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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

My experience about braces, part 2


Okay, let me tell the story about the allergic things. I get the allergies twice, first story when the doctor decide that I need to put on screw to pull my teeth upward at one sided. So, I got the Denkan local anesthesia and then one screw applied. Go back home and nighttime is so painful, I took a painkiller and slept early.  The next morning, my gum start to swell and really red. I tried to took another painkiller, and the evening time my screw site start to show a pus. I know, it's infection or allergic dancing around. Then I called the clinic for appointment and when I got there, the doctor assess and straight away removed it. 

Second incident after six to seven months from that, the doctor want to try another screw to pull my teeth. He then put a local anesthesia and applied one screw. As usual after go back home, took painkiller and straight to bed. Next morning looks okay, no gum swelling or redness. I then think that I'm fine, but the coming next day... my screw site start to loose and really pain. I called for the clinic and when I got there, the doctor straight away took it out. Luckily I'm not sleep with loose screw in my mouth or I will choke or aspirated with that things! Nah, the doctor then just keep away those screw from me until I finish my braces. Wait, one screw cost me nearly Rm 350 each okay. I need it to frame in my living room, doc!

Me, when I applied the braces? I started braces around August 2018, at that time I just started a class a month before. So after I finished class,  I will go to the appointed around 4 or 5 pm every month. But when I started work, I apply for half day and go there around 3 or 4 pm per slot. Whatever busy I am, if you want to settle faster and on track, keep well the every month appointment. Also, why do you think many dentist want you to avoid hard foods? This is because they don't want your teeth to move so much in this process. This really contribute for delayed the progress.

When I off my braces? I took out my braces around mid of January 2021, two weeks before my resignation. So, my braces period took me 30 months, equal to two years and five months. After that I depend on my retainer, my free white retainer. How the doctor do my retainer? After the doctor took out my metal braces, he clear all the plaque and put a mold to shape my current teeth. Then after two days, you can collect it. If you retainer took longer than a week, ask for your right. This is because your teeth still will be move even slowly. So in the past six month, applied retainer every time except when you eat. Then, at least two years every night. 

Here, my current teeth for you to analyze. Can you see that? That one guy really change my whole facial expression. But now, I'm okay. Praise to the Creator. I become more confident, and much smile without a reason. Hahaha... keep up love with my retainer too. So for those who want to do the braces, please make up your mind. The reason for braces, the payment ready, the suffer in bland diet, the time to rush in appointment and etc. For me to you, good luck and well-done. Bye!

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Fashion Classy Modest Style


How are you guys doing today? How is your life this weekend? Do you eat well? I hope you and your family be bless with health and happiness. Me, I just started my two weeks of orientation and drained energy with up and down to the executive offices. Also, I spent days mostly about adapting the change of new environment and weather here. Everyday I need to remind myself to drink a lot of water in stay hydrated. In the same time, still struggling towards skin care to make all of it as a routine. I mean, needy in apply lotion before going to sleep, use sunscreen before going out and make sure I bring my umbrella too. Protection against overdose heated sun because summer season gonna come around this month to next July! 

Alright, today topic is about most-favorite-slot-the-fashion-girl. I know, it's a long time I don't talk about this kind of subject in my blog. Yeah, I noted because all of that randomly more about life. However since past year to this day, I started fell in love with this kind of style; classy style. I don't know either it is related to my increasing age or yet timeless appeal. But seriously, I really adore how mature modest this look is and the elegance aura. My celebrities preferences are Natalie Portman, Blake Lively and Victoria Beckham. There are super in bring out this style to the next level which you can see the confident, self esteem, and to give you comfort yet still modest as per required. 

Then, I do some research about this style and what I deeply loving it because it's focuses in quality every pieces and value used of the fabric. This make it to kind of long period use and same places more expensive than average style. Also, according to maintain these style it preferred less combination use of colors and mostly more to white, black, grey or sometimes light brown. So natural and down to earth colors. I see whoever wore it clothes also look clean, neat and wrinkle free. Their made of polyster, cashmere, wool, denim; avoid linen, silk or cotton. Noted. Why it's really so me because I really choose to easy going items which is less in ironing. Wink!

