Throwback, : )

Assalamualaikum. How about this statement: Late night conversations make you learn a lot about people. : ) Agree 101% And conversation... i remembered about my ex-hospital. We all umur lebih kurang around 30-20 an. So our chemistry are young minded. We like to eat, late. Dinner after work. Once a month i think. Or more. Ordered tak ingat dunia. Laugh. Kutuk mengutuk. Get out from stress and smiling more. Like tomorrow, no need go to work. Hahhaha... This mak cik, ialah the master of planning. Any programme, any event. Sob, sob... Missed them. Huhuhu. One day, i want go back to that hospital... and lepaking at their pantry. LOL. Like a boss. And please don't forget bring along your buah tangan. Hheheh.. Chocolate cake? Hurmmm...