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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Our belanja makan-makan


I'm getting older duh. More bucket-list to go!!

May is next week. Tinggal beberapa hari je lagi.
And it's my birthday.
Usually i will celebrate it with my family member.
Just cheer my parents sebab i know how hard diorang besarkan makhluk Allah yang tak seberapa ini.
Dengan degil, cam jantan, hidup ikut suka. And so on.
Tapi lastly i tried make them don't worry so much about me.
Cuma hal jodoh tu... nanti i tried cekau anak teruna orang ye.
August is my limit kan.

And because this year i can't make it.
Sebab terlupa nak apply cuti awal.
Padan dengan muka sendirik.
Yelah, ramai dah ambil direct cuti daripada hari pekerja.
So, kesian pulak nak susahkan orang nak change schedule.
Hanya boleh apply post call on that date.
Ok la, not bad.

So, bolehlah treat my self or i plan nak celebrate dengan anak-anak yatim tu sikit.
Maybe sempat ke tak.
If kena stay back. Berhuhu la kita.

So far, on Hari pekerja... which may be jadi or not.
As usual, celebrate dengan kawan kat previous hospital. Ni tak message diorang lagi.
Mana tau diorang nak gi picnic macam dulu-dulu.
Borak-borak, sleepover bagai.

And plan lain. Me and two other friends ada plan nak belanja our department makan-makan.
As simple as we can.
Yang ni progress story behind it memang lawak.
Dan sangatlah terima kasih kat owner dia.
Rasa bersalah pulak order ikut selera sendirik.
Even budget ciput gila.
Aim utama, roti jala je sebab teringin nak makan.

The rest, ada space sikit. Just spent time dengan Allah.
Berterma kasih padaNya, sebab atas semua kehidupan yang dilalui.

Lastly, i hope my colleague tak pedajal me!
Dengan all those kind of tepung or air ke.
Even ada pernah buat sekali dua kat bebudak ni gak. Rasa nak tarik balik je. Rasa-rasa diorang ingat lagi tak. Huhuhuuu...
Sebab scary duh. Even i looks cool enough.
If they still do, i promise i will hunt and kill them one by one.
I'm serious.
Kejantananku marathon and segala lompat jauh masa time sekolah rendah boleh terserlah tau.
Jangan play with me.
'Cause i can play better.

Takut tak?

Friday, April 28, 2017

Life is so sweet


Previous post i talked about my friend yang selalu bekalkan me something.
But, let me tell you a secret.
May be its Allah plan. I donno. He kinda wants me to be happy, hope so.
But i can said Alhamdulillah for semua ini.
Really Alhamdulillah.

Actually this week I always dapat free gift. Like everyday.
Interesting right?
Firstly, dapat lots of discount for my books, Pak cik owner bookstore bagi masa nak beli buku pasal Umrah and yang lain. Touching!
Then, free Mc Donald which makan sampai kenyang gila,
And satu bekas kek rainbow yang so sedap as my latest post.
Mak cik bakery pulak bagi free roti sampai dua.
And mak cik surau belanja kuih and mee berkuah yang of course my favorite type. Siap bungkus bawak balik.
Tak lupa, dapat free cookies kuih raya. Yummy.

And today, and seterusnya. Berserah jela.
Alhamdulillah again.
Rezeki melimpah.

For those yang bagi all those kind, yang absolutely make my day.
Terima kasih sangat-sangat.
Saya doakan,
Semoga sentiasa dirahmati Allah dan dimurahkan rezekinya lagi.

Anas said thank you jugak!
Buku dengan dia tak boleh berjarak, macam kakak dia si Cik Ziqa. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Duplicated of her


I baked a butter cake yesterday.
And today i terima satu bekas rainbow cake di awal pagi
This is the life.
Eat. More. Cake. Eat. More. Cake.

She is a good friend of me.
She is from another department. But we are close enough.
And because of this, how i wish she is my neighbor one fine day.
Mesti bahagia lah. 
Ada orang hantar makan. Kan?
Yelah, if im a man, dah lama i purposed. Nauzubillah nak jadi lesbian.
Lempang nak?

Sebab kenapa i praised her? Sebab she always akan bekalkan me something.
Kek. Or any cookies and ada gak dengan lauk pauk bagai.
Where can i find a duplicated of her?
She is so amazing.

Our tukar-tukar makanan started from i give her my chocolate cake.
And her family love it so much.
Segan gak bila tahu dia bawak balik dengan kek yang tak seberapa itu.
Then, dia pon balas lah. And kami terus balas membalas.
One friend of her department pon sama.
Dia pon ada join sama gak.
So one versus two.
Peluh gak dahi pikir nak balas apa.

Satu lauk yang make me so touching adalah apabila the next day I'm oncall after received a bad news about my brother in law.
When he passed away...
That day i tetap puasa. And she don't even know anything. But that morning she message me. Datang kerja ambil bekal kat dia.
She makes satu jenis mee berkuah. Which she know my type of foods.
Masa buka tuh, sayu jer sebab teringat semalam. This is the time he tinggalkan kami semua.
Becauseof that, i just don't have a feeling to makan.
I rasa one two suap. And suruh my colleagues habiskan.
Diorang yang rasa bersalah. But I'm ok.
Rezeki bagi-bagi kan.

Ok lah. So which this rainbow cake, i donno what i'm gonna give later.
Apa ya?

Sunday, April 23, 2017



Not said i ni berlagak ke apa. But some of my colleague they too afraid of someone.
Those surgeon lah senang cerita.
It's too obvious sampai i yang sama team pon rasa, why?
Be yourself. Come on, you can do it.
They are just same with us.
Please, please and please.

