak silap, past a month ago... Ada lagi sorang story pasal tak cukup gaji. And lastly, tak sampai ujung bulan. Makan megi. Urgh! Hate it, but can i know where's your money goes? Did you spent it wisely? This type of group adalah paling bahaya and... Dengan GST bagai lagi sekarang. Donno what to say. So at that time, aku hanya boleh melahirkan rasa sympathy. Itu belom digeledah diorang punya account saving, emergency fund... retirement saving? Or yes, you are in trouble dear. Aku masa tuh just can give advice how to organize money secara bijak lagi terbilang. And... I nak share dengan you all pon sesegan gitu.... 'cause sedar diri ini masih makan gaji. But, Think big, dream big, believe big, and the result will be big. For now, aku mahu kita didedahkan dengan segala financial book/talk/events. Sangat bagus. If kalian adalah FB freaks, silalah...