For those who are into this style I can suggest you some changes of wardrobe you can make:

1-Trench or camel coat-You can choose a beige to knee cover. 

2-Black or light brown suit-You can either go to blazer or the trouser only.

3-Cream or white knitwear-You can pick to look less formal to some event.

4-Jeans is optional-You can keep it as life saver.

5-Black formal dress-You can pick some simple one, avoid flashy blink.

6-Minimize jewelries-You can add a white gold or gold bracelet.

7-Plain bag-You better buy a black one to match in every clothes.

8-Pointed shoes-You preferred to go for medium heels.

Yup, if you want to give it a try...You should. To me, I really comfortable with this kind of style. It's give me such a good vibes and I still maintain the modest part. So, I don't know if it will stay with me a little longer or not...But, I can said, go on and if you don't feel right in some circumstances-make a move. There are lots of style out there for you to try and mix match to your sense. Find another and if it still don't suitable-keep on searching until you find the one. Adious and best of luck!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Oral Health 2021

With reference from (Dentist in Eagen, 

Public information: Teeth-plural vs Tooth-single. 
Child-thumb sucking cause gap between teeth. First dental visit-first tooth appear in mouth/6 months old (check tooth, face and mouth for abnormalities), full set around 3 y/o. 
Dental appointment-twice a year (check teeth hygiene, cavities, & gum disease) 
The decay missing filled in teeth index (DMFT) used to measure dental conditions. Countries Denmark -Germany-Finland-Sweden are white & clean teeth in the world. Secret? Country provides free dental care under 18 & oral care education. 
Plaques/tartar-Bacteria form &  cause cavities (decay teeth into tiny hole), gingivitis (inflammation gum), loss teeth, bleeding gum (show gum tissue not healthy). 
The whitening (form of carbamide/hydrogen peroxide) need dentist care. Excessively can breakdown tooth enamel & sensitivity 
Bruxism-grind/clenching of teeth can damage the teeth, show deficiency in magnesium and calcium (can go away by itself or prevent by dental nightguard). 

Toothbrush & Techniques:
Bristle toothbrush invented in America 1887.
Toothbrush-Choose soft bristle to prevent harm to gums & keep enamel layer. Keep in cabinet / close container & not open in bathroom (dirty particle in air). Should also replace every 3 months/200 uses. 
Right techniques-Small circles & little pressure, vertically behind front & bottom teeth. 45 degree angle & 2 minutes (flouride to work). Don't rinse with water? (not alter effectiveness toothpaste). Clean tongue (prevent bad breath & remove bacteria). Flossing (80% effective because avoid plaque build up) every after meal / after brush teeth. 

Foods & Teeth:
Avoid hard candy/ice-Cause the chirping/crack tooth. 
Acidic foods-took moderate only, cause break down enamel & decay tooth 
High sugar foods-BBQ sauce, yogurt, ketchup, granola bars, sports drink (avoid). 
Food stain on teeth-Chemical called chromogenes/colourless but the mix reaction cause to be coloured, strong colour. Foods/drink that contain tannin (yellowish/brownish-secondary antioxidants, liver necrosis, down blood pressure, high blood clot). Acidic citrus foods. ‘Foods stain on clothing’. 
Examples foods/drink stain on teeth-Tea / coffee (diluted with milk to reduce tannin/drink herbal tea), chocolate, sweets, red/ white wine, cola. (So diluted with milk to reduce stain, drink herbal tea (or use straw). Balsamic vinegar on salad, soy & tomato sauce, curry. Berries, beetroot. 
Cleansing tips to avoid staining - Drink lots of water, chewing gum, crunchy foods (raw pineapple (bromaline), apples, carrot, celery  to promote saliva). Cheese, nuts (exfoliate), broccoli (iron coated enamel) , strawberry (malic acid). 