Let's bincangkan secara serius.
For me, untuk menghadapinya, not fair for them to afraid of certain person.
Don't you think?
We're same slave to Allah.
Mati pon bila-bila masa sahaja.
Tengah sam-sama kerja pon boleh unconscious.
So, apa nak menggelabahnya?

Prepared your mind set and perception about that person in in your life...
Convert the word afraid to respect!
Better right.

So, don't so takut. Think about your Creator who will protect you. Bacalah doa sebelum doing something.
Bismillah pon ok da.
Panjang sikit, bacalah doa minta petunjuk daripada Allah agar semuanya berjalan lancar.
Boleh siap cepat.
Boleh balik awal.

Kalau geram sangat, ketuk je kepala orang tuh.
Pastu lari.

As ianya juga pernah happened in my family. Where we're all so afraid to our ayah.
Once we're still kids.
Takut kena marah. Biasalah.
And semua membuatkan kami more closer to emak or sesama adik-beradik je.
My ayah is my stranger.
Make it worst,
Perasaan takut bertukar kepada benci. Which that sometime parents not understand what we want.
Teenagers. Memberontak je tau.

And later, after life matured me. Dah habis belajar, kerja, pegang duit sendrik.
Then, benci terus changes to respect.
Susah rupanya mak ayah nak besarkan kita.
Sebab tu kita boleh pulak buat perangai apa jadah bila ayah penat balik kerja.
Kan da ayah marah.
Salah sendirik.

Rasa nak menitik air mata.
Yelah, he's so strong besarkan lapan orang anak... with my emak only a housewife.
And for sake of us. He sanggup tolak PTPTN and support my two sister yang tengah sama-sama sambung belajar. With me in sponsorship partner.
'Till now, we're free from this kind of loan.
Love both of you.

So, for my friends yang under this categories.
Be brave be bold!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

What's wrong with me


Last January, in 'cause I'm no Superman post, I ada mentioned about how sick i am with night fever, diarrhea, dizziness and on off of nausea.
Those terrible days yang i survived well.
Even I have to do oncall.
Gila tak gilalah.
Tapi lepas dengan jayanya.

Somehow, about these few weeks, I think it's slowly gonna come back.
Minus the diarrhea.
Ya. Because i still hati-hati with my intake.
Seksa woo.
And if rasa too hungry. I just ate macam biasa or double it. So far so good.
Even though gitu, ada my friend and my family member said i makin lama makin kurus.
I like, seriously?
I admit, ada one day kadang-kadang no feeling untuk makan, tak lapar langsung. I just niatkan puasa or i may be just simply took some spare Kokocrunch.
Tak naklah kena gastric nanti.

Walaupun tak ada diarrhea, tapi ganti dengan some bruises and bit redness.
Which i donno where it came from.
Tahu-tahu dah ada dapat. Sana sikit, sini sikit.

I think i tak doing any outdoor activities yang sangat lah lasak.
My routine last few weeks secara puratanya adalah.
Kerja macam biasa. Jogging-jogging dalam department, huha-huha jap.
Done weekend call.
Volunteer part untuk ajar budak membaca,
And the Easter egg days celebration dengan makan-makan biasa sahaja. Ada orang belanja kan. Hhehhehe...

And about my dizziness. I already change my spectacle. Which i found memang ada change of power lens.
Still tried to adjust it. Spec baru kan.
In observation lagi.
But if my dizziness to bad, nausea pon nak join sekali.
Hek eleh.

And fever? I can felt it.
Every morning berat kepala. And muscle aches.
Tu yang kena buat some light exercise.
Or if tak sempat. Prayer time, much better.
Macam semalam, masa time makan-makan rasa muka tiba-tiba panas. And when my friend asked why.
I just replied. Soup nih panas sangat.
And cepat-cepat habiskan meals and minum air mineral banyak-banyak.

With all these. I still can control it and tried to calm down everything.
Because dia akan mula-mula trigger untuk kita rasa uncomfortable.
Then, from situ i knew something gonna up.
And be prepared jelah.

Then, i think i have to top up my balang with lots of candies!
Or small tub for this 'lil one.
Smart moves.

Anything Allah plan for me. I just only a good slave.
But I pray He will wait for me to come to Him one fine day.
Which my big project of Umrah berjalan dengan jayanya.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Reflect yourself


Reflect yourself. 
This words i got from someone over night discussion at whats-app.
At first we just chat macam biasa. Then, we argued about perangai siapa kena berubah, and then, i thought this is a sensitive issues.
Yelah, who am i suka suki nak soh anak orang gi ubah manners?

Then, he said siapa sentap sekarang ni? Because he is the one yang selalunya akan white flag first.
I just said , no. I'm not a sentap person. Macamlah baru kenal sehari dua plak kan.
But i told. It's true duh.
It's not only him yang sometime yang kena. Othes budak laki kat my department pon banyak kali dah. Tanpa sedar, i also main sound direct jer kat mereka ni.
Yeah. Admit it. Sorry guys. 
Gila kuasa pulak.

I donno if i'm too emotional that night.
Or because baru lepas tahlil.
So ter-drag sekali emosinya.
I donno.

In my working daily basis. I really don't mind if kena makan laju, or no break sebab nak cover each other untuk prayer time.
Lagi-lagi bila part untuk Friday prayer.
Kesian kadang-kadang tengok diorang tak dapat gi if ada kes memanjang. Yang surgeon buat tu pon dua kali lapan ratus samanya. 
Rasa macam tak ada hari esok ke nak buat time tu gak.

