
Kenapa aku tak balas mesej/call?


"Kenapa aku tak balas any mesej/call?"

Most question yang aku dapat every day/month even per years... and sebab malas nak ulang ayat yang sama, aku harap diorang baca ini dan don't asking me about that stupid question ever.
(Tak marah, tapi annoying you know)

But, if benda itu penting sangat-sangatlah tersangat, aku balas okay. Except speacil case: My family.
Family lain... anytime i feel free to answer. Cannot judge it. 

If i got a missed call? 
Sometimes... aku akan call back, Sometimes, not. When your luck comes.

By What'sapp or any social app... if sempat aku akan responsed as soon as possible. But aku actually sempat baca but tak sempat type and press send icon. Who's know.. Jangan marah...

My reason if ada yang tak puas hati:
First-main reason adalah kerana aku MALAS.
Full stop.
Terus terang... Hahahaaa, :) make it clear,  even hairan tahap cipan pun don't ever asked me why. Cause aku sendiri pun tak tahu kenapa. *Wink.
Next please.

Second-iPhone auto correct. Ini dah banyak Kali aku kena. And for that, aku kena wrote 2/3 same word yang tetap sama until aku dapat send the real word. Seriously? Yeah, and korang harus percayai itu. After that aku akan tulis bawah dia, "sorry, I'm just wake up." 

"STUPID auto correct"

Third-Talian di hospital not good enough. Bila masuk department tuh macam lost dengan dunia luar, Ececeee, gitulah. So, on certain place like pantry for example baru tahu yang, "you got sixtymessages and thousand missed calls."

Forth-aku tahu if aku send mesej, that person will continue send me back until aku rasa... Can I just call you? Aku suka kol cause you can heard he/she voice, a truth mesej, Smart action by a smart person. Dan tamatkan secepat mungkin. Senang... Hurm, relax nyer... 

Itu adalah antara sebab aku boleh explain.
See you. 


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