Miswak@siwak/kayu sugi (7000 years ago) 
 1-1.5m is teeth cleaning twig made from Salvadora persica tree. It’s antibacterial, antifungal, anti cariogenic, antiplaque. 
Techniques-three fingers (pen like) or hand grip. 
Careful for gum abrasion & flossing to clean in between it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Mee kari Rizalman 2021

Baru tadi tengok pereka fashion terkenal, Dato Rizalman buat rancangan Ramadhan Pung Pang Musim Ke 2 dekat Astro. Rasa dia campak-campak tapi cantik kejadiannya. Lauk dia tadi adalah Mee kari. Nampak menarik gila, jadi kita simpan tepi resipi ini. Untuk makluman resepi ini tidak ada sukatan, jadi pandai-pandai sendirilah ya. 

Mee kari Rizalman
(Halalkan ya resepi dato) 

1. Letak minyak dalam periuk, tunggu hingga panas. 
2. Masukkan ayam yang dipotong kecil-kecil. 
3. Masukkan rempah tiga iaitu kayu manis, bunga lawang dan bunga cengkih. 
4. Letak daun kari sikit. 
5. Lepas itu, masuk bahan basah iaitu bawang yang dikisar dan dicampur dengan serbuk kari. Masak sampai masak, pecah minyak. 
6. Masuk lada kisar, ikut kepedasan sendiri.
7. Letak garam. 
8. Masukkan santan, dan sedikit air. 
9. Sudah mendidih, masukkan air lagi ikut larutan yang disukai. 
10. Masukkan fishball kotak yang dipotong sederhana dan bulat-bulat itu potong dua. 
11. Akhir, masuk isi kerang. 
12. Penyediaan, mee besar dicelur. Ada limau potong dua, ada telur rebus. Rajin sikit, ada sambal asing. 
12. Siap. Insyaallah menjadi. 

Monday, April 05, 2021

Resepi: Muffin Coklat Pisang

Resepi Muffin Pisang Coklat (Bakar) diinspirasikan dari Chef Hanieliza


Bahan kering:
- 1 cawan tepung gandum
- 2 sudu besar serbuk kokok
- 1/2 sudu teh soda bikarbonat
- 1 sudu teh serbuk penaik
- sedikit garam

Bahan basah:
- 3/4 cawan pisang yang sudah dilenyek
- 1/2 cawan minyak jagung ( boleh diganti dengan minyak masak )
- 1/2 cawan gula perang
- 1 biji telur yang dipukul sedikit
- coklat chip secukupnya


1. Panaskan oven suhu 160°C selama 15minit.

2. Ayakkan semua bahan kering ke dalam mangkuk. Ketepikan.

3. Campurkan semua bahan basah ke dalam mangkuk lain dan kacau rata.

4. Masukkan bahan kering yang sudah diayak ke dalam campuran bahan basah. Kacau dengan whisk sekejap sahaja. Jangan terlebih kacau nanti muffin akan keras.

5. Letakkan kertas muffin ke dalam dulang  muffin. Cedokkan adunan tadi sehingga 3/4 penuh. Taburkan coklat chip di atas adunan muffin tadi.

6. Bakar selama 20-25minit ke oven atau sehingga masak. Cucuk dengan lidi untuk pastikan muffin sudah masak atau tidak. Siap.

Sunday, April 04, 2021

Malaysia without coins?

Back in primary school around 1995, I still remember my mother would give a pocket money of 30 sen for primary school and my sister in high school 50 sen. "Young people, give small amounts of money ah". Seems a small amount, but that was the power of the buyer in the old days. Now, buyer power is getting less with a mixture of world inflation and money politics. Do we remember the 1 sen copper brown coin? And it has been abolished, no more sellers putting Rm 0.99 on each of its items. Wink. 

Again, Malaysia without coins? You said it's impossible for this to happen, but I can say ... Yes, it will in one day. Am I a good friend of the government? No, I speak as a Malaysian. In my opinion, with the determination of the government and the world to use a cashless society on all its people, it will happen that no coins will be used. No coins, or even no real paper money! It is because of digital transactions, where the magic in your hands. 

