Cerita---Kerana two missed call
Assalamulaikum.. (Speechless)... Alhamdulillah! Lots of syukur dan du'a kepadaNya for the good news yesterday. Terima kasih ya Allah for given me the great chances! Sharing time: Yesterday, i forgot to bring along my phone (in my heart-hoping that nothing bad will gonna happens). Then end one day works time, go back home and i checked my phone--got two missed call from the unknown office number+one message. Tertanya-tanyalah saper plak gerangan tuan hamba yang rerajin call aku nih. Then, i tried call back. And the company named makes me likes palpitation+++ sekejap. After give my name and some chit chat---the lady said she will called tomorrow because its already dah habes office hour. So this lovely morning, i'll waiting for the call. Alhamdulillah! In excited-an-terlampau, i called my mum and two of my sist... After all, i cepat-cepat mandi (melekit kot balik keja) and wat solat sunat syukur. Sujud syukurku hanya untuk Mu. Terima kasih kehadrat Allah sekali lagi