
Showing posts with the label islam dan practices


Until when sin will be collected in this life?

 Assalamualaikum, Few days ago, I'm off for one day.  So, after night shift and nap for four hours-I make my mind on the spot that I want to go to Masjidil Haram and do prayer Zuhur and Asr. Alhamdulillah, I ate ''nasi goreng'' with eggs before and full for awhile. Then, performed sunat enter Masjid-Taubat and etc. Also, more Quran recited and drank Zam Zam water. It make my day! One hour and half before Asr-I want to see Kaaba in of my eyes and I go down and surround Kaaba with Muslim Muslimah from around the world. Still full from Hajj people. I pray for myself-family-friends-and etc. I really miss Kaaba because Murabatha mission/Hajj mission-15 days working non stop. I'm so tired of everything and when I see Kaaba it drain out my bad things and given me positive energy even with hot weather and sweat. I fall hard in deen. After that, another 45 minutes before Asar-I want to go for 1st floor and stay there. But, before I walked further, I found a good place to