
Divorce is hurtful but it is for a better

Divorce! Surely its not about me, I'm not married yet but I received a big news today about a it from my near relatives. I'm not in a good position to talk about this thing but it is a point of view from a single women in their 30's-I think I will proceed then. I know there are several reason "masuk akal" or not for file a divorce. But I blame both sided for it or vice versa, I support both sided. I don't choose either one because it take two to tango.

Decision to take someone your best friend or life strangers to become your partner, is a big life journey ahead. You may say her/his only your plus one, how about child then a role as a parents to them? Then, a role for in laws? Relatives? Then next to next generation? So, think carefully... You may tie a knot with different style, the result to accept and blended well together is a teamwork job. To me, communication the one. Say directly, humorously but trust way, and whatever for take clear line in it. 

Scandal or affairs or misunderstanding-mostly come from indecision and no self trust or support term. Love? Nah, i place that in second or third level. Is it that's' why I'm not married yet? Oh lalala... whatever, dude. You cannot be too perfect or change drastically for your partner, obviously it will faded in two three years. And don't fake anything, it will be reveal. Just say it, just do it. Even a married life until 30 years, if you can't be clear and belief towards each other-then it will ended near soon. 

Divorce for a women may be so pitiful and hard life, especially with children aside. But, how long can you swallow a poison? A toxic relationship, a tears-a painful-an abusive-or etc. Life ahead may be up and down but you don't know maybe little shiny diamond or bless more than everything from now. I support a divorce after few hard try to fix it. Just let it go, let it go. If you think you can't do it, just re-married and try again. Or be self belief and go on, move on.

Go travel, go out of the house. Be mingle, socialize. Go to the market, go to public garden. Show the world what tiny hope in you. Don't go party and impress others. Don't go shopping or you will be regrets. Don't be alcoholic, or smoking. It's unhealthy. Then, go back. A messy tears in bathroom is ok, a sad music may sound bad. But after that take a shower and eat something. Sleep with good motivational music and tomorrow is a new day!

Stay strong and keep your friends or family close. You need them, and good relationship ahead. A small support pretty much big helps. Don't afraid to seek therapy if needed. You can start from zero, from assistant to create something in life. Stay religious, and be confident. May your divorce title not drag you down, you will survive it and make it as best decision ever. Alright mate. 

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