Exposed them to public
Assalamualaikum. My family. My privacy. The one yang in my top list for what I protected about. And i will always put a big barrier between them and my world. Only saat arwah of my brother in law melalui saat-saat sukar. That time i'm a bit exposed and cried over for a reason that i can't terjemahkan. Hari-hari. Lepas habis kes, dapat mesej. That you knew the answer but you want to give them a hope? No. I can't do that. Mulalah your tears keluar because you can't be there for them. Be a shoulder that they needed. Sedih kan? Anyway. Tak suka sebenarnya nak share terlalu mendalam tentangnya. Because he's still our family member. And for this, we understood and respect each other about sesama privacy. Sebab tuh gak in term of privacy, my parents not too talkative la orang cakap bila bawak pergi mingle around. First expression kalau nak judge. Tak dinafikan. Habis la my future husband. Aiyoook. Pandai-pandailah kamu nak goren