Amazing Al-Quran

Assalamualaikum, Yesterday, semasa aku hendak balik kerja around 3pm...Hurm, a lot of case lately. Jalan menuju ke rumah kena tutup sebab pekerja majlis pembandaran tengah potong pokok. So, macam okaaaaaay. Patah balik and menuju ke LRT berdekatan. Here we go! Mana nak pergi? So, aku just decide gi KL Central. Lapooo... Memula, aku ingat just nak grab Burger King. Tapi big escalator menuju ke one of the shopping mall kat situ lagi me-ne-ru-ja-kan. And yes, i go there. Top of it... aku makan KFC. Alone. Really bad huh? And after that, time nak turun... I seen MPH bookstore! I love reading. And tinjau-tinjau... beautiful place. Smart and teratur. I like! One hour later, aku mula boring, Try usha Islamic site. Niceee.... And i find this: And i bought it. Yessss... Finally, i get what i want. And, ada hikmahnya. I came here and met this special book/Kitab. Love it x200.... ...