
Showing posts with the label doakan aku


Starting good

Assalamualaikum. So, yeah. Already start class. No assignments yet. No presentation boom. Hihihiii. Cause more pada orientation week. Mentor mantee things... Untuk lecturers tengok which level we are. And again yeah. Dah move out from previous place. Easy and convenient. Sebab not gonna waste my time about 30 to 40 minutes sehala, then ulang alik everyday. Tambahan lagi, untuk in between ulang alik juga between UM class and PPUM hospital. My motorbike memang paling berjasa for this setahun belajar. Done agreements with hospital. All sorts of cop yang dikehendaki. And those form untuk dihantar. Harapnya nothing dah. Sebab don't wanna bawak motor jauh-jauh. I need a driver, please. Please, pray for me. My studies. Harap everything going well. Thanks. Senyum sikit.

Islamic practice: Sunnah of pregnancy

Assalamualaikum. I knew mesti korang think i'm having a concussion to post something like this. No, i'm not preggo or what. Ohkey. Please. I just found this and it's so interesting. And want to post it here. As referrer later. Ehem. May one fine day, i get married and being pregnant and i can through this special feeling. That a weird little peanut in your tummy. So, i can bullied my partner to search this and read it for me. I will make sure he carik sampai jumpa. Anyway, Who knows? I plan, Allah the mastermind. Aamin. Copy paste from my favorite Facebook page ever. Islamic Practice page. Silalah like if sudi. SUNNAH OF PREGNANCY: ⭐Having children is one of the blessings of Allah. God provides us all with different rizq (well-being), health and offsprings. All of these things are gifts from God and we should be grateful for what we are given and never complain for what we don't have. ⭐It is sunnah to announce the bir

Doakan aku, please.

Assalamualaikum, On July, 11th 2013 (thursday)... aku ada exam! Dup-dap-dup-dap. Nervous giler... Maybe pada rabu tu aku stay kat rumah kawan, nek train lepas habis kerja (sesak siot la gamaknya). Coz aku kena daftar dalam kol 7.30 pagi... So, aku akan buat yang sehabis baik. Cayo girl, you can do it. Aku harap semuanya berjalan lancar dan hati aku tenang seadanya. Dan aku harap tulisan aku still cute dan boleh di fahami. Yolah, kau kalau nak cepat, memang tulisan mengalahkan scientist! gila la. Relax... tarik nafas dan hembus perlahan-lahan. Ahaks! aku harap aku tak lupa kol my mum- adik beradik yang lain kat kampung or tercampak mana-mana untuk doakan terbaik untuk anaknya/ adiknya / kakaknya  ini. Yeah, aku kena write down kat kalender. Tulis ayat dan forward pada semua. Oh-yaeah. Selain doa, usaha dan tawakkal... aku jugak nak korang wish me all the best dan bebanyak support aku dari jauh. *terharu! Lastly, aku nak sambung study... sok aku ada class yang ter