
Showing posts from August, 2012



Assalamualaikum... Hot, hot, hot. Semua orang sekarang nih dok menanti detik 12 tengah malam. Nak celebrate National day la. Kali ke 55 tahun katanya. Hehehheh... Salam merdeka!

RAYA: kuih raya di malam raya

Assalamualaikum, Yahuuuu... Raya tinggal seminggu aja lagi weh. Kkorang-korang yang workaholic memanjang. Bila nak balik kampung woiii. Mesti tak sabor la nak melantak semua jenis kuih pelbagai bentuk dan warna and lauk-lauk wajib yang memang ummphh!! Rendang + ketupat + serunding. Heaven. TIP: jangan terlebih limit-your heart will thank for it, then. FYI , aku cuti sampai rayer ke-4 jek. Sedih lah gak tak dapat one week coz der pulak tetiba nak wat opertion time suasana rayer nih. Redha jek la. Hurmmm..nak wat camner, dah tuntutan kerja. Next! Next is story mory pasal kuih raya. Semalam-puan Yam + suami + emak =dah wat kue dah. Tiga jenis diorang wat. Kuih tart nenas, kuih Almond London and Kuih Conflakes. Aku tolong time bab Almond tu jek. Hhehhehehe... Pas buka teruih try raser. Sedap!. Cayalah... May be next day mak nak wat ketumpi, rempeyek bagai. Baju raya: sepasang jek tok tahun ni. Apsal ntah, mood raya menjunam sikit-tahun nih. Maybe coz first t...

cerpen: kisah dongeng yang hampeh

ā€œOnce upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived with her wicked stepmother and two stepsisters. They treated Cinderā€¦ā€ "Stop! stop! stop ! What the h***  are you, Miss Cinderella ?ā€ ā€œNaper pulak professor  Mat Jenin ?ā€ Cinderella pelik. ā€œItu citer zaman batu versi burung belatuk. Orang zaman sekarang dah muak dengan story mory basi tuh. Diorang semua layan  Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa , Hikayat Tun Dr. Mahathir (Doctor in the house), Hikayat Dato Najib, Hikayatā€¦..ā€ ā€œHhaaahhhhhh !!!!ā€ Ala paduan tiga suara Ning, Shila dan Jac tapi versi: Cinderella -- So takder maknanya lah semua all stepmother berlagu air mata, small magic fairy ala godmother, another Jimmy Choo  glass slipper   and hottest prince ever?  I can't believe it! Sleeping Beauty ā€”Oh no big ceremony on my 17th birthday party with seven fairy blessing, missing devil ego, plus missing adorable prince kisses whoā€™ll make me alive ...

Exclusive Hari Raya festive story: Raya & Bergaya.

Assalamualaikum. Hai. Say what?? Update, update please.... Last month, i bought some accessories yang i thought MUST BUY! (but actually it's not too urgent pun-except glasses). You know, may be because psycho concupiscence mind concur at that time-that what i said-Power is nothing without control (sesuaiiii la sangat). So, lets me shows you apa bendanya itu: 1- Glasses . Reason: Broken seribu because i'm too genius sampai terpijak and for one week i had survive with it (pakai glu cap gajah tu, because no time too make new one-Sunday night the incident happens). Opinion: So after at all, i'm plans to buy something that tahan lasak dan really same like old one-because ianya sangat sesuaiii ngan my face shape. Brand: Giordano. Others are too and too expensive to me. One year jek maa-because yearly must do eyes check up. Prices: Rm300.00. 2- Sunglasses . Reason: Sun rays are not too good for skin (cancer) and also my beautiful eyes (heheheh). Thats why i tel...