Let's see which countries no longer use coins, in 2012 Canada stopped making one-cent coins. Australia, stopped producing new one- and two-cent coins in 1992. Saudi Arabia have less than US $ 3 in coins but all are almost worthless. Bahamas in January 2020, South Korea going coinless in 2020/2021? What about Malaysia? Come on, we can do it. 

This coins could soon become a thing of the past, and within elimination of lower value coins... Who's going to bring a heavy wallet with even full of coins when you can just scan everything with your smart phone? The cashier also will give you a death glare if we dump it on their counter. Right? So, why keep a coins when world changing very fast in everything. And with no coins, the coin collectors guy will give a smiley full of joy. 

A homeless without a coins? Something good, right? Digital homeless? Cries in the corner. Talking about about this, a government should do something about them. They still a people with a heart. They still a part of Malaysian, and please make them feel useful and independent. Open the board meeting, make a great plan, or use all university students ideas. They sure got something in their mind, like a fresh solutions.

So, see you all in future! 

Friday, April 02, 2021

My FIRE tips: At age 30's

What is FIRE? It's short form for Financial Independence, Retire Early. In the nice word, you want to get out from normal 8-5 job as early as you can. Not anyone can think about it or even achieve  this, because you really have to get out from own comfort zone. Lots of sacrifice need to be done before you really keep the fire in your hand. Can you imagine how beautiful it is to wake up in the morning without think about any kind of job demand but to do what you like? You passion about.

Erm, to answer the question, yes, I'm absolutely targeting a FIRE in my future. I surely enjoy my nursing field but but I more love my own space. Instead of retire from my job at age 55 or 60 with long hours standing and do hard flexible posture, apparently I want to fully retire before age 40 maximum. Based on my plan, I will pre-test my option at age 35 to see how the process and continue to do my best for next five years. Let's say my finish line at age 70 or 80, so I have like half of my life participate in world activities!

Right now, I'm in phase four of my life which is age 30 to 35. Another five years to prove something to myself that I will do better than before. Interesting story in these two months without any job or rushing 8-5 life, I can imaging how's my scenario look like. How I will spend my life with, the activities, visit my friends, environment to look at, and future expenses. In the same time, I took a time to slowly re-adjust my own details and set a new main goal: The contentment life. Sound right, but you know what it is? It's mean life with happiness and satisfaction. Beautiful right? 

It's really crazy actually to think about, but I can said that I'm an extraordinary person with striking mindset. Since when I think about this? Since I'm age 25, when world introduce me what difference between money and currency and bad inflation. Then, I start to plot my own story with identifies and listed out all valuable things I got. I know my financial level, and put on details how can I improve it. Since last five years, I realized my goals always be change and to be better. Not I ashamed but with new me from now on, I would hold this in very long time. 

Most important tip here is invest in yourself or keep update your financial intelligence. Luckily I likes reading, so this is not a hard work. I go from romantic useless story or TV drama to financial or any self development books in a second. Sometime it is quite boring but if you look closely it is very good motivational ideas. In achieving FIRE, I need to do something about passive or leverage income. With this, they truly pump my adrenaline to be hunger for successful and appreciate our precious of time. Simply word I can said is prepare own weapon before you go to the war field, honey.

Next tip is kind of hard but surely worth it, is remove a toxic people in your life. This unhealthy relationship can be from your own family, best friends or people you like so this time just stay yourself away from them. For me, I resign from my current job and move to another country. Shock? Nope, this is the best. I don't like people unsupported me, think I'm a bad competitor, or other ugly millions reason. I also got a soft heart to say that I don't like them and don't want to be with them, so I keep my distance. Win-win situation, and I'm happy with it.

This FIRE situation is not until age you're stop working and you aspect it run smoothly but it is throughout your life. For me, I want to stress about our dependent in future lifestyle option. Why? This is because if you want a luxurious house, new sport car every year, or shopping non stop...then, your household expenses need a super strong background. You have to be careful in making a decision, discuss with your partner for a better comparison. In my target, I choose to be in minimalist and simple house with small garden. Then, I will be a happiest person ever. Yup!

Okay, so this is it. Bye.

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....