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Islamic practice: Sunnah of pregnancy

Assalamualaikum. I knew mesti korang think i'm having a concussion to post something like this. No, i'm not preggo or what. Ohkey. Please. I just found this and it's so interesting. And want to post it here. As referrer later. Ehem. May one fine day, i get married and being pregnant and i can through this special feeling. That a weird little peanut in your tummy. So, i can bullied my partner to search this and read it for me. I will make sure he carik sampai jumpa. Anyway, Who knows? I plan, Allah the mastermind. Aamin. Copy paste from my favorite Facebook page ever. Islamic Practice page. Silalah like if sudi. SUNNAH OF PREGNANCY: ⭐Having children is one of the blessings of Allah. God provides us all with different rizq (well-being), health and offsprings. All of these things are gifts from God and we should be grateful for what we are given and never complain for what we don't have. ⭐It is sunnah to announce the bir