One day, ada gak ganti budak-budak lelaki punya job sebab nak bagi diorang gi sembahyang sana.
Biar kita yang menolong cover nya pon dapatlah tempias pahala sikit.
Sikit je pun jadiklah.
Lebih sikit, soh diorang belanja lunch pisang goreng ker kan.

And ada gak, yang time lepas azan jer I forced them gi solat dulu. Ke nak makan dulu ke.
Just go first.
Sembah Allah tu dulu yang penting, daripada sembah manusia.
Am i wrong?

Ada part paling best, bila keluar makan. Nampak lah diorang punya truly color. 
Time ni nampaklah ada yang pakai seluar ketat daripada me. Rambut kaler babun, baju gambar seru syaitan. Accessories apa jadah. 
Ni nak kena lempang sorang-sorang ke apa?
Tapi they know, i don't like it.
Pandangan mata membunuh ku bagi.
Nak balik naked ke nak dok next my seat!

Pelik sebenarnya bila cool gila tegur tak ada alas kat bebudak lelaki. 
Tapi, tak tegur pulak kat orang-orang perempuan kat my department.
Dah tua, tapi perangai tak berubah-ubah. Uban makin banyak ada lah. Gedik terlebih tu yang malas layan.
Reason sebenar?
They are more dramatic than yang lain. Yeah.
Tapi in one sudut, they know me well too.

So, balik pada main tajuk. I have to reflect myself sebenarnya gak.
Maybe in one part, kita tegur orang ni. Maybe diorang tak suka.
Tak tahukan hati masing-masing camna.

So, why can't lah just me stay quiet. In future. And just reflect what they do at diri sendirik gak.
Less kan segala gossip and umpat mengumpat of couse.
Be the real old me.
So betullah kan what he said...
Supaya kita beringat sama.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Instagram talk: Getting closer


Hai. I'm not sure about this is the final decision yet.
... If i'm gonna make my Instagram as not a private account anymore?
Hard duh.

Reason. Because i wanna start it as #quranchallenge2017.
Likes a daily Quran post.
Or if i'm free enough maybe setiap sejam ke apa. Cehhh.
Share my thoughts and my understanding.
Biar mana mungkin boleh bukak hati biar sama-sama belajar dan dalami Quran.
Idea ni memang dah lama sangat nak share pon.
Sebab kan i have a big plan for next year. So, i want make it real in my routine.
So, that's the reason behind it.

But as you all knew me, i'm not like any attention.
That's why this blog not being exposed in any of my social media.
Because orang sekarang cepat judge. Compare tanpa perasaan.
Scary kan.
So, i'm afraid if they do the same with my Instagram. They stalked my Instagram so often.
Like my previous account, that i already deleted.
Which you can read in my post here, The long view.
Just rasa  in secured. Sebab tu deleted terus. Puas hati.

Or maybe in this new account, i will do the same at the end?
Yelah kan baru nak belajar agama.
Maybe my determination not as sharp as they hope.
Ikut rasa sendiri ke.
Even sebenarnya ini  juga hasil daripada my own thought.

Pening ah.
Yes or No?

Just, how about.
Just act like normal and if the time come.
When i can't take it no more.
Don't asked me why my Instagram being private or closed again.

So, I'm gonna tell korang, that you can search me on Instagram. At add.shah or Adibah Shahrudin
With black and white profile picture.
That my gila-gila pose will not be in here.
Of course.
And my face also.
Maybe someday, i will. Maybe forever not.

Last word, I hope everything will going smooth.
Not i'm act like i'm so alim one.
But it's my account.
My right and my whatever i like to do with it.
So back off.

Please also be nice to me.
I have a sensitive soul, duh.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Sarawak: Makanannya


Tak habis-habis lagi pasal Sarawak.
Hahhahha. Promised duh. This is my last entry about it. And it's about makanan!
Okey. Banyak sebenarnya makanan yang kita boleh try kat sini.
Untuk breakfast.
Luckily my breakfast all sponsor by hotel.
So tak payah nak keluar carik makanan. Senang hidup.

Sebab i don't think Kuching ada jual some sort of Nasi Lemak and Kuih Muih kat tepi jalan.
That i didn't see any.
But if want to try, cer gi Pasar Satok.
I think around there surely akan ada bit orang jual makanan selain all barang basah.
And those sayur mayur.

At Waterfront Hotel, Kuching Me Kolo is the main dish.
So, rugi tak try.
The mee yang lain daripada lain, what make it call that way.
But to me, this meal is quite masin.
I can't take it.
So English breakfast la gamaknya.
Nasib ada my fav potatoes part.
Terubat la sikit selera nih.

Mee Kolo Kuching versi hotel. Mee dia special. Haluih, haluih jer.

But if you want try Mee Kolok yang not masin. You can tried one at the back of this hotel or mall. Belakang Plaza Merdeka.
There are small jalan untuk orang jual-jual. And some kids main skateboard.
Nasib i wore skirt, kalau tak nak gak tunjuk skill main benda alah tu.

Tak ingat nama kedai tu apa. Some bakery shop gitu. Depan dia jual roti bagai.
And part belakang, combined diorang jual macam-macam jenis mee.
So, this mee i think it's nice to try.

Area Waterfront, tepi sungai. Ada la few tempat makan. Kat seberang sana nun pon ada. Itu pon semua time start pukul 7.00 pm ke atas baru diorang nak berniaga. So berlapar la korang nak tunggu diorang bukak kedai. And, ada gak orang jual souvenir.
Ada one kedai makan, dia jual terubuk ikan masin nasi goreng. Sedap!
Sambil makan, layan lagu sebab ada small band.
Ada wayang big screen gak, masuk free. Tapi pehal pulak bukak citer hantu kan.
Memang tak lah.

