
Showing posts with the label berapa lama rancang pergi umrah


The memory of 2018

Assalamualaikum, Seperti yang dijanjikan... About how my experienced bawa mak ayah pergi umrah. I go there April last year. Under agensi Tabung Haji. Alhamdulillah. Berjalan lancar. Actually semua yang dilalui, korang boleh seen in my previous post around awal May and the next. Satu persatu I written there. Untuk pilih agensi, and sort of barang apa nak bawa boleh cari around bulan February or March. Moga bermanfaat. I planned since mula bekerja di Sime Darby...where i got the weirdest dream in my life. Ia adalah titik permulaan segalanya. And from there, i revised everything for my future and my syurga. I also changed hospital and bernazar sangat, in at least five years kaabah is my goal. Alhamdulillah, rezeki Allah melimpah ruah. Around three years and half. I can berdiri mata kepala hati depan kaabah! Not only that, i sponsored also my mak, ayah and younger brother to tag along with my journey. Alhamdulillah again. Rasa dia memang sangat tak ternilai. Tak boleh nak