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and food
Muka orang lapar bersama Nasi Goreng Terubuk Ikan Masin. Enjoy!

Sempat buat aksi tenuk malu-malu kat area situ. Kenyang dah kan.

Warung makan-makan.
Area Satok, adalah tempat makan yang best gak.
Kami jumpa tempat makan nih sebab tersesat balik daripada Sarawak Village Culture.
Pelayan dia pon baik sebab bagi charge phone.
Mekasihlah dik oi.

Tempat sini macam kedai biasa. Nama special dia, Warung kedai Pak Amit.
Tapi my suggestion.
Korang gih try diorang punya semua makanan.
Dah sedap sangat.
Hhahahha. Anyway, i choose Nasi ayam penyet and my friend took Laksa Sarawak.
For me, dia punya sambal is the best. Lain sangat daripada semenanjung style.
Korang patut try and carik kedai nih.
Good luck.

Bla. Bla  Bla restaurant, Dekat dengan Jalan Tabuan. Sebelah kedai sewa motor kami. Ni boleh baca kat previous entry.
Makanan dia all pun semua sedap. And in big portion. But here, we only tried diorang punya dessert. That untuk warm up only. Hahhaha. Saja nak gedik-gedik.
I like dia punya deco!
Sangat menarik, nampak luar kedai biasa-biasa, tapi dalam dia... siap ada small river beb.
Kalah hotel five star.

Pelayan dia all so friendly and warm. Siap bagi good suggestion all sort of.
And best lah.
Ni kalau dia bukak cawangan kat KL. Hari-hari boleh lepak makan lepas penat kerja.
Berangan tak sudah.

Image may contain: 1 person, hat, food and closeup
Our fav port. Bla.bla.bla restaurant. As mentioned in my previous post. Senang nak carik and tempat yang cool.
Dessert dia the best!

So, after gedik-gedik di sana. Kami merempit pula ke Lepau restaurant. Gunalah maps memasing carik ye.
Nak carik midin punya pasal. Bukan Mydin kedai serbaneka tu. Tapi midin. sejenis sayur looks like paku pakis.
And selain midin, diorang punya pelayan yang sangat excellent siap suggest best portion for us sebab kami dua je makan tapi nak try banyak benda. Bisalah, tamak.
And selain midin, we tried diorang punya Lepau special rice. Dengan nasi yang warna hijau and chicken bamboo. Sort of mereka prepared with potato or tapioca leaves. I think.
Bamboo chicken je bit spoiled sebab too salty for us. and bit cold.
I donno why.
Because dah memang masin sangat, kami just whatever.

Restaurant ni quite authentic, ada siap orang main traditional song guna three string instrument macam gitar. Macam yang kami nampak kat Sarawak Village Culture.
And i think makanan lain lebih best kot.
Tapi whatever it is. Kami balik Waterfront, tempat lepak fav kami setiap malam kat sini.

Image may contain: people sitting and food
So, this is what kami makan. Dug in.

And finally, the best tempat lepak. Topspot! Topspot Food Court. Atas UTC Kuching.
All seafood adventure start here.
Kami pergi jalan kaki jer daripada Waterfront Hotel. Sebab tak risau sangat. Kuching hidup time tengah malam.
Along nak gi Topspot, macam-macam kedai makan kami jumpa.
Rasa macam, dugaan gila.
Sampai jer, full house.
So i advice you all. Nak datang sini before 5:00 or 06:00 pm. Kami sampai around 08:00 pm after Magrib and it's weekend guys!

So selit jelah mana-mana meja. Kami buat muka cute, and share je dengan mana-mana orang. Sebabkan dua orang jer.
Rm 120.00 we spend here. Sangat dahsyat kami punya selera.
Kami pesan butter-prawn, black pepper crab, ikan masak thai style and midin of course. And two plate rice. Ni kalau tak fikir apa, boleh bertambah nasik.

Selain tak dapat tempat, lambat datang menyebabkan korang kena ordered makanan daripada tempat lain-lain kat stall situ.
Kan dah susah.
Diorang limited edition, tapi all makanan sangat sedap.
Kami ordered kat Muslim stall, hujung sekali.

Tak habis jangan risau, sebab boleh bungkus.
Smbung makan dekat hotel.
Itu pon kami makan esoknya before flight.
Masa lepak kat Old-town White Coffee area situ. Makan Nasi Lemak dengan black pepper crab.

So, so far, itu jelah kami makan.
Korang boleh try gak tempat lain.
RJ Ayam Bakar, My Village Barok, Planet Sambal, Tribal Stove and so on. Yang penting, korang punya explore nak makan semua kena start pukul 6:00 ke atas.
Dinner time.
Sebab mereka semua bukak kedai time ginilah.
So, have fun guys!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

ME: I'm secretive


I think i'm too secretive, mysterious by myself. I truly admit it with no pressure.
If you all realized, when someone asked the question that I'm not comfortable with it. I will quickly change the subject. Or if to hard, i not mind to answer it either.
Sometimes, I preferred silent than spoke about what i felt.

Because my mind is different from what your mind thought. Yeah.
I'm the one always seen good thing in everything. Zero negativity of course.
Someday, i knew, it will happen.
Where I'm afraid too, that i will hurts someone feeling because of my words later on. Who knows, right.
That may we are not in same boat anymore.

With this, I more preferred all my social media are in a private account. And less friends.
No friends is better, duh.
Not a attention seeker absolutely.
The more I received friend request, the more it's make me in miserable.
Sorry again guys.
But i tried hard to approved it even it's late or some i may not make it.
Just, is like they tried to intruder my life. Or I somehow don't want they read what my thought is.
I felt insecure.

Few years back, I'm not like this. I am a friendly and hyperactive girl. More hippie and crazy from what I'm today.
I didn't mind taking pictures together either.
But something happened in my early teenagers life. That change everything.
Changes my mindset to see what others think of me.
Then I became passive, don't like any attention and mostly not fans of picture things anymore.

Not even my parents, my siblings or my friends catch what really happened. No one knew. Why i change drastically.
Because i still kept giving them the smiley face.
Like it's not a big deal.
And obviously, i will not talked about this in here too. May time will tell.
When the right moment are. When I found my trustworthy, and my self-esteem are higher than the sky.
Even I treated this blog as my private diaries. But stalkers are everywhere. Do you?

My name is Adibah.

One day after open house on Eid session. Someone asked me, why so hard to invite me to took a picture together.
Or maybe a picture of me and him. At least duh.
And he sent random picture of me with full mouth of pineapple tart. Me walking with phones in my hand.
And some others not so cute pose.

Why and why?
He still want me to feedback.
I just said, why selfie too much? Didn't one picture doesn't good enough?
I'm ugly by the way.
But I'm not giving that reason. Not want to be fired back. But. As always, i change the subject.

Some people have their own reason. Their own secret.
How hard you tried for them to reveal it, that's a time you need to fed up and just giving them a space and respect.
Two things only.
They will appreciate it much.
Believe me.
If you the selected as the trustworthy one, keep on supporting.
They will appreciate it much too

Sunday, April 16, 2017

ISLAMIC: Big project for Akhirah Investment


Alhamdulillah Ya Allah.

Last Friday, I updated my financial account, and turned up that my Umrah budget is doing great. And it's so great! So excited. Thank you Allah. For the time being I have only four seat on list-as I want to do sponsorship things. Alhamdulillah, Allah helps me the most in everything and I want to considered until five seats. Then, I prayed to Allah to guide me to the best. I only plans, Allah do the last results. 

In my mind, my parents is the first choice and I will drag along my younger brother, perhaps. He will be supportive for my father sake. My father not strong enough, so I need a man arm to do so. Meantime they always be together, I wish they can fix the son-father relationship. InsyaAllah. And me and my mother will holding hand no matter what. 

For this big project, I already explained to them tremendously. I don't want they worry much about me. I want they take a laid back and just ready their mind and body for this life changer. Take out a big amount of money from my account is more valuable is I spend it towards this Akhirah investment. I still somehow do have my emergency fund for dhunya-that covered me up for another 3-4 months. Happy?

If they still not uncomfortable about it, they can pay me back. It's up to them. As I always said, in my  wealthiness from Allah, there always Allah keep for others person. InsyaAllah He want to give but may be through me. Who knows! The money I took here is from my 'nazar', which I wish I want to do this once in my lifetime. Really want to do it. 

Since I'm a small kid, Alhamdullilah Allah give me more than I needed. And it make me a strict financial girl minded. When I know how valuable the money can do to people life, I don't play with it anymore. I maybe not from a rich family, but my parents taught me well about money management. That's why, what I want I will do and get it by myself. Alhamdullilah, Allah bless is always be with me. Again, thank you Allah. 

When I shared about my #bigproject2018 and ##adibahandmecca , some are shocked with it. They still dont believe me until now. And said I'm too weird because how can I do better in managing money. I'm look like a free spending person. And not like a stinky money with cheaper tag addiction. I can said, feed your mind with intelligence foods. And then you can see the result.

Also, they said why I want to go to Mecca at a very young age. It's 28 years old, and I don't think it's very young...Just suitable age. Am I enough enjoying life? Am I ready to do a big life changer? Yes. I super proactive person towards a good things and I don't want to regret later in my life. What is the meaning of sincerity if I go late with wheelchair and burden someone later. Nope. 

I really don't want to argue with low minded person, so I will smiled back and said...This is what I want. And thank you. You can search this topic about my trip under,

Thank you.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Sarawak:Sarawak Village Culture


Sambung balik pasal Sarawak things.
Kami pergi ke sini merempit, jangan tak caya.
Believe it or not.
Siap pilih jalan paling jauh lagi.
Pastu, Naik skuter. Sejam gak la baru sampai.

Paling best, nampak pantai Damai. Nak singgah tapi nak cepat.
And nampak gak, Gunung Santubong. Real.
Kata orang nampak tak lekuk muka orang kat situ.
I saw it.
But Allah lebih tahu segalanya.
Kita ni kadang-kadang mitos terlebih.

One fine day, nak aim hiking sini. InsyaAllah.

And masa sampai sana, around 11:00 am.
Daftar masuk fees semua. Don't worry, they accept the card also.
Tak salah, RM 63.00
Dapat resit,
And you get Sarawak Village Culture passport too!

So, at first, we just relax after penat atas motor.
The show pon only took few minutes before start, So tak jadi masalah.
Show diorang ada two time. 11:30 am and 04:00 pm.
Rugi jika terlepas.
Kena gih second time. So, make sure you make it. OK.

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At here, they showed us a welcoming song and variety of dance and clothes.
My friends dah teruja gila.
Siap usha mamat penari-penari Sarawak

And half an hour duduk tengok show.
Makan sikit and after that, barulah jalan-jalan house to house.
Macam Hari Raya plak time tu.
Yelah my friend pakai jubah and i simple red blouse.
Nasib tak bawak lemang, ketupat bagai.
If diorang boleh introduced to us their culture, we also can lah kan.

Ni idea gila boleh tried masa next time visit yer.
Ada rezeki lebih.

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I can said, just enjoy yourself.
Take part in their traditional permainan. And support diorang punya makanan gak.
Try jela. Tak mahal mana pon.
Paling teruk, sakit perut jer.
Tapi Alhamdulillah.
We all fine.

And baju yang my friend pakai tu, Sekali pakai, Rm 10 hinggit charge.
Nak pakai berapa lama pon diorang tak kisah.
I can't wore that. Takut cantik sangat, kalah Miss Sarawak nanti.

Mingle around sebab orang sini semua friendly belaka.
And jalan-jalan gak, sambil tu... gilah cop passport jangan lupa.

My tips untuk Sarawak Village Culture.
Bring your own mineral water. Sebab nak keep hydrated.
And snack or raisin macam kami beli.
Or even chocki-chocki perisa coklat.
The best, jangan buang sampah merata ok.
Care the nature!

Kasut kalau boleh, gi beli yang selesa nak berjalan.
And baju too.
Kalu tak kesah nak berjbah like my friend. Lagi bagus.

Anyway, if you all like art.
Kesenian Sarawak is the best!
And amazing.

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Muka orang tired!
And siap semua, bila nak balik. Nak on map. Battery da tinggal 7 %.
Hahahha. Gelak sambil rasa nak nangis time ni.
Tapi kami redah jer.
Bila batteries died. Tried usha any sign board.
And asked orang tepi-tepi jalan. The trusted one lah.
Sampai satu tahap, kami dah memang lost. Sign board pon tak ada. Tapi rasa dah betul sangat jalan. Siap kira bridge semua.

And kami pon berhenti satu tempat. Masuk kedai Pak amit, nama kedai tu Warung makan-makan.
Kami ordered makan. And asked permission untuk charge phone.
If diorang cakap sejam rm 50, i sanggup.
Sebab nak on maps.
Nasib budak lelaki tu baik. Bagi free. Moga Tuhan membalas jasamu.

And tengah tunggu phone hidup, ada dua orang couple dok belakang meja kami.
Buat muka manis, tanyalah.
Dia punya jawapan, macam kami ni dah masa lahir memang Sarawakian.
Siap bagi jalan pintas bagai.
Alah, adik lalu surau lama hujung jalan ni. Surau bla.bla.bla.
Kami buat muka pening. Mak cik nih boleh angkut dia sekali tak?

Just said thank you for both of them. On phone. Ada 20 %, bayar meals semua.
Hidupkan motor, jalan.
Alhamdulillah, selamat sampai hotel.
Rest, mandi. Malam keluar treasured untuk dinner pulak.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Hadiah yang pelik


My colleague invited me to her house last Friday night. After Magrib. 
Ada majlis tahlil and bacaan Yaasin.
I like.
So, me and my partner, we agree to met up at the hospital. Sharp 08:00 pm i dah terpacak dekat lobby.

But i have to wait another half an hours for her siap lilit tudung, 
Hurm, perempuan.

And sampai je sana. All done. Diorang semua tengah enak menjamu selera.
We missed it!
Segan pulak, yelah sampai-sampai terus makan.
As hormatkan tuan rumah. We agree to just go with the flow.
Greet and salam pada tetamu yang ada.
And make our self comfortable.

Tengah cedok nasik, this cheeky girl, Zara, hold my leg and called me. Akak diba!
I'm so surprised that she still remember me.
And how i missed her too.

So, when i duduk bawah, and nak mulakan makan.
She sat in front of me.
And we shared plate.
Suapkan dia.
Luckily i'm just have labu masak lemak, and sayur kerabu not took those sambal belacan.
And sampai habislah makan.
Sebab sedap.

Kalau kat rumah sendirik, rasa dah repeat lapan round nih!

And i tried the kuih, and some pulut kuning with chicken curry.
Sedap sekali.
And sementara tu, sama-sama gak berbual dengan tuan rumah.

Not forgetting, when i tried to play hide and seek with this Zara.
But lastly kantoi.
After that, this cheeky girl ajak main sekali.
But aunty pakai jubah la sayang.
Next time we play more 

Before we go back, she give me this weird present ever.
Kids always be a kids.
This small purple color things is actually penutup ubat that you have to flip it before open.
Mak dia pengumpul tegar benda alah ni rupanya.
Patut macam kenal.

And my colleague sempat gak bungkus laksa.
Nih i ate masa oncall on the next day.
Sedap gak.

Anyway, i have good time.
Tahnks sebab menjemput.
And those food too.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sarawak: Orchid Park


Orchid Park, in my bucket list of Sarawak even though i'm not fan of flowers duh.
Pagi tu after Subuh, siap ala kadar.
And sent my friend by motor to her conference site.
Then, terus gi kedai motor, return back theirs.
And masa nak balik hotel.
Usha mak cik tepi-tepi jalan, sebab soh teman breakfast sama.
I have one seat kosong!

Like i cares apa orang hotel nak cakap,
And i think mak cik tu mesti cakap, gila budak semenanjung nih. Hahahhaha...
Anyway, ingat senang ke nak bagi makan free kat hotel.
Ada rezeki lebih.
Just bagi-bagilah kan.

And penat makan, gih masuk bilik, get ready.
Nak buat camna. Kena survived sengsorang lah.
Jalan kaki sikit, naik bot daripada Waterfront ke seberang.
Yang ada tulis The Astana besor tu.
Time ni, pak cik tu cakap bahasa apa pon tak paham.
Angguk, angguk, senyum-senyum jela.
Nasib la.
Bot ni, i suggest ambil yang dekat left site, sebab nanti tak payah jalan banyak sangat.

Turun bot, jangan lupa bayar sehinggit.
Kesian pak cik tu carik rezeki.
Sarawak memang panas masa my trip.
Tapi i didn't bring any cap or umbrella with me.
Sebab tu sunburned gila.

Jalan sikit, sebelah kanan adalah bangunan law bagai.
And sebelah kiri, The Astana.
Astana tak boleh masuk, guard tu cakap la.
Ok lah, jalan lagi...
Terus je, bukak maps pon boleh.
Like me.

And nampak lah Orchid Park.
Masuk free!
And kat sini macam-macam jumpa spesis orchid.
Diorang punya jaga, memang terbaik.

Nih if my jiran nampak semua ni, mau pengan dia.
Yelah, gila orchid katakan.

Jalan terus at right side. Ada cold room, diorang panggil.
Sebab orchid dalam nih jenis nak hidup mewah jer.
Dok dalam air-cond gitu.
Class tau!

Image may contain: plant and flower
Inside cold room. Cool kan!
And after that, jalan macam biasa. Took a picture, video.
And also, relax kan fikiran jap.
Hijau jer, best.

Ada one site, dia macam a wall of orchid. Where atas dia ada bunga orchid warna putih.
Sangat awesome view dia.
Ni buat background wedding theme pon cantik.
Naturale sikit.
Jimat pon jimat.
Bunga fresh lagi. OK.

Anyway, my tips untuk gi sini.
Have fun and bawaklah air mineral sekali.
 Tu jer.
Pekebun situ pon friendly.
Korang nak korek rahsia cara tanam orchid yang betul pon diorang never mind.
Nak ajak gossip pon boleh.
Tak tipu.


Saturday, April 08, 2017

Sarawak: Kek lapis


Skip jap pasal Sarawak Village Culture.
Bercerita tentang kek lapis Sarawak dulu, makanan jangan di tolak perihalnya.
Ianya sangat lembut time dipotong, warna warni dan sedap.
Makan masa tengah stress lagi umph keenakan dia. Hehehe...
Kesinambungan daripada perjalanan di Sarawak. If naik boat, and turun dekat Encik Omar jetty, korang ke kiri.
Ada laluan ke kedai-kedai makan.

Kedai makan ni meriah time pukul enam petang dan ke atas.
Ada macam-macam variety choice.
My advise, if setakat nak try chicken chop... western type, tak payah makanlah.

This is Sarawak babe!
Korang patut cuba diorang punya kebanggaan. Mee kolo, umai, midin, dan so on.
Barulah worth it keluar duit.

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Seberang ke seberang kami merentas.
Muka orang belum makan lunch ke dinner, tapi larat berjalan lagi.

Pastu if korang da lepas kedai makan, jalan terus lagi,ikut laluan pejalan kaki pon boleh, dan akan jumpa kedai color meah.
Ni kedai Mira cake house.
Kedai ini jual kek lapis jenis basah.
Moist la orang cakap.
Section taster dia tak banyak dan tak top up sangat, untung time my session, waktu pagi. So baru lagi. Rasa la gak.

Diorang jual satu pack 10 hengget dan keatas. Murah kan?
Dah kat sini jer da borong sampai Rm200. Beli 10 percuma satu. Diorang memang ada package packing semua.
So good.
Tanda lah pakai marker sekali gak, sebab nanti balik boleh tertukar dengan passenger lain masa balik semenanjung.
Cries in the corner duh.

And if korang larat, jalan lagi terus, korang akan jumpa Dayg Salhah Kek lapis, ni yang jenis kering.
Customer services dia sangat good.
Kek lapis dia pon sama murah, 10 henggit per pack dan keatas.
Diorang pon ada packing package.
Don't worry.

Sebabkan Sarawak ni panas.
Mesti ada yang malas nak ke seberang, kat waterfront tu ada je orang jual kek lapis gak. Sama murah, 10 hengget per pack. Five pack free one.
Lagi gila murah.
Tapi tak tahulah background dia. So tu yang i more prefer jalan jauh pon tak pe.
And before korang beli, make sure diorang ada sediakan package prepared masuk boxes untuk bawak balik semenanjung.
Tak adalah menyusahkan ke apa nanti.

My favourite so far, the original.
Yang lain-lain sedap gak macam tunku rahman, sisik ikan, tapi original is the best so far.
Beli jer, if korang tak najk. Jual.
Ramai berderet nak beli.
Sebab itu Sarawak originsl homemade ok.

Muka orang semenanjung exited seberang sungai Sarawak naik bot.
Jakun gila.

So, that's my experienced.
Memang cukup-cukup jer beli Rm200 untuk 20 packs.
Sebab kami berdua jer. Tak cukup tangan nak hangkut.
Beg baju semua nak letak mana, kan.

Minta maaf la pada yang tak sempat tu.
If cukup tangan memang da beli banyak and jual kat sini.
Tapi tulah.
Sorry again, guys.

Friday, April 07, 2017

Sarawak: Sewa motor


Mula-mula bila kami bagi idea nak merempit di Sarawak. Ramai cakap, ada ke part sewa motorcycle ni?
If sewa basikal, kereta... ada lah.
So i bit down time tu.
Nak sewa kereta tak berbaloi sebab kami berdua jer.
And later, im the one yang akan used. Sebab my friend pagi busy dengan conference sampai petang.
Malam je free.
So, kitaorang decide. Basikal pon basikal lah.

Masa kitaorang sampai Sarawak, tengahri. 
So kebetulan masa nak survey conference tempat my friend akan pergi. The majestic riverside hotel. The hotel attendance very friendly, and bila tanya pasal sewa basikal. Diorang cakap kenapa tak sewa motor?
Kami pon what the...
Ada ke orang sewa motor? 
Dia pon gi belakang reception door. Bentang maps, and tunjuk lokasi yang ada sewa motor.
Tu pon dah Alhamdulillah.
Ada ghupanya.
Rasa nak lompat kijang lapan ratus kali. Sebab excited.

So, kedai tu terletak kat jalan tabuan.
Sebelah kedai bla.bla.bla restaurant.
Btw, kedai ni pon best gak. Dessert dia shodap.
Waze or maps nama restaurant ni jer.
Kedai sewa motor tu nama dia ah ha motor services. Macam bengkel motor biasa lah.
24 hour dia ada rm30 and rm40. Tengok jenis motor.
Termasuk helmet sekali.
Pilih mana more comfortable yer.

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Bla,bla.bla restaurant. Tempat dia chill. Sangat nice untuk lepak. Deco dalam dia memang cool.
Best services.
Dessert dia boleh kongsi dua orang babe. Portion makanan dia semua besar.
Time ni tak dinner lagi. Tapi makan eskrim jer, sebab nak try makanan sini.

Kena tunjuk ic and driving licence.
And deposit rm100.
Kedai ni bukak pukul 8.00 pagi sampai 06.00petang.
Uncle tu pon good gak.

Dapat jer motor ni, terus kami merempit ke Santubong.
Pergi Sarawak village culture. The place yang korang kena pergi if nak rasa Sarawakian tu camne.
Kejar show dia pukul 1130. Nasib sempat.

Ok, next entry. Citer pasal kat Sarawak Village Culture pulak.

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Thursday, April 06, 2017

Sarawak: KIA to The Waterfront Hotel


As I promise, this is a post about my trip to Sarawak.
So, my friend and me adalah first time naik kapal terbang. Tapi kesempoian kami mengalahkan segalanya. Kami redah jer. So far so good.
Hidup lagi.
Cuba dah sunburned jelah.
Oh no!
Kena dok kutub jap bagi putih balik.

Kami naik AirAsia.
Pramugari cantik, ada senyum and banyak tolong.
Nasib semua smooth sampai landing. Tapi tetiba sangkut kat emigration security!
Ic kawan tuh hilang. And passport dia bawak, tapi expired.
Tak tahulah dia memang nak buat lawak tengah-tengah bandar Sarawak.
Ada bakat nih.
Nasib kami pandai buat muka cute, blink-blink kat orang atasan tuh. Dia pon bagi lepas.
Buat report polis kat dalam bangunan tu gak and terus dapatkan coupon taxi and gih hotel.

Kami stay kat The Waterfront hotel. Nice services i can said.
Luar je nampak serabut sikit, art kat walls ada tertanggal ke apa ntah. Tapi dalam dia heaven.
Semua lengkap except tak ada microwave.
And sorang satu bed.
Rehat jap bagi hilang penat, and mandi semua bagi fresh sikit.
Pastu baru keluar.

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Bila korang travel dengan orang ratu selfie. Ginilah jadinya.
Kat belakang tuh, tengah mintak prayer mat.
Arah kiblat diorang siap-siap tunjuk kat atas siling.

First ever tempat kami pergi adalah UTC Kuching.
Nak buat IC dia. Sekejap jer, adalah lebih kurang 15 minutes.
Nasib cepat, and in same time siap sembunyik-sembunyik charge battery.

Pastu gih survey tempat conference, The Majestic Riverside Hotel.
Depan dia tuh ada Cat statue. Boleh lah ambil pict jap.
Tapi kena lepas ting.ting.ting.ting.ting.ting dia.
Bunyi nak melintas jalan.
Kami selalu buat lawak pasal bunyi ni sepanjang kami kat Sarawak.

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Eh, ada orang tolong ambilkan kami pict lah.
Diorang pon baru sampai Sarawak.
Ada company function katanya.

Penat kan jalan, panas pulak tuh.
Air dah bergelen habis. Perut pon tak lunch lagi.
Next entry i will post about camna nak sewa motor kat Srawak nih.

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Dance in the rain


As I mentioned in my previous post. I'm away for few days.
Teman my friend gih conference.
So dialalah yang sponsored my flight and hotel too.
Bawak perut jela. Hehheheh...
And sebenarnya we go to Sarawak!
Oh ha....

And at here, I met with this special book by Rabiatul Faazra.
I bought this book masa my last day kat Sarawak.
At MPH Plaza Merdeka.
Memang plan nak beli any reading book, sebab masa fly ke Sarawak, memang mati kutu sebab menyesal gila tak bawak anything from home.
So, nih time nak fly balik. It's a must.
Carik punya carik, terus pick this one.

Niat asal beli sebab nak hilangkan bosan tunggu flight ke apa nanti.
Tapi lama kelamaan baca, i took seriously what writer talk about.
And siap conteng-conteng tepi-tepi dia sekali.
Sebab enjoy sangat baca. And sebab share sekali my experinece and my thought.
Worth it, duh.

Hasil carian imej untuk dance in the rain buku

Tak habis lagi baca.
Tapi so far, for me, Dance in the rain more pada pendapat and personal type yang lahir daripada sisi penulis itu sendiri.
Dia publish buku nih sebab dia nak share pada semua apa yang dia rasa.
Kenapa dia berubah pada usia yang muda and dia try bawak kita berubah sama.
Dan dia punya mission sama with me.
Because we're in same destination. Jannah Allah.

For those yang nak pinjam buku nih.
Tapi tak tahulah korang minat ke dengan semua ini.

Apa yang i can said, Dance in the rain... with me, please.

About my journey to Sarawak, I will post it tak lama lagi.
Maybe take time sebab nak kumpul pict dulu.
Wait yer.

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....